
Just One Measly Little Win

So, maybe you (Red Sox) don't know this. But you're now back in the cozy confines of Fenway Park. When you're here you win. OK? That was the most paltry, rudimentary pitching I've ever seen. Not just because we threw out the Double-A All-Stars but the pitch sequences were like fastball-fastball-curve; fastball-fastball-change. Mix that shit up! Yes you want to establish your fastball but when you are getting ass-raped by the likes of Rod Barrajas I'd say its probably time to take a new approach. Michael Bowden or the Red Sox version of Kevin Tapani has seen his stock decline immensely since the beginning of the year. In April, being hailed as "untouchable" he has plummeted to the point where he has ALMOST no value for a big name player anymore. If you want a player in the offseason Sox fans be prepared to deal Bard and Casey Kelley as your starting points when the trade partner asks for prospects.

Beckett was scratched with an upper left back spasm. Tito went on record saying "that's good", for the novice's out there that is good more so because it's not his upper right back more than anything because anything that close to your shoulder would be cause for concern. I'm confident he'll be fine, but it is a bit of a question as to all the griping he's been doing lately about "feeling" different injuries. Also, that Lefty that steals my heart every time he takes the rubber is fine. There is no need to fret, they are going to keep him on a short leash anyway his next outing in preparation for the ALDS and we can all catch up on some sleep this week because next weeks' work week is going to be not friendly staying up late but I will be damned if I let the Los Angeles of Anaheim of California of the United States, own me because of a technicality called time zones. And Please, pick a goddamn city, if not for me but for the betterment of mankind.

The Magic number scenario actually makes me laugh. We haven't won in 4 games yet we have seen our Magic Number been reduced to one. That means that When Buchholz gets the W and let's face it…He's getting that goddamn W…We will be poppin' Crys, and throwing 30-rack boxes on top of our heads while the Dropkick Murphys blare in the background. Just One Measly Little Win you wide-eyed little whipper snapper, please appease me.

There are some very big developments going on elsewhere in baseball though or haven't you noticed since Dancing With The Stars was on last night? This Race in the Central is setting up to be epic with a rain out yesterday that sets the stage for a Day/Night Doubleheader that could make or break the Division. Everyone wants the small market Twinkies to take it because they don't spend money and play ball the right way. The Baseball Purist in me says "F Yeah", but the competition in the Division series will be far less from the Minnesota Cuddyers than from the Pitching Triumvirate from Motown. Detroit needs to win this game partly because I want to see 100 miles per hour every other pitch shredding through that Yankee lineup cementing that inevitable October Meltdown from Alex Rodriguez.

In the National League, yes they still have a league over there, Atlanta is defecating all over their opposition right now and pulling within 2 games of the idle Rockies. Once again everyone wants the small market team because they have "less talent" and operate differently but screw that, I want to see the Braves back in the Postseason and that pitching staff is going to be tough to beat with 5 legitimate starters (Lowe, Vazquez, Jurrjens, Hudson, and Hanson). If they can somehow sneak by the Rockies and take that Wildcard slot, the Braves are going to beat the Dodgers and I'm almost willing to say in 3 games but I'll give our old friend Man-Ram some credit and say they lose in 4…if they sneak in the Braves will be in the ALCS.

Going to be a Wild Week.

Stay Tuned


1 comment:

  1. If I hadn't stopped reading when you mentioned trading Bard, I would have loled at this,"Just One Measly Little Win you wide-eyed little whipper snapper, please appease me."
