
He’s Got the Magic Stick

One Word: Wow. That is how I'm describing the little tingly feelings in my dungarees that Clay Buchholz gave me last night. I'm going out on a limb (not unusual for this blogger) but I'm willing to compare his start to what I saw from Zack Greinke the other night. That being said I'm sure Jim Rice wasn't impressed. Dominating people with a fastball of up to 97 (where the hell did that come from?), Mystifying them with the 12-6 curveball, and donkey punching the collective Royals team with that changeup everytime they swung and missed. This was BY FAR the best I have seen him since his no-no and I LIKE what I see entering the last week of the season. When batters say that his changeup is one of the best in the game, in thus his "rookie season" I'm starting to see it. Simply stated: Wow.

Victor Martinez and Dustin Pedroia EACH extended their hitting streaks. Victor Martinez became the Red Sox All time hit streak leader for switch hitters and Dustin Pedroia is just printing off tickets to the gun show night after night. I have to think that BOTH of them are going to rake tonight against a struggling douche bag Joba Chamberlain.

I realize that the Division is pretty much out of reach with the Sox throwing up a stink bomb earlier this week against KC. But as everyone knows when you play 30 games over .500 at Fenway all you need to do is go even on the road and you'll get into the playoffs. They earned a split and that's what they needed. They HONESTLY didn't need to take 3 out of 4. Would it have been nice, yes, but they needed a split.

Now I know that this weekend's series doesn't mean much in terms of standings or how the next week will play out. But I really want to have New York take one right up the tailpipe this weekend. Lester is going to win tonight. Bottom line. The Yankees look like the Lowell Spinners when he's on the mound and Joba Chamberlain has been going tits up for the better part of a month now. Daisuke vs. CC doesn't look good on paper, but if that sneaky little Asian can feign his way into the 6th possibly 7th and we can get CC's pitch count up we could maybe pull one out. I know most of you guys like to believe that when a game is a LOCK on paper it will NEVER happen. But I'm proclaiming that Paul Byrd will NOT win against the Yankees. If he does I am willing to take suggestions from ANYONE as to what I'll do and will post a poll on Twitter to tally up results. Just to be clear, He has to GET the W not just pitch well. Any takers?

Cap'n and Cokes for ANYONE that comes to my house tonight for the game. Probably going to be a little sideways at some point throughout the night, but that's fine with me. Lefty on the Mound, Captain and Cokes all around! Until Monday, Stay Thirsty My friends.

Stay Tuned


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