
Happy Spring Training!

Happy Spring Training Day Everyone. I'll have the blog on predictions towards the end of Spring Training, but It is good to see that Lackey looked strong, Beckett and Lester also looked good, and that Buchholz has been throwing regularly and putting on weight. That is precisely what Lester did 2 years ago too before he catapulted into the Top lefty in the American league status. But what about He Who Shall Not be Named, (Yup he's back on my shit list)? Friggin little douche bag is now sore from working out, here's an idea, lay off the sake and dumplings jack ass. And Timmah? Tim, as far as I've heard, looks stiff. I'm looking for him to start on the DL and then come through in May and spot start and then work in for Daisuke when he strains his ass muscle during warm-ups (don't laugh, his candy ass will do this.)

We have more important issues. Some chump decided it would be a good idea to take HIS plane and fly it into the IRS building. Are we for fucking real? That is so 2001. You got a problem with the IRS call Obama, he seems to have answers for everything. So he not only decides it's a good idea to put the lives at risk of other Americans but he's going to burn his house down in the process. Wow is this a joke? Honestly is this Shutter Island? My question is how does someone with OBVIOUS IRS problems own his own jet? Hmmm…

Then it comes to my attention that a "suspicious" package was dropped off at John Kerry's office building with "suspicious liquids" in it. It's probably alcohol, because we all know that Liberal's don't drink. I mean don't get me wrong I don't like John Kerry as much as the next guy but let's say this threat is real, what does this achieve? Alright the stand-in for Jay Leno just bit the bullet, well played, shmuck.

Then I hear about a fucking bomb threat on a plane supposedly heading to San Francisco. Holy shit America, who shit in your Wheaties? Everyone needs to take a step back and just take it down a notch. If anyone really needs to get a visit from the reaper its Tiger, and we're all friggin hand jobs and puppies about him right now. Wake up people, life sucks then ya die. Unless you're the writer for Bottom of the Ninth and your fame knows no bounds…Thanks for the 7 people that actually read this religiously. Now pardon me while I go run the train on (by myself)a bunch of nuns. Wow did i just say that?

Stay Tuned


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