
Could this be the year?

Is it just me, or does Mike Scioscia look like Mr. Wilson from Dennis the Menace when he's PMSing at the umpires. To be fair, Nick Green should have been rung up twice, but am I going to complain? NOTTA CHANCE.

Who the hell is this slick fielding, bomb hitting, clutch raking Shortstop manning the 9 hole for the local nine. That hit is one of if not the "amazingest" hits of the season aside from the Walk-off bombski from the Youkka against the Empire, but what in the flying Christ is the Angels left fielder doing not diving for that ball? That was one of the most Busch League things I've seen this year, and If I'm Brian Fuentes I'm dumping PineSol into his Cap'n & Coke after the game.

We all know that the Angels wilt under duress with the best of 'em, but is anyone else feeling the electricity in the ballpark (or living room if you will.) This team is now coming up with the big hit (No Varitek I'm not picking on you, this time), the defense has been impeccable and aside from the Byrd-Man throwing like, well, Paul Byrd the starting pitching has had an ERA under 2 the last 7 games.

In the wake of reading that my beloved Heidi Watney was practically esophagus deep down Nick Greens throat with her tongue I have decided that I need to find a new object of my fake affection that doesn't spread like Oleo. Any suggestions? I was leaning towards these three girls.

Stay Tuned

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