
Hot Stove keeps on Burnin’

When I said the only move left was to give Mike Lowell the shaft, I forgot that Casey Kotchman was left out in the cold. But I have to worry no longer about what's going to happen to our favorite non-playing player on the team. He has been traded for a utility infielder, a minor leaguer, and cash. That is a brilliant move and it makes Lowrie not have to be the guy that we count upon until he can get healthy for a full season. Bill Hall is a poor (very poor) man's Mark Derosa, and now has his position cemented on this team. It's a minor deal in terms of names but it fills our roster and gives us a little pop on the bench.

Matt Holliday has signed with the Cardinals. As much as I pined for him, it was the right move for the Cardinals. Albert Pujols has publicly said he wants to come back IF and ONLY IF the Cardinals are committed to winning. Now there is NO ONE more dangerous than Albert Pujols, but the most dangerous person on the market was Matt Holliday and they signed him not only to enhance their lineup but increase their chances in extending the BEST FIRST BASEMAN IN HISTORY (Sorry Lou Gehrig). But this is going to affect St. Louis ( a semi-small market team) in the years to come when players like Pujols, or Carpenter, or Wainwright come close to free agency.

It would make sense that of those three players they will only be able to sign 2 of them…and one of them HAS to be Pujols, so then you need to choose between pitchers. Wainwright is younger and could have a longer shelf life which would seem to me the only decision to make which would put Carpenter on the Market when his deal is up without an eminent re-signing.

Ok, Now that we got all that stuff out of the way it's time to delve into the real issue of the day…Cravings.

For those of you that don't know, I'm on a diet. Partly because I am looking more and more like the Stay Puft Marshmallow man and partly because the inner Matthew McConaughey in me is screaming, "Put down that last Ho-Ho". Take a step back for a second, my mother gave birth to me just after she turned 19 so needless to say money wasn't at a premium when I was knee high to a grasshopper. So, I grew up on Macaroni & Cheese, Ramen, and WonderBread (The whiter the bread, the sooner you're dead; or so they say). Now with this diet I can't have any of this because of the carbohydrates, no fast food *starts to cry*, no sweets *openly weeping*, and no soda *full blown sobbing like that Britney Spears fan*.

So last night while I'm once again annihilating all comers in Blokus, we were entertaining a few guests when the customary snacks were brought out. Cookies, chips, you name it they were on display. So while I sit there salivating like Pavlov's Dog, everyone else is enjoying a few sweets and shooting the breeze. I decide that I need to have a snack so I walk into the other room and I start rummaging through the refrigerator and when I finally plop back down with a container full of green beans, everyone looks at their cookies and other assortment of savory treasures and starts laughing at me. I suppose it's the time that I should say I was laughing too, but this diet shit is for the birds. Right now I am Big Bird so I'm going to need to stick to my seed and just keep my beak shut.

Stay Tuned


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