
Paps Blue Ribbon

So Papelbon got the big bucks. People are/were pining for a trade of the All-Star closer but the fact of the matter is he is under our control for two years more and if we get rid of him now depending on what we got in return (most likely wouldn't be another reliever) our bullpen strength would reduce significantly. I personally am sick of his antics and his run off at the mouth 'style' (I don't believe I just said that) but when it comes down to baseball; shut your mouth, do your job, help your team win.

It's funny. I've never been more enthralled with any out of state political goings-on than I have about the Massachusetts Senate vote. I am so happy that the rightful candidate won. It's not just because I am a Republican, but because he ran the better campaign. This was one of the biggest upsets in the history of MA and is borderline comparable to being down 3-0 to the Yankees in '04, or the Patriots beating the heavily favored Rams in '01. Massachusetts is the most Liberal of ALL Liberal states in the nation and Scott Brown emerged victorious. That should NOT go unnoticed. I won't go into detail about my hatred towards Obama-care, or his "plan" to fix the economy. But I will say this, how's that hopey, changey shit working out for all y'all?

Ya know what amuses me? People doing stupid things. Be it on purpose or by accident that shit never ceases to amaze. While I was at work my douche bag neighbor ( I call him a douche bag because who likes to get woken up at 2AM to a thump on the ceiling) dropped his tools and one mysteriously fell through a crack and landed on my deck. Now this is puzzling to me because his deck, which is the exact same as mine, is made of solid oak with NO HOLES in it but I guess that's neither here nor there. So, instead of the wife running it up there throughout the day it is my responsibility because, "I don't know him." Newsflash, either do I, but I digress.

I take the short, yet solemn walk up the stairs to man above, and I give a firm yet friendly 3 knocks on the door. I hear some rustling around and then the click of a deadbolt unlocking. An open door followed by a shirtless young man bouncing around sort of like one of the monkeys from The Wizard of Oz with such a fierce fervor I ask if he had Parkinson's. Then he piped in with an, "Oh I was thinking you were someone else." I then wondered (unfortunately not aloud), "you greet most people like this?" On second thought can I get a ruling on if it's too late to go back up there and bounce up and down on his deck and say hi? Let me know.

Stay Tuned


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