
Chi-Town Blues

In the last ten days we've seen two of the highest profile pitchers invoke their "no-trade" clause in order to steer clear of the Windy City. The real cause for concern is: why? Is their something in the water? Is the owner a bear to play for? Let's delve into this one!

First off Jake Peavy. There are many factors to consider with this one. His roots and family have already made a home on the San Diego area. Uprooting your kids at any age is always a VERY difficult process and for him to leave Cali he's going to need to be on an already contending team and I'm not so sure that the White Sox are the team that fits the bill. Jake Peavy, upon entering a team INSTANTLY will lower your team ERA by .5 and will almost guarantee 7 innings every time he sets foot on the field, for him to be dealt he's going to need to think he has an IMMEDIATE chance at winning. There are only a handful of teams that Peavy will OK a trade to. As far as I know that would be: Chicago Cubs, New York Mets, Philadelphia Phillies, Milwaukee Brewers, and Dodgers. There are few organizations that have the pieces in order to make this trade happen and to limit this even more Peavy wants to stay in the NL. But if/when he's a FA look for Boston AND NY to get in on the bidding.

Roy Oswalt is another of the games elite. And he is also another on the list of the White Sox, but to no avail. Oswalt went public saying that if any trade was even so much as talked about with the White Sox he'd wave it. Wow. Now we're waving speculation. Must be nice to have a Peyton Manning like "laser, Rocket arm." Not only does Oswalt not want to go anywhere but the Owner of the Rangers has gone so far as to say he's "untouchable." Recently after a well pitched game the Owner also bought Oswalt a tractor for his farm. But, if I've learned one thing about the business of baseball NO ONE is untouchable. If I were to venture a guess as to teams that are in the market and have the pieces to put together a package it would probably be, Texas Rangers, Chicago Cubs and the LA Dodgers.

But what's wrong with CHICAGO, other than the fact that Richard Gere and Queen Latifah sang an attrocious rendition of your broadway musical. I'll tell you. It's called the Windy City for a reason. In the ball park the jet stream has winds that would make Katrina quiver and balls exit so quickly you'd think that Pamela Anderson was sitting spread eagle in the Grandstands. What else is wrong. Just off the top of my head it could be the intimidating yet brilliant manager Ozzie Guillen. One of the trend-setters for playing hunches and unconventional management he is loved and feared by most players. He is a strictly no BSer and always tells it like it is. I don't think I could think of one other manager that I'd like to play for but for some players that coddling provided by Joe Girardi is essential in their development.

The final reason that I can think of is that right now The Chi Sox are not a contender. With their breakout star Carlos Quentin battling a bout of what is essentially walking too hard (plantar fascitis) and one of the ROY runners up to Evan Almighty, Alexei Ramirez having an anhorexic April and a monstrous May but starting to rebound with the onslaught of summer. Those two pitchers want to be the man to put them OVER the hump not work up to the hump.

Peavy and Oswalt are born and bread Americans as showcased in the World Baseball Classic and you can assume they are going to get their money's worth wherever they go, but don't look for the Black Stockings to be a part of any more talks with these Aces in the hole.

Stay Tuned


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