
Can you Handle it?

Well, at least I know some people still read this…because the hits keep on a comin'. But one BOTN regular suggested (in the comment section even!) that we get an All-Star Cast of the BOTN readers and of course, me (which is obviously bad news for you all) and start a Fantasy Baseball League. We could even Name the league BOTN, because I'm really intuitive like that. Honestly though, I would be willing to put my reputation as baseball savant on the line against some of the normal folk…So if you're interested Leave it in the comments…the first 9 people to leave it in the comments will get to be in on this one and I will get everything set up and give you the League info after I set it up. Be there, or be a douche.

Ummm…yeah, about Saturday Night, I was a ruddy mess. (Spoken in my best Bill Lumbergh Voice) I'm not sure if it was the continuous Flip Cup competitions, 1/3 of a bottle of rum, or the heinous shots of Jack towards the end of the night it made for a wonderful night with friends with an unfortunate ending for my carpet.

After lambasting my Best-Man-To-Be for ralphing outside when successfully executing a 3-1 'shotgun' on a much weaker opponent (The First Lady) I proceed to pass out on the couch. Then, like a man possessed, I wake up and call up dinosaurs right on the carpet in which I need to move out of in a month. Sweet deal! I then spend the next 45 minutes praying to the porcelain gods, followed by a brief intermission into my bed only to be interrupted by another session of prayer. I didn't really eat much of anything all day either so yeah, straight alcohol coming back up, burnt like a sonofabitch.

On a lighter note, (this is a pun but you don't know it yet) I have started to see some serious results from the gym every morning. (Get it now?) So much so that when The First Lady was watching me get ready for work she exclaimed, "Wow, you're titties are gone!" This statement not only assures me that I am going to love married life, it also makes me happy and sad. Happy because my hard-body experiment is coming to fruition but sad that my once a month breast exams may have to go away. Tough break.

Remember for anyone that wants in to a fantasy league with me, leave it in the comments! The first 9 people to say they want in, are in, simple as that. The winner of the League will be getting a Bottom of the Ninth Hat paid for of course by the generous funds at BOTN. Alright sweet, looks like I'm buying myself a new hat in September.

Stay Tuned


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