
“Short”stop: The Underestimation

"Don't forget about the little people", "Big things come in small packages", and "a little bit goes a long way" are all ways to basically say that the small things in life are usually the best kept secrets. Now the Red Sox are really going to be reaching but could hit it big if the diminutive Dustin Pedroia can make a seamless transition to the other side of second base as the 2010 Opening Day Shortstop for the Boston Red Sox. The Red Sox, like myself, realize that investing anything more than one year for Marco Scutaro is another shortstop shitshow waiting to happen. But I'm here to give you the lowdown on whether to move him OR keep him at second.


  • He's willing to do it and has played the position before ( All-American at ASU as a SS)
  • He's a "dirt-dog" and you know his defense isn't going to be an issue
  • The Free Agent market for 2nd baseman is MUCH more plentiful than SS (Phillips, Hudson, Derosa)


  • Why mess with a good thing (Gold Gove 2nd baseman)
  • We don't know if his arm is strong enough to make the throw in the hole
  • Everything is unknown: Pedey playing SS at big league level and the incoming 2nd baseman in Boston.

I want to believe that Dustin can make this transition flawlessly but you have to wonder if his aspirations are bigger than his abilities. Dustin is going to be the Captain of this team when Jason Varitek retires and you want your captain to be the "rock" that will "take one for the team" or move positions for the betterment of the team. I'm about 75% thinking that he can do it, and 25% thinking he's just the Little Engine That Could.

Stay Tuned


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