
In a word: SHITUPON

So, How bout them Red Sox? I clearly saw that playing out differently in my mind. Let's get to it.

Brad Penny. Why is it that you feel the need to take a stick and shove it up the collective asses of Red Sox Nation? The bigger question is why is it that someone that can reach speed up to 97 and 98 with a fastball can't get major league hitters out? Here's why…BECAUSE THAT'S ALL HE THROWS. His feeble attempts at curveballs are something left to be desired. They are never thrown for a strike or even look like they are going to be strikes for that matter. He could get away with a sub-par curve if he could locate it every once in a while or make them appear to be strikes and then have them fall off the table. He dabbled in throwing a slider but that worked out as well as Obama's healthcare reform. He doesn't have a changeup, so keeping hitters honest with something off speed is out of the question. And he doesn't have a sinker (2-seam fastball). Which leads me to my next question, how did you get to the big leagues with one pitch? Are you Mariano Rivera? Henry Rowengartner anyone? The Yankees absolutely abused this one trick pony, and rightfully so. I don't care how hard you throw in the big leagues, if you don't have any compliments to your gas, you're going to get SHITUPON.

The one bright spot on an oh so dark shit storm of a night Friday was the offense. Putting up 11 runs and really clicking on all cylinders. For crying out loud, they were the 2nd highest scoring offense in the Majors on Friday night! Only unfortunate thing is the Yankees' was 1st.

For all of my avid readers, you know the deep seeded "bromance" that I've been professing for Junichi Tazawa but I think I, perhaps, didn't give him as much credit as he deserved. He gave the Red Sox EXACTLY what they needed Saturday afternoon. A quality start. And he stifled the juggernaut that is the New York Yankees. He threw six phenomenal innings, while giving up no runs and really keeping hitters guessing. As evidenced by standing Alex Rodriguez up on back-to-back yackers to end a Yankee Rally in the 4th. Kudos Junichi-san there is a widening spot for you in this rotation with the much needed usurping of Brad Penny's turn in the rotation by the Ageless Wonder himself, Timmah!

How about the bitch-slap the Red Sox offense threw back in the Yankees' face on Saturday? In a classic case of "na-na-na boo boo," AJ Burnett was left to wonder aloud why he was throwing such pitches and it was quite funny as a Red Sox fan for him to go through such Hamlet-esque tribulations on the mound. I'm also going to give a huge standing ovation (verbally) to Kevin Youkilis, whose dear friend and former teammate in the Red Sox farm system, Greg Montalbano, passed away at the age of 31, finally succumbing to his Cancer. Youkilis put GM's initials on his hat and promptly went out and hit two bombs not to mention a double, and had an all around lights out game for his friend. Afterwards, saying, "That was for him." Well-Played Youkka.

This brings us to the Pitchers' duel that I have been clamoring about for going on 6 days or so now. Figuring that Beckett just had a not so Beckett like start up in Canada I assumed he was primed to strap the team on his back and will us to victory. Fail. From the get-go he didn't have it. To be fair, CC wasn't on top of his game either. Clearly shown by giving up a hit to Jason Varitek. (Interesting stat the other night. Jamie Moyer recorded two hits the other nights which at the time was one less than Varitek had on the MONTH OF AUGUST, yeesh.) I'm going to say that ANY pitcher that gives up a hit to him for the rest of the year is having an off game. Even if he twirls a one hitter and that one hit was yielded by "dying quail" to Jason Varitek, he was clearly not throwing well.

In other news, John Smoltz threw 5 scoreless innings while striking out 9, yes I said 9, Padres. To be fair, the Chula Vista Little League team (filthy by the way) could probably beat the Padres. But boy does that speak volumes on how different the 2 leagues are. Great work pitching to the JV Smoltz.

The Red Sox have put in a waiver claim for Billy Wagner. Now this gets me giddy. We need a power lefty. He could bring the same thing that Alan Embree brought us in the '03-'04 playoff runs. This move doesn't come without criticism from the widely stupid, I mean recognized, Jonathan Papelbon. Stupid comment after stupid comment comes out of his mouth saying things like, "what has he done this year" and "I don't know if we have room for him." OK, Paps, I realize that you've been one of the elite closers for the last 4 years, but this guy has been doing it since the mid 90's. You need to shut your mouth and add a lefty to the bullpen which CLEARLY gives you another weapon of versatility. If that means getting rid of Takashi Saito, then so be it. A lefty could be exactly what this team needs.

At least the Rays Dismantled the Rangers for 2 out of 3 over the weekend. Any pressing issues you all see about the Nation? Let me know and I'll gladly tell you what I think.

Stay Tuned


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