
Remember When?

On a morning that started at 4 (Oh, the joys of parenthood) when it should have been 6, twisting my knee because I stepped on a tea-lite and fell to the floor at 5:30AM, the truck wouldn't start because the gas froze, and the split lip (Thanks, Babe!) is bugging the ever-living piss out of me, do you think I'd let that get me down? If you guessed yes, you're right. But I would NEVER want to disappoint my fans who look forward to this here establishment everyday with bated breath. But there isn't much baseball stuff to go down other than the Yankees about to sign Nick Johnson to be their DH. Outloud, I'm saying, "great another productive hitter." Inside, I'm thinking, "well they'll need to go get another bat on April 5th when Johnson goes down with a SEVERE fingernail contusion." So all I have for you today is a bunch of random thoughts about absolutely nothing of purpose. Ready?

  • Is it just me or does John Hensley (or Matt McNamara from Nip/Tuck) look strangely similar to Darren Hayes of Savage Garden?
  • Does anyone else remember LFO, BB Mak, or O-Town, because I do.
  • The Top 3 shows from my childhood, in order, were: Captain Planet, VR Troopers, and Boy Meets World.
  • On the Topic of VR Troopers, it wipes the floor with Power Rangers, and anyone that wants to take the opposing view had better be prepared to duel 'til the death.
  • 3 Movies you need to see if you haven't: A Clockwork Orange, 25th Hour, The Orphan.
  • There's something fishy for lack of a better term about the tragedy surrounding former Bengals Wide Receiver Chris Henry.
  • If you're bored and enjoy sports stories read this.
  • Although I'm speculating here *smiles un-knowingly* I am floored with the prospect of reading "60 Feet 6 Inches" by Reggie Jackson and Bob Gibson after Christmas.
  • Do the Indianapolis Colts have the proverbial "horseshoe" up their ass or what?
  • I don't think I've ever been more captivated by a television show more than Nip/Tuck, which will tragically come to an end in March.
  • I used to think Bill Simmons was a god-send, but he strikes me most likely as one of the ESPN Employees who can't keep their dick in his pants because of a little bit of limelight.
  • I've talked about the peons in the bathroom (pun 100% intended) that can't just give you the appropriate head nod, but what happens when the VP of your company strikes up a conversation, mid-stream? Who's in the wrong here?
  • Does anyone else drop what they are doing and watch The Jacksons: An American Dream, every time the goddamn thing is on?
  • Underrated hottie of the week: Anna Kendrick.

Stay Tuned


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