
Society Sucks

Steven Tyler said it best, "There's something wrong with the world today." I don't think I've ever been more appalled at being an American than I was last night and this morning when I read about the havoc going on in South Hadley, Massachusetts. Kevin Cullen painted a picture far more malicious than the movie Mean Girls. This real-life occurrence was like Mean Girls on steroids.

For a Readers Digest version of this heinous story, Phoebe Prince was a freshman at South Hadley High School just removed from moving to the United States from Ireland. She had a brief fling with a senior football player and apparently some of the natives from South Hadley didn't think she knew her place. One girl lead the charge on ridiculing this girl so mercilessly by cyber-stalking her every day on her Facebook, calling her an Irish Slut and throwing things at her. This festered inside of Phoebe until the point of no return. 10 days ago Phoebe killed herself. If that wasn't bad enough her little sister found her hanging in her closet. And in a bone-chilling sign of no remorse the girl went onto her Facebook and continued to badmouth Phoebe even after the suicide that she had a hand in. When questioned by the cops, she lied, and then went back onto the internet and paraded around about how she had eluded the cops.

I'm going to be the first to admit, I'm one to go ape shit whenever some Muslim does something stupid and proclaim we should kick out every one of them from the country. There is a lot of stupid, asinine, slanted things that I've said and done for that matter, but this is flat out evil. This girl needs to be punished. Facebook has a record of EVERY comment/status update/post that anyone has ever made and if she is berating this girl along with mocking the police after their interrogation, she needs to go. SOMETHING/SOMEONE needs to give. What are we instilling into our children, folks. You can bet, that if I ever found out that my child was doing anything to crush someone's spirit or do anything detrimental to their life that it would be nipped in the bud immediately, with a written apology and the assurance that it would NEVER happen again. My backside would have been worn out if I did anything like that and rest assure the same values would be instilled in my child.

But what if the tables were turned? What if my child were being bullied? No kid wants their parents to get involved with social issues at school, it's just not cool. But when it starts coming into your home by way of social networking tools and people throwing things at either of my children. You can bet I'm getting in my car and I'm going to the parents of these so-called bullies. Now to be honest, most parents don't know half of what goes on in school, and when they say "they do" you can look over and watch their teen's eyes roll. So when I get to their door and tell them what is going on, any self-respecting parent should sit their child down and if not beat their ass, tongue lash them to the point where you're literally screaming into their esophagus.

If this doesn't happen, and the parent tells me to essentially, fuck a goat, and I know that my child is on the verge of breaking down so much as to let it lead to suicide; I'm taking matters into my own hands and scaring the shit out of these kids. No person, I REPEAT, no person has the right to infringe upon anyone's inalienable rights and I will be damned if some little vindictive preppy bitch is going to take my child's life. I would gladly spend time in jail to preserve my child's life and I will freely admit that to any judge that wants to look a father of a gorgeous daughter in his eye and tell me otherwise.

So, what's next? Who else is there to blame? There are many people to blame. Obviously, first and foremost, that little shit playing mind-games with Phoebe.

  • Teachers- Every teacher at that school knew that these things were going on. There is not a shred of doubt in my mind. But what are they told to do now by the laws in this country? Avoid confrontation. These teachers should have stepped in and reported this immediately but they didn't. They should be taking bullying seminars, in order to deal with situations like this. But in this day and age when everything is about frogskins, going above and beyond at your job is clearly taboo.
  • Students- For every student that didn't stand up to this girl, you are cowards. You may be thinking who am I to call them a coward? The guy that risked alienating a good friend because he found out that her father was a kid diddler, and contacted authorities immediately. That's who! But I can't give you the entire blame for this because you clearly had no morals instilled in you by your parents.
  • Parents- Are you all for real? You're going to bring kids into this world and not teach them to be their own person and not to conform to society? You are pathetic. If you want your kids to go anywhere in life, they need to take the calculate risk. If one, just one, of your kids stood up and said, "If you pick on Phoebe again, I will put my foot so far up your ass that you'll be spitting out leather for a week" the odds that other kids would have backed said child would increase, along with the antagonist potentially having second thoughts about doing this as well. Collective Fail here.

To me this is a classic case of elitism. It sounds like this girl was supposedly King Shit before Phoebe moved to town and got pissed off when the seniors didn't want to tap her anymore. Phoebe Prince was lost from this world because someone didn't think she belonged on top of the High School Food Chain. Someone needs to do something, this shit is out of control.

Stay Tuned


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