
The Hot Stove’s a Burnin’

In an attempt to nullify any sort of celebration for the World Championship New York Yank-me's, the Hot Stove has started full force in the last 24 hours. And the Red Sox are clearly not resting on their laurels. While not a blockbuster trade, an absolute conquest with what they gave up to what they got. Jeremy Hermida, a former first round pick, is exactly the value trade that Theo needed to kick off this offseason. We traded Hunter Jones who in my opinion is NOT an American League pitcher. He has an 88 mph fastball and no secondary pitch, therefore no value when you face the Yankees or Rays. Jose Alvarez, (ya I don't know much about him either) was very good in low-A, but when moved to High A had an era over 4.5. Alvarez has more upside, than Jones but all in all a collective steal from the Marlins on a potential stud.

The Red Sox weren't the only ones doing big things since the final pitch of the World Series.

-The Phillies exercised their option on Cliff Lee. If this wasn't the biggest shocker of all time I don't know what is. The only question now is how much the Phil's are going to pay their newfound Ace. Anyone think 4-5 years 75-80 mil? That's what I'm thinking. He should be able to get Burnett money.

-The Angels re-signed Bobby Abreu for 2 years 19mil, with a vesting option based on plate appearances. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that he was the X factor that helped them over the Red Sox hump in the ALDS. He has almost single-handedly taught EVERY player to see more pitches per at bat. With how he was affected by last year's market, he was VERY smart in taking the quick money and is now one less option to come to the Sox in the event that Jason Bay isn't resigned.

-One person I was very high on, who would also have been a non-tender, is JJ Hardy. I thought he would be phenomenal at Fenway Park and his defense is just as good as Gonzalez now (not 2006), but he has since been traded to the Minnesota Bunters for Carlos Gomez. With the emergence of Denard Span and the need for a cost efficient CF for Milwaukee this trade makes sense in all facets. Great baseball trade! But a massive FML for not giving up a minor league pitcher to get him.

-Jermaine Dye has had his option bought out in Chicago and with the colossus that is Alex Rios' contract it's not a big surprise they needed cash flow. He had a down year batting only .250 but it is being said that he is of interest to the Texas Rangers. But that leads me to my next question…what position would he play? DH? Hamilton, Cruz and Murphy are in their OF and at this point are considerably better defensive players…does that mean Bye-Bye-Blalock?

-The Royals traded Mark Teahen for Josh Fields and Chris Getz to the White Sox…He is going to play 3rd and move rookie phenom Gordon Beckham to 2nd. Now whom do they have in Right Field? Only outfielders under contract are Quentin, Rios, and that guy that made a great catch for Buehrle's PG. And since the Royals just declined options on Coco Crisp, Miguel Olivo, and Yasuhiko Yabuta looks like they are trying to once again get some fresh faces in there to get Greinke some people that can give him run production and some bullpen members that could protect a lead on the off chance he doesn't go 9.

-And to add to the list of potential suitors for the Red Sox that are shoving my foot in my mouth ever so deep, Brandon Webb had his option exercised by Arizona. Obviously two aces on one team (the other being Haren) is going to make you an INSTANT competitor in the National League West.

So with less than 48 hours gone by since the end of the 2009 season, we have had a glut of wheelings and dealings. Here's hoping that the only person that Theo get's on this team isn't solely Hermida.

Stay Tuned


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