
The Inner Workings of My Mind

I, like any other self-respecting Red Sox fan, have been pleading, nope graveling for Theo to get a BIG bat at one of the corner positions. But, there are a few factors that have NO immediate impact on the Red Sox that tell me that we may not be in line to get a big bat. I could just be spit-balling here but if the following thoughts haven't crossed Theo's mind than I should probably take over the reins. Everything anchor's upon the Catching situation (as it should):

Victor Martinez. Should the Red Sox extend him? I don't see a reason not to, especially given his ability to play first base and play in this market. But I have 2 words for you when you think about this, Joe Mauer. He is the 2nd best ballplayer on the planet (Albert's defense still takes the cake) and he is on the open market AFTER the 2010 season. I am also of the opinion that he SHOULD stay in Minnesota, he grew up there, was drafted there, he flat out is Minnesota in every stretch of the imagination. But if he wants to test the Free-Agent Market he IS GOING TO BE the first 300 million dollar man.

If the Red Sox want Victor Martinez to be their everyday catcher for the foreseeable future, than Mauer does not fit in Boston. But if you can try to get by with Mike Lowell for the year and have his contract (and David Ortiz's for arguments sake) come off the books, you are going to have room to offer an ass-load of cash to Joe Mauer, and then you can move Victor to first base full time.

But what does that mean for this season? Does that mean we have to go without that extra boost of offense (assuming we pay up for either Holliday or Bay) in a bopper at the corner? It would make sense to me NOT to move in on the Joe Mauer discussion. I love Joe Mauer more than any position player in baseball, even more than the immortal Albert Pujols. But the Red Sox can get better with adding multiple players for what Joe Mauer would cost on the open market.

For Starters, the Red Sox NEED to look into Miguel Cabrera. He will come at a price of .60-.75 cents on the dollar, because of his Alcohol, Weight, and Domestic abuse issues, not to mention his behemoth contract. So if we have to give up Buchholz, Lowell, DelCarmen, Reddick and a pitching prospect (Tazawa?) than that's what we should do for a player that's going to hit .320 and hit around 40 HRs and drive in 120. That's 20 mil. Then we can sign the rest of our roster for somewhere right around what it would cost for Joe Mauer.

There is one other player on the Red Sox (Sorry Mike Lowell) that doesn't deserve a roster spot come spring training on this team. That was the aforementioned Manny DelCarmen. His ERA ballooned every month higher and higher, and towards the end of the year Tito Francona would only put him into situations that it didn't matter what he did or not. His fastball is straighter than an arrow, his curveball used to have an impressive amount of bite but now is more flat than effective, and his change-up is his best pitch but when your best pitch isn't your fastball (unless you're a knuckle baller) you're a horseshit pitcher.

Out of the Box-

No one EVER suspects ANY of the HUGE moves that Theo and Co. have done over the years so here's a couple names to think about just to add a little fuel to the fire.

Justin Morneau-You would think that this is an absolute no-no for the modern day version of the "M&M Boys", but the Twins cannot afford to lose Joe Mauer, and as good as Morneau is, Mauer is better. He's the face of their franchise, and Morneau could be had with a hefty package of prospects and major league ready talent. He just signed a 6 year 80 million dollar contract and if that came off the books, the Twins could pay WHATEVER Minnesota wants.

Prince Fielder- Fielder is also someone that could be obtained with the right combination of players, talent, and cash could pry him away from Milwaukee. He's not a small man, but it's not for lack of trying (he's a vegetarian) but the guy can flat out rake, and his defense has gotten better.

Carlos Pena- Yes, it's within the division, but the Rays are always trying to shed payroll and obtain young players. Pena's defense is Gold-Glove worthy and the Rays need pitching.

There aren't many 3rd baseman that either don't have a team-friendly contract whom are wrapped up for a long time, or have a nasty contract, or are very poor defensively. So unless another team has a lapse in judgment, the Red Sox could ONLY obtain a legit First Sacker rather than a hot corner inhabitant.

Stay Tuned


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