
Crunch Time

It's the home stretch, and every start counts. For a young man to earn a spot in the rotation come October, he's going to have to pitch a lot better than 4 2/3IP 7 runs. Especially with pitchers Tim Wakefield (starts Wednesday) and He Who Shall Not Be Named mounting the comeback trail he's going to need to pitch his ass off to cement his turn every fifth day. Normally Terry Francona shies away from using Wakefield in the playoffs but if he's healthy you have to think that he's going to start him this year. Clay Buchholz for all intents and purposes is a very good pitcher with 3 + pitches, but if he doesn't get rid of that awestruck look every time he gives up a bloop single he's going to amount to nothing.

Could the 2009 version of Mike Lowell be any more of a feel good story. After watching him drag his hind quarters around like Igor in the playoffs last year for him to have this kind of success speaks volumes of his character and his determination as a ball player and a human being. Seeing him hit that Ruthian blast last night was a sight to behold. I noticed a dent in my car up here in the good ole state of New Hampshire that I'm almost positive was the remnants of the ball he just uncovered. Is his range what it was? Absolutely not. However the doctors have told him that he will only get better with rest. There is a strong possibility that next year (for whatever team he's playing for) absolutely rakes and is a cog in the middle of their lineup.

Jose Contreras, prior to the 2003 season was coveted by the Theo Regime but ultimately signed with those guys down the road a ways for more money. (I think you know who I'm talking about.) Although he signed with the Yankees that year, is anyone else of the feeling that Theo secretly give him an annuity every time he pitches against the Red Sox at Fenway Park? I think you'll be hard-pressed to find ANY other pitcher that has pitched worse at a certain stadium. That error in the midst of that 6 run rally is completely indicative of his career in Fenway Park.

Looks like No Billy Wagner for the Boston 9. He has invoked his "No-Trade" clause, because the Red Sox didn't promise to not offer him Salary arbitration. Anyone want to hear why I think we would go after Billy Wagner, whom has made it abundantly clear that he wants to close? An insurance policy. Jonathan Papelbon, the last 3 seasons, has seen his base on balls increase, strikeouts decrease, and innings pitched decline. By signing Billy Wagner, who seems to still have something left in the tank, he would serve as an experienced closer in a big market if Daniel "The Heir" Bard should falter.

Apropos of Nothing:

  1. The White Sox, should be winning their division by 4 games right now with their lineup but are underachieving like Jeff Spicoli.
  2. The NL West is turning into a dogfight, and wouldn't it be something to see the Dodgers miss out on the playoffs altogether?
  3. I'm starting to think that JP Ricciardi made the right decision not pulling the trigger on the Halladay trade after seeing Buchholz's inconsistencies and Bowden's inability to get AN out.
  4. The Yankees are RUNNING AWAY with the AL East, But am I alone in thinking that the Red Sox will do VERY well against them in the Playoffs?
  5. Varitek needs to catch once per week. BOTTOM LINE
  6. I love paying 15 mil a year for a number 8 hitter, atleast he's earning his money down there.

Stay Tuned



  1. Hey its Ted from twitter. TribeTed. Got a good blog here. I tried to follow the link at one of your tweets but it didn't work. If the Red Sox did get Wagner, they would be very good in the bullpen area. It would be sickening to me how good they would be. :) Check out my blog.

  2. Hey Ted, I'll tell ya it would be GREAT, he would bring that power throwing lefty that all good teams seem to have in the pen (ie Embree (o3-04), JC Romero, Price last year.)Someone has to go though if he's brought in and I've got to think it would be Saito.
