
Hell Just Froze Over

If I were in front of Theo, I would pull out a line from the Chris Tucker blockbuster, Rush Hour (okay that was an over-statement), but " Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?" We've already gone over the facts, that he's old, he has an OBP of below .350 for his career and while his defense is good, it is just barely positive (0.9) in UZR ratings. I obviously, don't like the signing, and I will be the first to eat my words if he comes anywhere near his numbers from a year ago, but I don't see it happening, and I have to wonder if this move is a precursor to something bigger.

On a team like the Red Sox versatility is a MAJOR point of emphasis (see: Youkilis, Kevin), and I am still holding out that this is a precursor to a big move. This could be complete nothingness on my part but with Scutaro being a better fielding 2nd baseman than a Shortstop and also having the capability to play 3B and LF, he could become a more cost efficient, Mark DeRosa-type player. This could still leave the door open for dealing for a Bopper to put at the corners.

The only good thing about this deal was the monetary value of the deal. He seemingly took less money to be here for 2 years with an option year; at 5 mil per both years, with a 6 mil team option, and a 3 mil player option but with a twist that probably should have gone on in Jason Varitek's current contract, a buyout option for 1.5 mil. I commend you for that, and here's to you completely putting a giant foot in my ass, but I'm pretty sure my slandering will be more than praising over your tenure here. Just sayin.

This move has now made one more player expendable, Jed Lowrie. I'm going to start off by saying that he has NO value on the trade market other than for a voucher at the local Food Stamp station, but now he has no spot on this roster IF Scutaro is used as a Super-Utility, and could be one piece that is moved in a trade. At this point in time, if the Red Sox are trying to find lightning in a bottle like they did with Bill Mueller and Kevin Millar in '03, I don't think Marco Scutaro and Jeremy Hermida are going to cut it.

As a fan, and ass-hat blogger, if this is all the Red Sox do this offseason, it is an utter fml-fest. If your answer to Mark Teixeira is Marco Scutaro, you deserve to get brutally maimed by Tiger Woods from behind. This is why I refuse to believe that the Red Sox are standing pat through the winter meetings. If the Red Sox want that sellout streak to continue they had better invest in someone that strikes fear in the opposition. It doesn't matter who it is. But something needs to be done.

The major question I have is: Why does Seattle all of a sudden have all this money to throw around at Jason Bay and Chone Figgins, whom they are said to be the front runners for both, when Felix Hernandez is nearing his first go at Free-Agency? It could be a ploy to convince him that they are dedicated to winning in the long run, and if they sign both Bay and Figgins, and acquire another pitcher somehow, I will pick them to conquer the VERY winnable west.

Stay Tuned


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