
Take a Ride on the D-Train

Flash back to 2003 and the World Series winning Marlins. Not only were three of the pitchers from todays Red Sox, Tigers game becoming World Champs but we were seeing the emergence of a superstar, Dontrelle Willis. Flash Forward and the D-Train is staring at ending his professional career right in the face.

In 2005, he led the majors with 22 wins. Since then he has led the majors in hit batsmen (2006) been traded (2007), and demoted to the minors (2008). If he doesn't sound like a spitting image of Mark "The Bird" Fydrich's stat line I don't know who does.

Willis quickly started to become one of the faces of Major League baseball. With his fiery style and completely unorthodox wind-up he was morphing into a sure fire All Star and the next coming of Bob Gibson.

As a throw in player in the Miguel Cabrera blockbuster in 2007, the Marlins unbeknownst to them had gotten the best of Dontrelle and were witnessing his fall from grace. I'm not going to lie I had him on EVERY fantasy team that year and ended up dropping him for some form of Rolando Arrojo or Walt Weiss of 2007.

Today was a good win for the Sox but I have to feel for Willis. He has been working hard to get his way back to peak form from his Marlin days but it's just not there. Granted he did throw a no hitter today but when you walk 4 consecutive batters the only thing that comes to mind is Bob Uecker's voice from "Major League". At times it was as if he was not only begging but wishing for calls. And as any self respecting pitcher knows you don't wish for calls you make them happen yourself.

I was completely enamoured by his pitching style, his flare, and the athleticism he brought to the table. But now I feel for him like those kids on those poverty commercials with that rich White guy that keeps asking for 41 cents a day. I wish you luck Dontrelle because this could be a long and windy road for you and the anxiety you suffered prior to todays start is only going to get worse going forward.

Congratulations Big Unit.

Stay Tuned


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