
In Clay We (are going to have to) Trust

Not so long ago, but seemingly forever with 2 kids and mounds of bills later, I was told that I was an inspiring presence after winning the State Championship. Now with our backs up against the wall the Red Sox offense and Red Sox Nation needs a pick-me-up, and although I'm more than critical of most of the players now is not the time for any of my normally corny but highly effective puns or impressively slanted insults toward any member of the Red Sox.

There are many causes for concern. First being, NO ONE not even Clay himself knows what he can bring to the table. He could very easily channel his inner Schilling, which is what EVERYONE is hoping for, but he could also throw up numbers reminiscent of John "Way Back" Wasdin. Now's not the time for negativity, it's time to gather every morsel of positive energy and optimism you can find and throw it towards Yawkey Way. This Angels team is determined and is sent on a mission from, I am not going to say God, but there is someone up there that is trying our patience just a bit too much.

Let's put the history of shellacking aside if you are the higher seed in the playoffs you are given home field advantage. You are SUPPOSED to win the games at home. We threw our two headed monster of Lester and Beckett and didn't win. Who gives a shit? We can't dwell. We have to press on like Lewis & Clark. We have the reigning MVP on this team. The player with the 3rd most homers in the AL is on this team. The League Leader in stolen bases resides in center field. The player with the second highest On base % mans first base. And we have the 2nd best hitting catcher in the Bigs. I don't care what kind of offensive performance you have thrust forth thus far in the series put that shit aside and go out there and grind.

Scott Kazmir has (let's face it) stuck it to us at Fenway Park. I still don't see that changing tomorrow. But we need to find a way. We found a way to get one clutch hit against the best closer of All Time in 2004. We beat CC and an overachieving Carmona in 2007 and staved off elimination in 2008 until Game 7 against the upstart Rays. This team can win big ballgames, and I for one don't want this season to end.

I'm at a loss for many inspirational words for anyone right now, but one inning, one out, one pitch at a time is the only way to take the game that could decide your seasons fate. Stick to the game plan that got us 95 wins: get on base, work the count, get into the bullpen. We have not yet seen their Achilles heel and we need to expose that wound and twist the knife, so to speak. Clay Buchholz is on the mound and he earned that number 3 spot this year for us in October, go out there and pitch the game of your life. You're team needs it, your fans yearn for it, and a nation pines incessantly for it. Good Luck and God Speed

Stay Tuned


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