
A Good Old Fashioned Tongue Lashing

I'd say today is about as good a time as any for a rant. What do you think? By now all of you have heard about Curtis Granderson going to the Yankees, and I for one am enraged. Not with the Yankeees, although my hatred is fumigating through my body like tear gas, I am pissed at Theo Epstein and the bullshit John Henry is slinging.

I didn't want the Red Sox to go after Curtis Granderson, but if I did, when the Tigers ask for Clay Buchholz AND Jacoby Ellsbury I'd probably take the Tigers GM's phone and shove it sideways up his ass and say "you can take Josh Reddick and Manny DelCarmen, Felix DuBront and Junichi Tazawa", which is the same, if not better, than the deal that the Yankees just gave them. But now the Yankees have the AL All-Star Game Starting infield sans Joe Mauer, with a Gold Glove, All-Star Center Fielder. So they could realistically have 5 of the starting 9. that is the most egregious thing I've ever heard. But all that withstanding, What the Fuck is Theo doing?

Stop posturing. Stop haggling. Do something. If we show up in Fort Myers with JUST Marco Scutaro, and at the very least Jason Bay, do you really think that Red Sox Nation is going to stick around to watch the Red Sox finish in 2nd place by 10 games? You're going to raise ticket prices for a team that WILL NOT win a Championship because of a team that knows no bounds with money. I have ALWAYS been on Theo Epstein's side as far as best GM's in the game and I will still stand by it. But with the payroll flexibility they have, although a slim free-agent market, there are players that would improve this Red Sox team, and the trigger needs to be pulled. (Not to shoot yourself, wait until the Yankees obtain Halladay through trade, then you can).

Theo can't get all the blame here however, the horse shit that John Henry is parading, about being the 16th market in baseball is not only disheartening about the prospect of making any sort of investment this offseason, it's downright infuriating. John Henry is taking the inner-workings of Bud Selig, BUD FUCKING SELIG'S, rankings of different market's in the United States for baseball. So, supposedly one of the smartest businessmen just listened to a guy that decided that a baseball game should end in a tie? Maybe you should have graduated from college instead of leaving a few credits short and you'd realized you're an imbecile. I don't want to suggest that you're pocketing money like the Bernie Madoff, but if you're going to put forth a team that couldn't compete in the NL West, yet you can offer 100 mil TOTAL for one Daisuke Matsuzaka, you're organization is about to get railroaded by the guy from BangBros (Yikes, my corn-shooter just winced).

As they say, "It's shit or get off the pot time," now and the Red Sox can't afford to alienate their fanbase any more than they already have by combating Mark Teixeira and now Curtis Granderson with Marco Scutaro. If there is a deal on the table that is good for both the long term and the short term make it, if it costs you an extra million a year to do it, do it. I am not advocating on gutting the farm system for nobodies that are going to be one hit wonders, we need established players to give our lineup some thump, our defense some stability, and/or our pitching rotation the depth and not just depth but quality that we covet. Don't wait, Nike. (Just Do It, in case you didn't get that joke)

Stay Tuned



  1. Something about the sox settling on a shortstop who has a career .265 avg, .337 obp, .348 slg, and a .721 ops is rather unsettling. The rich getting richer, while the other rich arent doing anything.

  2. Trust me i know, and as much as I don't like the deal who else could they have got...a full season of Gonzalez would probably have proved to be a varitek like automatic out.
