
The Chase is Ut-ter-ley Intriguing

Cue "Gonna Fly Now" Inspriational Music: *Trumpets* Da Da Danana Danana Danana

Maybe when I wrote one of my previous posts, I forgot about one of the more phenomenal feats in World Series History. But with Chase Utley hitting his 5th homerun and oh so coyly placing his name beside the likes of Reggie Jackson in the World Series record books, we truly are watching one of the most exciting players in baseball history, whose only comparable 2nd baseman in baseball history in terms of OPS is Rogers Hornsby. Rogers F-ing Hornsby. Philadelphia needs a new hero, and since the aforementioned 'Rocky' reference (although still my favorite movie) is beginning to be outdated, and with Ryan Howard doing his best Jason Varitek impression, Chase Utley is ready to step up and play the role of Dominatrix for his bitch; the Yankees. Safety Word for the Bombers is: Steinbrenner.

Da Da Danana Danana Danana

If AJ Burnett wasn't already the head case that we thought he was, the Yankees better have their 80 million dollar man on suicide watch after "letting down 25 guys and an entire city." I'm not one to make fun of someone, oh, who am I kidding, Sack the F*ck Up. Face it, you lost, you not only lost but sucked hind tit while you did it. You didn't throw many pitches so odds are you're going to throw again sometime in Game 7 if the game goes into extras.

Da Da Dadada Dada Dada

What else can you say about Cliff Lee? The guy is a bulldog and he is going to be living the dream, this offseason when he gets a fat ass check. He was brilliant through 7. The only reason he came out in the 8th is because the Phillies bullpen is a Byun Hyun Kim implosion waiting to happen for every out they have to be on the mound. He didn't have his dominant no-hit stuff but he was MORE than up to the task at flogging that Yankee Lineup. If the Phillies can get to a Game 7, he will play the role of Randy Johnson in the 2001 World Series, coming in the later innings to shut down the Yankmees.

Da Da Dadadada…..

Thus far in the series, I will admit that I was wrong with the Girardi/Manuel comparison. But if Andy Pettite loses on 3 days rest after AJ SliceMyWrists flopped horribly on 3 days rest, Girardi is not only going to be second guessed but abhorred by all of the Empire's fanbase (that's ok by me by the way.) CC is the only one that is able to throw on the reduced respite and I'm not sure if you remember all the consecutive 3 day rest starts for CC by the Brewers last year, but it didn't end well in his final start. If it gets to Game 7, I'm just sayin, the Yanks could be in for a Burnett-esque performance.

Gonna Fly Now

Like Rocky (the Phillies) facing Ivan Drago (steroid infused Yankees) they are facing an uphill climb through the Ural Mountains. And yes, that was another Rocky reference and yes I know WAYYY too much about the Rocky Anthology. But I'm inclined to choose an aging Pedro in Game 6 on normal rest than an aging Andy Pettite on short rest. Does it get more exciting than Pedro Martinez up against the most inclement almost insurmountable odds, and beating them away with a 2-seamer? I'm pretty sure it doesn't. Pedro is THE greatest pitcher that I've seen in my lifetime and I want one more moment, one more game to cement his legacy in my mind. Give me 7 strong and no earned runs Pedey, Please! Let's go Phillies, you're not called the Fightin' Phils, for nothin'!

Stay Tuned



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