
A Series of VERY Fortunate Events

In my long overdue return to the blogosphere SO many things have happened for me and Red Sox Nation as a whole. For all of you that don't follow me on twitter ( DO SO), I have just been given the treasure of having a beautiful, healthy baby daughter. Her name is Chloe, and I have never been more in love with one person than I am when I look at her. She has officially watched her first Red Sox game with Daddy and like on the night that my son was born ('07) they won. We all know what happened later in that year, and if they win again it looks like I'm going to have to bear more fruit of my looms every two years until they stop winning the World Series.

Well life can't be all rainbows and handjobs, but it certainly seems like it the last 6 games around Lansdowne Street. Starting with a mini-sweep of our favorite grinding wheel, followed by a blast from the past in the dismantling of the lowly Rays, and a good start against their October flogging mates. We've seen the reemergence of Josh Beckett as an actual ace rather than a Washington National, a solid start from He Who Shall Not Be Named, and a record by a slugger that will stand for quite a while.

Josh Beckett flat out dealt on a soggy night at Fenway. Giving up 1 run in 5+ innings in a 9-1 "shitting upon" of the fading Tampa team. The devastating movement on the 2-seamer was back, the Curveball was biting and his 4-seam was explosive. Look out Los Angelos of Anaheim Beckett is back and your playoff hopes just took a cancer like turn for the worse.

He Who Shall Not Be Named does not yet deserve to be referred to by his given surname but last night's start was encouraging. I realize I'm a bit of a "Debbie Downer" on the Mr. Miagi of the team but at one point after 50 pitches he had thrown 25 strikes that's not going to get it done later on. But it's a reassuring sign that he can get into the 6th inning now without giving up a run. I will however be the first to admit that I was taking bets on the over/under at 3 innings for his start. The Artist Formely known as Dice-K is back and let the maddening nibbling begin.
David Ortiz hammered a fastball in the 8th inning of the contest, which gave him the all-time Home run lead for Designated Hitters. This record is going to stand for a while being that Ortiz still has at least 3 productive seasons left before a monumental Jim Rice like decline. Can anyone here honestly say that they thought he would be approaching 30 dingers, and 100 runs batted in? We still believe in you Papi.

Wishing the best of luck to Senor Embrague (Martinez) and Kevin Youkilis while they are gone.

Stay Tuned


  1. "........I'm going to have to bear more fruit of my looms....."


  2. i thought that was a good touch, no?
