
Faith Re-hashed?

So who thinks Torii Hunter gave the Kevin Millar, "Don't let us win today" speech to the Angels? Of course it's not as if vintage Schilling and Pedro are going in games 6 and 7, those honors would go to Joe Saunders, and Jared Weaver? Not quite as formidable. But it is always a treat to see New York take it from behind in the playoffs.

John Lackey, time and time again, has proved that he is a big game pitcher. And as I stated yesterday I had no faith in him. His stuff is mediocre; 91-93 fast ball, sort of a looping curve and a change-up that would be useful if the mound was 58 feet from home. He nearly cost the Halos their game with his 13-year-old Pony League antics after a clearly botched call by the home plate ump (god this is a re-occurring theme this post season). I'm all for being fired up and wanting a pitcher to have that bulldog mentality, especially when facing elimination, but (Much like Youkilis' shenanigans) it would get old quick. I have actually changed my mind about wanting to pursue him for that reason. The one time he throws his arms up in the air after whatever 'Flavor of the Week' we have at shortstop muffs a ground ball, is the exact night that Youkilis lops his nuts off with a shard of his beard hair.

The Joe Girardi bashing needs to continue. It's a wonder in its own right that Damaso Marte has a Playoff roster spot, but it's a completely other asinine notion to put him in the game with runners on base. I understand he's a situational lefty, but that's the wrong situation, Skip. That right there was pretty much your ball game and especially when you have another lefty in the 'pen in Phil Coke with arguably better stuff. We could very easily make this a blog entry on its own every day.

We all knew it was coming. When the vaunted, and oh so delectable (former, ha!) ESPN Analyst Steve Phillips decided that being monogamously challenged was a good career move; he had to know that all the blogdom renegades were going to give him whiplash from a verbal assault. Wait a minute, Steve Phillips? He looks like a cross between the dad from 'Step By Step' and the main character from Pappy Drewitt. And by the way you know it's a good day when you can fit Pappy Drewitt into your schedule.

COMPLETELY OFF-TOPIC but I know you guys and especially gals relish the absolutely retarded goings-on of my life. We've talked about it before but bathroom etiquette really needs to be addressed. I'm not sure if it's just my place of employment (sure as hell seems like it) or not but seriously, this is getting ridiculous. First, when standing at a urinal it should be customary to have eyes either fixated on the wall or at the target, NO OTHER PLACE. Second, your stance is very important. (Take note Larry Craig) Earlier today I walked into the bathroom where there are two urinals (I ended up using a stall but that's neither here nor there) there was one fellow who was standing about 4 feet in front of the urinal pretty much flashing the entire world (bathroom: me) his genetalia. Not only was he flaunting "himself" but he clearly didn't need to steer the ship, as his hands were firmly entrenched on his side like a pouting 4 year old. The other urinal had a man seemingly practicing the Praying Mantis (ala Daniel-san). I guess on the bright side none of them put their hand on my shoulder and talked to me, mid-stream. But, I really wonder why these things have to happen to me.

Stay Tuned


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