
The Large Father Delivers

On a night where nostalgia was filling the air, none of it was more glaring than the laser show that David Ortiz put on. But first, there was this pitcher who hobbled around like Smee from Peter Pan, whom absolutely dealt on Wednesday. Tim Wakefield came out of the gate not just on fire, but being able to harness his knuckleball in a Zeusian manner making the White Sox look foolish. I forgot what it was like to have a number 3 starter that could consistently win games. Traditionally, Wakefield has been left off the post season rosters, or not received any playing time except for mop up duty. But how can you keep a guy who's going to go 15-4 (projected) on the Bench. You can't. Impressive, Timmah, Very Impressive.

Every time David Ortiz hits a walk off he's essentially saying, "No traiga esa mierda aquĆ­." Or for you less than bilingual readers, "Don't bring that shit in here." That was never more apparent than last night when he pissed all over the offering from Tony Pena DEEP into the Boston Night, prompting a massive dog pile and Dustin Pedroia slapping his ass so hard it's as if the Large Father was his horse on the last leg of the Kentucky Derby. After the abysmal start to the season that Papi had, did anyone think that he would end up with over 25 HRs and flirting with 100 RBIs? Is it just me or when David Ortiz is swinging the bat well ALL is right in Red Sox nation, who are now 19-2 when he hits a home run…ASTOUNDING.

This just in: Daniel Bard throws absolute Piss Missiles on the mound. Clearly, the Rook was feelin' good last night, coming out hot, throwin' 100mph on his first pitch and simply making the White Sox look like Jon Heder's character in "The Benchwarmers." His last pitch topping out at 101, is just his way of saying, "You and your 500+ HR country ass can take a seat. Thanks."

Looks like I took some flak from the Tek Army after the semi-pointed comments about our beloved sure out, I mean Captain. Don't get me wrong I love Jason, but when the ONLY thing you bring to a game is pitch calling, it's time to move on. Oh who called that shit sandwich of a game against the Yanks' on Sunday? Varitek? Oops Freudian slip. He is more than 25% below his CAREER average for throwing out baserunners. Even if we take Brad "slower than the onset of Alzheimer's to the plate" Penny out of the equation he's still 15% away from his career average. His days as an everyday catcher are OVER. Oops another Freudian slip. Tek, thanks for the memories, the no-no's and the 8th inning, rally killing pop-ups the last two years but do yourself a favor and save face and hang it up after this year. (Love to hear the comments to this one too, 'anonymous'.)

Does anyone else love the trade we made for Vintage Nomar, oh wait that's Alex Gonzalez? We were supposed to be getting a sure handed shortstop instead we're getting the second coming of Ernie Banks. MOST hitters, Jeremy Giambi and Darren Lewis not withstanding, hit better with that wall out there and Gonzalez looks pretty damn comfortable in Fenway in his sophomore season. Green will probably sign on with some form of the San Diego Padres or something of that sort, and we can finally use Lowrie in the role that he was built for, SUPER-UTILITY. Now, Do we bring Gonzo back this time? Gotta think yes, unless a major trade happens in the offseason.

As always love to hear your thoughts in the comments section.

Stay Tuned


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