
Buchholz Earning His Keep.

I guess the lasting image of getting thrown out at the plate in the hot summer sun in Texas didn't sit too well with Clay Buchholz. He came out and threw like a bulldog. EXACTLY WHAT I'VE BEEN PREACHING FOR, FOR AT LEAST 2 MONTHS!!! When you have runners' on, there comes a time in your development where you can't give up the runs and you have to be stalwart. Clay got himself into some jams, but he finally pitched out of them. Not only did Clay pitch well but he did it against Roy Halladay. Who wanted to trade this kid? Oh, you're saying I did? Eh, I still think he'd be better in a Toronto uniform. There's something about Clay I just don't trust. When Lester and Beckett take the mound is there EVER any doubt that they are going to own the opposition? Even when they BOTH hit a slump early in the season didn't you have confidence giving them the ball every fifth game? There's something about "The Kid" that doesn't invoke a lot of trust for me.

What did I tell you guys, ORTIZ IS BACK. I don't know what it is but there's something about his swing right now that is making it look more ferocious. Maybe he's realizing that his Batting Average isn't going to end up where he wants it, but he can still rake. I don't care if he ends up hitting under .240 if he finishes with 25+HR's he will have given us that bat that we've been longing for all season and gives our lineup the length that other lineups yearn for. Can you name any other lineup in baseball that has their #7 hitter having 25 HRs? nope you can't, because there isn't any. I am going to stop referring to you as Ortiz. Clark Kent has just ran into the building and came out Superman. Ortiz just ran into the clubhouse and emerged in the batter's box as Big Papi.

Were there some people worried about offense? How about back to back 3 HR games for the Boston 9? Papi has now homered in 3 straight games. Jason Bay seems to be out of his shnide and Justin Masterson seemed like a pretty small price to pay for the Sultan of Squat, Victor Martinez. We've seen the Yankees play .700 ball for the last month plus, let's give the boys from Beantown a turn. This offense is now clicking on all cylinders and with the quality starting pitching (Brad Penny you are not included, because you're an aberration) throwing atleast 6 innings every game we're in good shape. Did I mention we're back leading in the wildcard? Texas is having a tough time dealing with the soon to be MVP Joe Mauer. Who has almost tripled his career high in HR's for the year, and is rapidly approaching .400. If he hits .400 you heard it here, I will die my hair any color you guys want. Leave your color of choice in the comments section.

He Who Shall Not Be Named is said to have just thrown about 100 or so pitches in a bullpen session and is on the comeback trail to join the team sometime in September. Now I have went on record saying that he won't be back and that I don't want him back not only this year but EVER, but it looks like I was incorrect in assessing his injury, listed as eating too many won tons and eggrolls, I mean shoulder fatigue. I'll leave this up to you because I haven't made up my mind yet as to who would start the third playoff game, because we WILL be there in October. Will it be Brad "100 pitches in 4 2/3" Penny, doubtful. Junichi Tazawa? While I think he's got the makeup, he's not ready yet. So it's between Buch, He Who Shall Not Be Named, and Wake. It won't be Wake unless he gets back sometime soon to establish some sort of foothold before the playoffs start. Down to Two. If Buchholz continues to pitch as he has in his last 3 starts you would think it would be him, but with the amount of money that "He" is owed you have to think there will be pressure from above that he needs to pitch in the playoffs.

Food for thought~ Everyone has heard about the "outstanding athleticism" (as evidenced on Friday in a one run ball game running the bases, but I digress) that Clay Buchholz possesses. Does anyone see any parallels between 2009 Clay Buchholz and 2000 Rick Ankiel? We'll know more come October, but the "stuff" they both have is generally unmatched. Let's just hope that "Wild Thing" Vaughn doesn't come a callin' for Clay come playoff time.

Stay Tuned



  1. can we paint your head instead? there aint much to color

  2. Ya know..you're right...i will dye the spot where my hair should be!!!

  3. Good outing for clay last night. Nice of boston to give him some runs! Your thoughts on this weekend? Two huge series with yanks v. sox and rangers v. rays. You think the yanks will hold their own in fenway? And are the rangers done going into the trop or can they salvage this year? And no way Mauer hits .400 right? Would be cool to see in my lifetime though..

  4. I don't know Texas' pitching rotation for the weekend but i like them against the rays, they have two strong throwing catchers to combat their running game. I see the sox taking 2 of 3. and i think sunday's game is going to be epic. Just have a feeling. I wouldn't put it past Joe to hit .400, there is no one in the league aside from Pujols that has the hands that he does. And to boot his hitting for power? This kid is a demi god.
