
A Tip of the Cap

This is the point where you have to tip your cap to the Evil Empire. I was rooting for the Angels as hard as anyone, but the Yankees started their mission in the offseason by spending just under half a billion dollars on the likes of CC, Tex, and Burnett, and they could have very easily succumbed to the pressure and not gelled as a team, but they didn't. Their team is the perfect team for that ball park and they played it to their advantage, night in and night out. They out Halo'd the Angles and played mistake free baseball, other than having Girardi manage their team, but I digress. Now that the love fest is over, it's time for the Fall Classic. This is where big time players make big time plays, and the Best team will prevail. (Prediction coming tomorrow).

Let's get one thing straight. Now that this series has been set, one thing is certain, in my mind. The PHILLIES are the team to beat, NOT THE YANKEES. I don't what the records were in the regular season or who the home team is this series, the Philadelphia Phillies are the Defending Champs, and have not yet been beaten in the playoffs. So bring on the hype machine, and juggernaut that is the Yankees, because the Phillies train is just as loaded with stars, and ready for a death match in their pursuit of their title defense.

Now I promised on Twitter that I would give ya'll a little insight into a day in the life of this blogger. To say that my life is like an episode of Nip/Tuck with FAR less sex, and much more liposuction needed, these love handles are killin' me, would be a spot on comparison to the soap opera that is my daily goings-on. For some reason people take me seriously. I realize that my baseball opinion is as good as gold but why anyone would listen to my irreverence on Facebook or Twitter is sort of reaching.

There has been a situation that has embroiled that I voiced my opinion on without using names because slandering/libeling someone's character not named Daisuke Matsuzaka is not my cup of tea, and another person has CLEARLY taken umbrage with my opinion. Now if my 2nd grade teacher taught me anything (she really didn't, but 2nd grade sounded good for the longevity aspect) it is that EVERYONE is entitled to their opinions. I like to follow that general rule of thumb for a couple reasons. It's courteous, and mama always said, "Be courteous to everyone if you don't want God to strike you dead." Second, it makes for good debate. As you all know I LOVE to debate anything, whether it be Jason Bay's contract, the Hottest "bitty" on 'Glee', or the amount of people that I think a certain person has slept with.

Debating is not only a way to get under someone's skin, but to also enhance the way you communicate in competitive situations. That I find to be one of my biggest strengths. So much so, that I'm taking their debates and sending them back to them completely reformatted and grammatically correct. Debating is great, but when someone misuses words, spells words wrong, and is also in the position of molding the young minds' that will control our future I really take offense that you would challenge *points to self* this guy, and is really damning to your argument. I would advise all of my BOTN faithful before you start a debate with ANYONE let alone me to look at the facts, before you start, that way you don't end up looking like a donkey.

I guess you could say I'm a Master debater. (See what I did there?)

Stay Tuned



  1. Wait, was it you that I got into it with on Twitter when yuo called me a drunk? Or was that someone else?

  2. It was absolutely not me. I am not one to call someone a drunk when most every night consists of numerous trips to Margaritaville.
