
Objects May Be Closer Than They Appear

With the Yankees pretending to be their interstate counterpart for the last two weeks, we are creeping ever so close back into the AL East Race. The Yanks' have been on cruise control now for better than a month, and with CC expected to go Ankiel on us, and A-Rod primed for an "oh-fer" October, I'd say there's no better time than now to as Patches O'Houllihan would put it, "grab em by the horns and hump them into submission." David Ortiz's comment when asked if they can catch the Yankees: "Why not?" Look out Bombers, there's gonna be fireworks in the 'Boogie Down' this weekend!

Clay Buchholz, where to start. The enamored 'deer in the headlights' look is a bit disheartening, but sweet Christ can this kid pitch. Please castrate me I'm actually looking forward to seeing him start in the playoffs. I've given him a ton of shit and I'm not sorry because ya know in the big scheme of things I'm a peon that doesn't matter much anyway, like Dan Shaughnessey. Sox win a 3-1 ball game and he once again is entrenching himself in that third spot and the Jaws of Life won't get him out of there come October! Get Ready Fenway Faithful, our first playoff game at home (barring us, defecating all over the Yankees and taking the division) is going to be Say Hey Clay, and I for one am VERY CONFIDENT.

I'll tell ya one thing, I'm NOT gay, but when Jon Lester steps onto the mound I get a funny feeling in the pants. On Saturday, that funny feeling went flaccid with his loss of command for the strike zone, but still let us not forget, this is the Orioles, and Jon Lester doesn't lose to any Orange toting birds. We were borderline stymied through 6 but in the 7th, "The chickens came home to roost, Bobby Boucher!" A 3-3 Deadlock QUICKLY got out of hand and ended up turning into an 11-5 W for the Good Guys. Also a well deserved round of applause for Manny DelCarmen and his pitching stylings on Saturday night. Back to Back Yardwork, followed by a walk in an 11-3 game in the 9th inning. Hell, that's not even pressure and you can't pitch. I suppose when Billy Wagner says that 'everyone in the bullpen could close' for another team he's excluding 'origami' (see: folds under pressure).

When He Who Must Not Be Named it should be Must See Television. But I will freely admit, that I was enamored by Louie Anderson's, I mean Rex Ryan's remarks and had to let me "He-Man" nature kick in and watch the Patriots Flog the Lowly Jets. Oh, you're saying ESPN has the J-E-T-S Jets winning that game. F My life. Either way from what I gathered, 'He' attacked the zone, again, and the Sox steamrolled the Orioles for a disgusting season series record of 16-2. OUCH

Around the League~

What the Fuck is going on in the AL Central? If the Tigers lose the division to the Twinkies, the Yankees might as well print a ticket to the ALCS now (barring a shitting down their throat by the Sox this weekend, (anyone else seeing this pattern)). I LOVE JOE MAUER, but without Mourneau and that slipshod at best pitching staff they are going to be eaten alive in 3 games against the 'Pinstripes'.

As much as I want to see the Giants in the Postseason, I'm starting to come w/ grips that their offense is just slightly better than a New Kids On The Block celeb softball tourney and won't suffice come October. If I'm their GM I'm finding a way to get a POWER outfielder/1st Basemen this offseason, AT ALL COSTS. If not you can expect Lincecum to walk when he's eligible…I'm just sayin.

Why are the Rockies this good? Their only good pitcher is Ubaldo Jiminez, and although their offense isn't bad, pitching wins ballgames. Just another reason why when you think you know baseball it flips you around and screws you, dry.

Milton Bradley, 30MM for 3 years, Great investment. Nuff said.

Stay Tuned



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