
A Look Into the Past

While sitting at the dinner table last night talking with 'the wife's' grandmother a baseball talk ensued. Now you would think that for me this wouldn't be the most exciting chat in the world, but she completely enticed me to keep this conversation going for a solid twenty minutes. Here's How it went down:

While watching the news during dinner last night the shitshow that is Manny Ramirez's minor league rehab stint came on and she promptly said, " He makes me sick." I asked why and she went on a small tangent about how when she grew up she had players to look up to and baseball used to be what's pure in America.

"I had Ted Williams, Joe DiMaggio, and Stan Musial; These were American Icons." I then told her that Mickey was my favorite player of all time even if I didn't get to see him. What he did on the field was simply majestic.

So I needed to inform her that there was one person whom she could believe and trust in. Albert Pujols. I realize that I have all but had intercouse with him in this forum but I told her all the things that makes him the Icon that used to be associated with Major League baseball. From Donating a portion of every paycheck to charity, to marrying a single mother whom has a child with Downs', and just being the all around BEST player in the league.

You could see tears well in her eyes, and this is what I'll leave you with today. "We need more people like him. We need more people like him for you, we need more people like him for your son, and we need more people like him for the children of this country. To right the ship and bring baseball back to the heirarchy it once was held."

I thought this was one of the most profound things I've ever heard not just an older woman but anyone say. The she asked me one final question, "Do you know who ruined baseball?"
"Jose Canseco?" I asked.
"Marilyn Monroe, she not only slept with our ball players then she 'spread' her ways all over our president."
Laughing, I smiled and said, "Thanks for dinner."

Stay Tuned


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