
The Untouchables

There are some things in baseball that either should not be changed or shouldn't happen. These things are: domes, instant replay, and the 100 pitch limit.

The only good thing about a dome is that weather will never affect or delay a game. But, that being said, baseball needs to be played in the elements. Sometimes, that moonshot pop-up to medium depth Left is gonna get pushed out for an HR but that is the name of the game. Baseball is a game where the team that makes the most efficient adjustments, be it because of weather or strike zone, wins most often. The 'Trop' and the Metrodome need to go. Not only are they eyesores, but they affect the outcomes with their shoddy worksmanship and overhanging speakers. Bottom line: They're bad for the game and starting next season we'll only have to lobby fror getting rid of one.

Instant Replay in sports in general is a joke, but baseball especially is a game based on overcoming human error. If I were an umpire, in a game where my opinion now is being challanged by a computer (Questec) or TV monitor, I'd view that as a slap in the face.Just because we live in the "Information Age," where technology reigns, doesn't mean it needs to take over our sports world. Being a former player as much as bad calls aggrivate me, I know that its pare of the game. Most people, (and by most people I mean that incompetent money hungry bastard, Bud Selig) to realize that the umpires are just as much a part of the game as pitchers and catchers, and they have off games too. Ease-Up, if you're the best team on the field, the "blue's" won't cost you the game.

Call me, "Old School" but when did ballplayers become such, how do I say, " pussies" without being brash, oh, oops, point made. Why is 100 pitches deep in an outing the end of your outing? If you're throwing a gem you throw until you're no longer effective, bottom line. Especially when a college pitcher just threw 169 in 25 inning epic. The coaches and brass in an organization need to come to the realization that these are BALLPLAYERS* and it's their job to pitch. So, to you Terry Francona, Joe Girardi, and Eric Wedge if it ain't broke don't fix it. Let you're pitcher's pitch!

Alright I realize that rant was long winded, but also very long overdue. Remember, when baseball wsn't a commodity a team had 2-3 pitchers; they threw many pitchers whether they had it or not that day. Baseball has more things to clean up than just steroids and I'd just as soon see them sooner rather than later.

*Ballplayer-An athlete that has the MOST grueling schedule and plays threw pain and nagging injuries because it is their job to do so.

Stay Tuned


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