
Call em as I see em

There were a few glaring issues about todays Sox game that I was particularly enamored by: Ortiz breaking his bat over his knee, A rookie ump behind the plate, and the catcher/manager ejections.

I'm sort of torn between making some wise ass comment about how that's the most contact his bat has seen in a week and excited about him FINALLY showing fire in his attitude instead of sulking like a girl that got stood up on Prom night. I am not entirely sure what happened on the swing prior to that but the bat shattered in his hands mid swing. Either he finally had some power in that wrist that made it shatter or his wood was no good. Said in my Johnny Cochran, "if the glove does not fit you must acquit," voice. I do not think that this is some sort sign of things to come unless you call a phantom DL trip because of now a bum knee for snapping a bat that could have had a few hits in it if someone else used it.

A rookie umpire was thrust in the spotlight today in clearly a situation of greater magnitude than he has dealt with. I can't blame the 'Rook' but I can blame the crew chief. As far as I'm concerned if there is an injury to a fellow member of the crew there is no room for putting a rookie behind the plate, not the way it happened. I firmly believe that a year of seasoning or what we'll call umping the bases needs to happen before you get the priveledge of running this game. I'm just sayin...

Mike Redmond, a pushover by nature, actually has a pulse when a call doesn't go his way. This is evident by the fact that in his 12 year major league career he just gets his first ejection and also got his manager tossed in the process.Here's the recap: a shot flyball into right and Kubel comes up with a frozen rope to the plate and from 3 different camera angles Redmond appeared to have tagged Bailey out on the wrist a split second before his acrobatic slide. To see him freak out and then dance up on Tischner (the rook) like some extra in You Got Served was wrong, albeit justified but wrong nontheless. Then Gardenhire in response to his catcher's displeasure gets tossed for the sheer sake of getting tossed (it's a baseball rule just go with it.)

Now for the other edge of the sword. On an 0-2 pitch Josh Beckett throws a 12-6 yacker apparently just off the edge and barks something at the BoSox dugout. I'm gonna go with this, "Will someone tell this minor leauge lifer that I'm Texas sized Josh Mother Lovin' Beckett." Yeah that's probably what he said. Then the umpire looked like he tried to have words with Beckett at which point the newly revitalized power hitter that is Jason Varitek turned around and got into it with him so that his pitcher, whom threw a gem by the way, didn't get the boot. Noble and lucky that putting the newly passball happy Kottaras back there didn't blow up in there faces.

All in all a pretty eventful game and as for the completely random question of the day?
Will David Ortiz be the DH come the July 31st trade deadline? I'm gonna go with no on this one...

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