
Wednesday instead of Friday Rumblings

Today's the last day of the work week for me, and with the only potential signing being Troy Glaus potentially going to the Braves, I'd rather let the inner-workings of my brain just regurgitate onto the page here.

  • A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, is in fact the stupidest "saying" I've ever heard because no one really ever says it or really knows what it means.

  • Also, just a reminder, Mark Teixeira signed the day before Christmas last year, so there could be some fireworks over this long weekend, here's hoping for a Boras Special in Boston.
  • If you pull out in front of someone you had better drive like a bat out of hell because if I have to slam on my brakes I will in fact be in your backseat.
  • Does anyone else remember the old sneakers that everyone used to wear: LA Lights? Well Sketchers has now made their own version called the S-lights. I loved the Nineties but these new shoes look like a goddamn police car, you're better than that Sketchers.
  • The DMV of New Hampshire and their newfound paper license as a sort of prequel to the real thing is the most infuriating "cost-cutting" measure I've ever seen. There is absolutely no way it saves money to print off the paper ones, and then have one made up at the Capitol and then mailed to your house. Asinine
  • Lately I've really been trying to hone in my poker skills on the felt by watching heads-up matches, but I'm starting to believe the only reason I'm watching is because of the poker goddess, Vanessa Rousso. That saucy little minx.
  • Wonders what really happened with to Brittany Murphy. Anorexia finally catch up to her?
  • Wow, didn't realize Michael Jordan was this hard up on cash.
  • This may actually be the finest display of vocals I've EVER heard.
  • Watching Snooki get housed on Jersey Shore was hilarious but how did that douche bag not get his face pounded in by ANYONE before the cops got there, weak. Also, massive fail by MTV for not showing the actual clock-cleaning.
  • Not to toot my own horn, but there is no Sudoku to difficult to me, sort of aggravating to be so damn good at everything.

All of ya'll have a Merry Xmas and I'll be back on Monday, with probably some alcoholically based, Clark Griswold-esque stories. So with that I guess Clark said it best, "Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Kiss my ass, Kiss his ass, Kiss your Ass, Happy Channukah."

Stay Tuned


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