
Might As Well Be Down to Two

Who thinks the Yankees and Phillies are going to the World Series? (Stands up and flails arms around uncontrollably) I DO! I DO! This script is being written almost perfectly. You have the team standing firm in its Title Defense. And you have THE top team in Baseball, the team with the highest payroll, and one that seemingly is an unstoppable force that can't be beat. It's like Mickey Mantle vs. Willy Mays. There's almost no difference. Once the Series participants are finalized I'll break it down, thoroughly.

CC was nothing short of marvelous on 3 days rest. He had been given small respites throughout the regular season in order to be ready to shoulder the load in the playoffs and in the first sample it worked out VERY well. With him throwing yesterday and the Yankees PROBABLY wrapping the series up in 5 games, 6 at the most, He'll be on the mound for Game 1 in Yankee Stadium of the World Series.

Everyone can calm down about Manny not being in the dugout also for the end of their Game 4, was anyone surprised? Has his character not already been sullied enough that you really think of him as a "model" baseball citizen? Please. He was already taken from the game. Major League rules clearly aren't going to magically let him back in the game, so what good is going to come of him in the dugout anyway. He's already a cancer, who now, really isn't performing up to his contract. So where else would you want him?

Is anyone else feeling that little nugget of excitement in their Dungarees, with the thought of Pedro pitching Game 2 at Yankee Stadium. We all know that he's not the DOMINANT Ace of the Staff Pedro, but does anyone even want to doubt this guy? No one thought he would go 4 innings against the Dodger's and he goes out there and puts a man-sized Zapata up Man-Ram's ass all for naught with the collapse of the 'pen in that game. Pedro versus the Yankees is just one more novella that is unfolding in this saga.

I'd like to see both of these series wrap up in the next 2 days and let's have a Monday night Boogie Down, In the Boogie Down. CC versus Cliff Lee…Wow, you want to see a pitchers' duel than that's you're game. I don't know about you guys but I'm VERY excited to see that series.

Stay Tuned


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