
Friday’s Rumblings

I know I missed a post this week so I'm hoping that today's Rumblings will make up for that. So without further ado, let's get into my head from the past week, eh?

  • Surprise, Surprise President Obama's approval rates plummet. Every deadline he has set so far has passed and he has failed. The economic crisis is NOT his fault but taking out billions after billions to pass your health care bill is only making our deficit look more and more insurmountable. Congratulations America, you voted for him. I did not.
  • Not gonna lie to you, I never thought this "Man in Black" was going to be a "Man in an Orange Jumpsuit" Well played.
  • Everyone remembers Michael's first rendition of The Moonwalk, or the first real crossover when Aerosmith joined forces with Run DMC, or Hendrix's spell-binding version of the Star-Spangled Banner, but, the spectacle that Pink displayed at the Grammy's last weekend could very well be the next iconic performance in this era. PS. When did I begin to want to rail her so badly?
  • I've never really been a fan of Wyclef Jean, but I don't think I gave Sweetest Girl a chance, the lyrics are off the hook, flow is sick, and the message is really deep.
  • What the hell happened to Craig David? This guy's voice alone get's more pussy than Tiger Woods. Thought he had staying power, what a trip.
  • Can someone please Shoot Punxsutawney Phil? This little douche bag rodent keeps spittin' out bad news like it's his mo' fo'in job.
  • Maybe my rap game is starting to come full circle, because I just watched Notorious and decided I needed a nickname, an entourage and some sick-ass beats. I think the BOTN Entourage will suffice (for now), I've been known to spit a few beats and have the occasional knock-your-socks-off freestyle, but a nickname? How about, Monotonous N-O-R-T? That'll do.
  • I'm sick of all the hoopla surrounding Anna Kournikova (looks good never wins, am I right?), I'm bringing it back to yesteryear. Martina mother F-ing Hingis! This girl was a flat out dominator on the court and eliminator in my drawers. Atleast she won shit occasionally.
  • So as most of you know I'm on a mission. Not only to get married to the First Lady, but to get absolutely Shredded. I've recently gotten a gym membership and I have to say the results are coming along NICELY. (I'll post pictures when I look more like Buff Bagwell) But I've got to say, if I EVER in my life hear these
    in succession again, I'm going to Yah mo' Burn That Place Down.
  • If you're ever bored and want to die laughing, look up anything on urbandictionary.com , some of the funniest definitions you'll ever read, Might I suggest the "Screaming Seagull" or the "Alabama Hot Pocket". A brief disclaimer: if you have a weak stomach do not read.

Well, b'deep, b'deep, b'deep, b'deep, That's all folks.

Stay Tuned


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