
The Rebuttal

When Mark McGwire told Bob Costas that Jose Canseco's accusations about them "sticking eachother in the ass" with needles before games was completely false and that it was only a selling point to his book, you knew Canseco was going to come back and have something completely and utterly ruthless to say in return. Here's what he had to say:

"What McGwire has suffered, and I can say it straight to McGwire's face, is nothing, not even remote to what I've suffered, and he sits there and starts crying. Mark, *looks directly at camera coincidentally fucking Big Mac right in the corn shooter* There's no crying in baseball, you know that."

Wow, all I'm going to say is, wow. Well I guess that's not all I'm going to say but my next question is, how did Danny Bonaduce kick Jose Canseco's ass? That was one of the most pointed, bad ass, cock-diesel statements I've ever heard and he didn't even have to drop a, "fuck you" or a "Suck my dick".

Everyone knew that McGwire's story had holes, but to then be absolutely lambasted and have your dick drug in the dirt by Jose like this. Maybe this is the precursor to Jose's next celebrity fight club match and this was like the pre-match presser.

So my life was rather dull yesterday and I don't have any more side-splitting stories that are really going to wow you unless you really want to hear about the shit I had that looked strikingly like Chris Farley so, until tomorrow everyone!

Stay Tuned


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