
Screw York

Fhat the Wuck? So that series went over about as well as a fart in church. It seemed competitive until the "shot heard round the world," on Jon Lester's knee Friday night and then after that it was as if they were playing war. We (Bos) lay down and you (NYY) blow the fuck out of us. Too bad no one actually took me up on that offer on the table when Paul Byrd suddenly morphed into Smokin' Joe Wood and kept the Yankees at bay for 5 2/3.

So Jon Lester is OK. I'm sure everyone else felt that same feeling you do when you get punched in the scrotum and you can feel it up in the back of your throat when that baseball pelted Jonny's knee. The scene was gruesome, thinking about it was worse, but this guy is a friggin machine. The only dismaying thing that ended up happening Friday night other than the loss, was the fact that the Yankees seemed to figure out Jon Lester. The drinks were flying around my house like crazy and the more I had the more belligerent my comments were. I'm pretty sure Twitter is now my now outlet for letting out drunk remarks and for those of you who put up with me on that platform I'm sorry. But they went as followed:

alright everyone i'm clearly shithoused. This formula didn't work #redsox #jobalikesboys.

Ugh...I'm pretty positive that Joe Girardi and Liberraci are soulmates #redsox #yankeesarestillhomos

#redsox...Manny Del Carmen is Clearly Elton John's significant other

These were just a few of the gems I happened to let fly deep into Friday night. And I'm not sure why everyone involves some sort of man on man action but I still think most of them stand true. So, Raise your glasses to a coherent drunk that types with FLAWLESS accuracy.. OYE!

So about the division; I think I'm about ready to go after it. *small whisper from across the room* Strike that. So about the Wildcard. THE BEST THING that has happened to baseball since the jockstrap. Texas is clearly determined to force feed us the Wild Card Spot on a Silver Platter. I guess I'm finally ready for a Boston-Anaheim slugfest that involves 2 blown saves by the Angels including a walk off at Fenway Park, followed by Mike Scioscia having that look of "did you just kick my dog" on the top step of the dugout. *sniffs* Yes Fall is in the air.

I went into the NYY series KNOWING that we didn't need to win any. Am I pissed that we got the piss kicked out of us? Of course. But there is ALWAYS some method behind Tito's madness. I'd say I'll see you in 2 weeks NYY but I'm pretty sure that you're losing to Detroit in the ALDS. I can see Justin Verlander currency being printed in Detroit when they win.

Stay Tuned


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