
Hal-y Shit

With another Nostradamus moment seemingly within the Red Sox grasp, they are "pulling out all the stops" for Roy Halladay. I couldn't agree more that this move is the RIGHT move. For all of you saying that Clay Buchholz is "the future" I say in your general direction, that you're an asshat, and Jon Lester is our future. Clay as I have stated NUMEROUS times is only 7 months younger than our beloved, Adonis Jon Lester, and he has shown NOTHING that Jon Lester hasn't already done. Ability to pitch in big games? Check (The verdict is still out in my mind on Buchholz). Thrown a no hitter? Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt. And being a lefty? Oops only Jonny takes the cake there. Simply put: He's expendable (if/and only if you get a pitcher in return).

Halladay has said he will not re-sign in Toronto, he is almost to the point of demanding a trade, and he has made public that the Red Sox are one of a handful of teams he would waive his full no-trade clause for. He is notoriously known for his pre game preparations, between starts regimen and off-season workouts; so staying healthy won't be a problem even though he will turn 33 in May of 2010. You could have one of the 3rd (Lincecum, Hernandez are 1-2) best right handed pitcher on your staff, AND the best lefty in the American League. (Only reason he doesn't get the Major Leagues, is because Cliff Lee would probably shit down my throat, just for not giving him the edge.) Also, to the Yankee fans, Lester takes the cake over CC because of age, contract, and overall non-douchebaggery (see: "I'm not in it for the money"). And to put it bluntly if Josh Beckett is your number 3 starter, you are well positioned to have the best starting staff ERA in all of baseball.

For all of my dedicated followers, I will return (unless something huge breaks) Monday because of the Turkey-induced coma that will be crashing down on my head VERY soon. The abundance of Rum in my system in the next 24 hours as well could potentially have bearing on the aforementioned coma, but I digress. Here's hoping that Thanksgiving will once again bring us MANY JOYS (Remember Curt Schilling? Josh Beckett?) Yup, Thanksgiving trades. I'm thankful for all the readers' that love the idiocy that I seem to spit out on a daily basis and here's to more of the same after the hiatus.

Stay Tuned


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