
We’re Getting Old My Friends

The only thing of real interest to me over the last 24 hours was something that Ken Rosenthal said. He seems to believe that one, Miguel Cabrera, could be made available by the Tigers, even though their owner has said the opposite. He then went onto say that the Red Sox should offer a package to them of Jonathan Papelbon, Mike Lowell, Lars Anderson and then a B level pitching prospect. This to me would be a phenomenal trade (for the Red Sox only), but With Mike Lowell making 12 mil, Papelbon making 6.25 in '09 (presumably going up in 2010), and Cabrera making 18 mil/year, it doesn't seem like the Tigers would be getting the Salary relief they are coveting unless a wad of cash goes with it. C'mon Ken, come at me with something a little more substantial…you're better than that.

So I do what every sane person does with their life when there's no baseball on, on Monday nights, and the spouse forgets to DVR House: Watch Monday Night Raw. Now to be honest I haven't watched wrestling in going on (looks at watch) say about 8 years. But the last time I watched it seemed to be infused with muscle-head, cock-diesel, athletes whom were so steroid infused that their sweat was actually synthetic Winstrol seeping from their pores. I turned it on (and by turned it on I mean I couldn't find the remote when I walked into the bedroom so it stayed on that channel) and it was the last match of the night which was a triple tag-team (and yes as gay as it sounds it was worse to watch) between Chris Jericho and The Big Show, John Cena and The Undertaker, and Triple-H and Shawn Michaels.

All huge names, big popular wrestler's right? Well then why did it look like everyone but John Cena and Triple-H had gotten hit with a Mack Truck full of Time and Obesity. The Big Show honest to god used to have muscles, if you don't believe that watch Jingle All the Way, he's the 7 foot Santa that tries to cold cock Arnold Schwarzenegger, but last night he looked more like Butterbean than a professional wrestler. Chris Jericho went from being an Adonis, to a slightly more buff version of Owen Wilson. Shawn Michaels was a mullet wielding wrecking crew and now he is only comparable to Billy Ray Cyrus circa 1992. The Undertaker, simply stated, looked like a white Manute Bol.

The final question I have, is does anyone know what the hell John Cena is doing when he waves at himself? I have to say it looks idiotic but I'll tell you I'm one to jump on a bandwagon if it gets your point across. Going forward I think waving at myself may get my point across a little more efficiently. He's sort of the poster boy for the wrestling world, and as long as he doesn't continue to pursue his rap career, I'm okay with him.

Stay Tuned


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