
The Cliff Lee Show

Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, Jean-Claude van Damn Cliff "I banged your mother and swooped in for your wife at the same time, without breaking a sweat" Lee was un-fricken-believable. In an almost effortless display of nonchalance Cliff Lee dazzled and further proved my superiority in the knowledge in the art of pitching. I believe I also said, "A-Rod was going 0-4 against Cliff Lee." (Oh yeah I did say that.) By the way, I said this a FULL WEEK AGO. I gave the edge to the Phillies in the Battle of the Aces, and all those CC supporters, called me a bafoon. I gave the advantage of the bullpen (not closer) to the Phils', and you guys laughed at me and blasphemed my good name. Still doubting my prognosticating ability? As Darrell Hammond would say, "Suck It, Trebek."

With a match of two Goliath's someone has to step up and put the other team into a choke hold. Well, Chase Utley went all Undertaker on Sabathia, and absolutely choke slammed, and then Tombstoned his 290-pound ass, straight through the mound. You've got to be worried if you're a Yankees fan if the guy that has put you on his back (in Sabathia) loses to the opposing teams' ace. He has one advantage left, in that he has thrown on 3-day's rest on numerous occasions, and Cliff Lee has never had the opportunity. But I'm going to approach Cliff Lee the same way you all should approach Chuck Norris. With Extreme Caution.

If the thought of your Ace losing wasn't enough cause for dismay, essentially the fate of the Yankees season rests on AJ Burnett. Not only does the plot thicken, but it gets decisively more difficult with the prospect of Pedro Martinez opposing (insert Nuke Laloosh or Ricky Vaughn here). Burnett is a time bomb ready to explode at any point. Is he capable of shutting down the Phillies lineup? Absolutely, and probably more apt than Pedro does the Yankees. But I've said it time and time again, for every gem that he tosses, he's got a cash for clunkers outing waiting in the wings. His last start in the NLCS doesn't give me much confidence either that he can pitch on the big stage. And this as we know is as BIG a stage as you're going to pitch on.

As dynamic, gaudy, and hair-raising the Yankee offense is, if A-Rod decides to rid himself of the Alien that inhabited his body through the Divisional and Championship Series, that resembled a REAL Major League Postseason player, They will lose. If Teixeira also decides to go tits up, and ONLY bring his glove to The Stadium or to Philadelphia, there are going to get throttled by the Philly Offense which seems to be clicking on all cylinders.

A quick prediction is that I think the Yanks will win this game, if JA Happ isn't in the game. The lefties are going to neutralize the bats of Teixeira, Swisher, Damon, Matsui and Cabrera; if that happens the Yanks are at a SEVERE disadvantage. Best remedy Yanks' fans? Pray for rain.

Stay Tuned



Who’s It Gonna Be

October/November sets the stage for unlikely heroes, unbelievable story lines, and history to be made. This series is loaded with superstars, complimented with role players, and just asking for someone's name to be made. To Philly Fans, Jayson Werth has been every bit as productive as Jason Bay for the Red Sox, while only being a compliment behind ultra slugger Ryan Howard, and the likes of Utley, Rollins and Ibanez. Could he be the man to step up and plant that flag down and say, "I claim this Land in the Name of Philadelphia"?

Nick Swisher has been almost non-existent through the first two rounds of the playoffs but could a 'Series' resilience cement his place in baseball lore?

Are we going to have a Joe Carter or Kirby Puckett like walk-off?

Could someone dazzle us like Don Larsen?

Will we have another iconic Carlton Fisk moment?

With the incorrigible Chip Caray suckin' down Mai Tai's somewhere, will Joe Buck coin another "Red Sox fans have longed to hear it," phrase, or will he screw the pooch with another, "Red Sox are five outs away from the World Series"? *shudders*

Who's going to have the Grady Little like melt down? (Girardi is already slowly raising his hand)

The answers to these questions are yet to be determined. But by next week's end, a victor will be crowned. A legend could very well have been born. Player's and Fan's hearts alike will be crushed and fulfilled. Pressure will mount. Men will crumble. Men will rejoice. No matter what the outcome, baseball at its highest degree, will be played.

You ask us why we love baseball? This is why.

Go Phillies!

Stay Tuned



The World Series

I know all of you have been waiting for it, and could I disappoint you all? Not a chance. Here's the rundown of the positional breakdowns between the Yankees and the Phillies followed by my prediction. And for all you placing bets on this series, you can take this prognostication to the bank and ride it in for the BIG payout.

Catcher- Jorge Posada/Jose Molina vs Carlos Ruiz

Ruiz is a VERY good defensive catcher, better than Posada, not quite as good as Molina. Posada OBVIOUSLY has the offensive edge over the Phillies, but if he has to catch Burnett, that could be a disaster waiting to happen. Molina is an uber-catcher, but at the bat you might as well take George Steinbrenner (he may be faster). SLIGHT Advantage: Yankees

1st Base- Mark Teixeira vs Ryan Howard

As much as I want to give the edge to Tex I'm calling this a push. While Mark "Leigh" Teixeira's defense goes against the realm of physics in most cases, Ryan Howard's display of offense in this years' Postseason is going to push this battle to even. They can both hit for Power and are both MAJOR cogs in their respective lineups, which makes this match Dead Even. Advantage Push

2nd Base- Robinson Cano vs Chase Utley

This matchup is as EVEN as they come. Utley is one of the premier power hitters for 2nd baseman since Jeff Kent. Cano is very easily the second best ALL around 2nd baseman behind Utley. Here's the statline: Cano~ .320 BA, 25 HR, 85 RBI .352 OBP and .984 FP% Utley~ .282 BA, 31 HR, 93 RBI, .397 OBP, and .984 FP%. Where Cano might get a few more hits, Utley's popping a few more out of the ball park. And while Cano's BA is higher Utley is taking a few more walks and seeing more pitches. This will be a treat to watch two of the best in the business at the second sack. Advantage: Push

Shortstop- Derek Jeter vs Jimmy Rollins

While Jimmy Rollins is a phenomenal player, I'm giving the edge to experience. There is not one better clutch performer in the World Series in the history of Major League Baseball. Jimmy's range is certainly better than Jeter's. But Jeter's all-around tools are more than enough to give a VERY slight edge to the Yankees. Advantage: Yankees

3rd Base- Alex Rodriguez vs Pedro Feliz

Obviously this is a landslide victory by the recently rejuvenated, controversial slugger, A-Rod. His playoff performance thus far has been nothing short of magnificent and this is one of the few routs in comparison to his counterpart on the other team. Honestly who is Pedro Feliz? BIG Advantage: Yankees

Outfield- Damon, Cabrera, Swisher vs Ibanez, Victorino, Werth

Speaking as a whole unit here, Philadelphia completely crushes the aging Damon, the inconsistent Swisher, and the seemingly vacant on offense Melky. Ibanez has been one of the best signings of the year in all of baseball. Victorino is one of the best defensive centerfielders in the game and not a bad stick either, and Jason Werth is coming into his own almost approaching Ryan Braun's stats. Advantage: Phillies

Game 1- Sabathia vs Lee

As good as CC has been, Lee has been better, and for some reason unbeknownst to me, isn't getting the proper credit. 1.19 ERA is bested with a 0.74 miniscule ERA by Lee. They are even at 20 K's apiece. CC has given up 17 hits, Lee 14. Both have issued 3 BBs. CC has allowed 1 HR and Lee has given up none. As I said Lee has been better. Advantage: Phillies

Game 2- Burnett vs Martinez

Burnett has elite stuff, probably better than BOTH Sabathia and Lee but for every gem that he throws he has a clunker waiting in his arsenal and his inability to throw the slider around the catcher in some instances could be cause for concern. Burnett's last start was nothing to write home about, and with the pressure mounting even more it could be something to take heed of. Pedro is clearly not the dominant force that he once was but no one expected him to even be able to go 4 + innings against the Dodgers, and he turned in 7 shutout 2-hit innings. Not too shabby. Advantage: Push

Game 3- Pettite vs Hamels

Pettite is one of the best playoff pitchers of this era. No one is taking that away from him. Hamels is like a new age version of Pettite. Despite his NLCS clinching Game 5 has been VERY solid on his starts in October. Another VERY even matchup. Advantage: Push

Closer- Mariano Rivera vs Brad Lidge

Not close. Mo' takes it, no explanation necessary. Advantage: Yankees

Bullpen- NYY vs Phi

Even though, Philly's regular season struggles were well-documented, NYY's Postseason snafus are coming to fruition. Advantage: Phillies

Managers- Joe Girardi vs Charlie Manuel

Yes, both managers are in the World Series, but Joe Girardi's ineptitudes will surface during this series. His inability to manage a bullpen Should/Will come out to haunt him. If he over-manages (pulling out Damon mid-inning, losing his DH, etc) this series like he did against the Angels, the Pinstripes WILL fall. Charlie Manuel, although sounds like Grady Little with his southern Drawl do not confuse the two. When a decision has to be made he makes it, and doesn't care about egos or personalities. BIG Advantage: Philadelphia

I expect this to be a HIGHLY competitive series, but I do NOT see this going 7 games like many other people do. The X-Factor for the Phillies is J.A. Happ. This season the Yankees have not fared as well against lefties and Happ, coming out of the bullpen he is going to play a HUGE role, and he will turn Posada, Tex, Swisher around who don't hit for as much power from the right Side and neutralize Cano, Damon and Matsui.

The X-Factor for the Yankees is Mark Teixiera. He needs to not just hit well but hit for power in this series from the Right side. If he hits for Power from the right side the Yankees WILL WIN this series.

With all the lefties going in the series for the Phillies I'm giving them the nod in 6 games. They are the team to beat, as the Defending Champs, and the Southpaws will neutralize and Alter their entire offense. Your thoughts?

Stay Tuned



A Tip of the Cap

This is the point where you have to tip your cap to the Evil Empire. I was rooting for the Angels as hard as anyone, but the Yankees started their mission in the offseason by spending just under half a billion dollars on the likes of CC, Tex, and Burnett, and they could have very easily succumbed to the pressure and not gelled as a team, but they didn't. Their team is the perfect team for that ball park and they played it to their advantage, night in and night out. They out Halo'd the Angles and played mistake free baseball, other than having Girardi manage their team, but I digress. Now that the love fest is over, it's time for the Fall Classic. This is where big time players make big time plays, and the Best team will prevail. (Prediction coming tomorrow).

Let's get one thing straight. Now that this series has been set, one thing is certain, in my mind. The PHILLIES are the team to beat, NOT THE YANKEES. I don't what the records were in the regular season or who the home team is this series, the Philadelphia Phillies are the Defending Champs, and have not yet been beaten in the playoffs. So bring on the hype machine, and juggernaut that is the Yankees, because the Phillies train is just as loaded with stars, and ready for a death match in their pursuit of their title defense.

Now I promised on Twitter that I would give ya'll a little insight into a day in the life of this blogger. To say that my life is like an episode of Nip/Tuck with FAR less sex, and much more liposuction needed, these love handles are killin' me, would be a spot on comparison to the soap opera that is my daily goings-on. For some reason people take me seriously. I realize that my baseball opinion is as good as gold but why anyone would listen to my irreverence on Facebook or Twitter is sort of reaching.

There has been a situation that has embroiled that I voiced my opinion on without using names because slandering/libeling someone's character not named Daisuke Matsuzaka is not my cup of tea, and another person has CLEARLY taken umbrage with my opinion. Now if my 2nd grade teacher taught me anything (she really didn't, but 2nd grade sounded good for the longevity aspect) it is that EVERYONE is entitled to their opinions. I like to follow that general rule of thumb for a couple reasons. It's courteous, and mama always said, "Be courteous to everyone if you don't want God to strike you dead." Second, it makes for good debate. As you all know I LOVE to debate anything, whether it be Jason Bay's contract, the Hottest "bitty" on 'Glee', or the amount of people that I think a certain person has slept with.

Debating is not only a way to get under someone's skin, but to also enhance the way you communicate in competitive situations. That I find to be one of my biggest strengths. So much so, that I'm taking their debates and sending them back to them completely reformatted and grammatically correct. Debating is great, but when someone misuses words, spells words wrong, and is also in the position of molding the young minds' that will control our future I really take offense that you would challenge *points to self* this guy, and is really damning to your argument. I would advise all of my BOTN faithful before you start a debate with ANYONE let alone me to look at the facts, before you start, that way you don't end up looking like a donkey.

I guess you could say I'm a Master debater. (See what I did there?)

Stay Tuned



Faith Re-hashed?

So who thinks Torii Hunter gave the Kevin Millar, "Don't let us win today" speech to the Angels? Of course it's not as if vintage Schilling and Pedro are going in games 6 and 7, those honors would go to Joe Saunders, and Jared Weaver? Not quite as formidable. But it is always a treat to see New York take it from behind in the playoffs.

John Lackey, time and time again, has proved that he is a big game pitcher. And as I stated yesterday I had no faith in him. His stuff is mediocre; 91-93 fast ball, sort of a looping curve and a change-up that would be useful if the mound was 58 feet from home. He nearly cost the Halos their game with his 13-year-old Pony League antics after a clearly botched call by the home plate ump (god this is a re-occurring theme this post season). I'm all for being fired up and wanting a pitcher to have that bulldog mentality, especially when facing elimination, but (Much like Youkilis' shenanigans) it would get old quick. I have actually changed my mind about wanting to pursue him for that reason. The one time he throws his arms up in the air after whatever 'Flavor of the Week' we have at shortstop muffs a ground ball, is the exact night that Youkilis lops his nuts off with a shard of his beard hair.

The Joe Girardi bashing needs to continue. It's a wonder in its own right that Damaso Marte has a Playoff roster spot, but it's a completely other asinine notion to put him in the game with runners on base. I understand he's a situational lefty, but that's the wrong situation, Skip. That right there was pretty much your ball game and especially when you have another lefty in the 'pen in Phil Coke with arguably better stuff. We could very easily make this a blog entry on its own every day.

We all knew it was coming. When the vaunted, and oh so delectable (former, ha!) ESPN Analyst Steve Phillips decided that being monogamously challenged was a good career move; he had to know that all the blogdom renegades were going to give him whiplash from a verbal assault. Wait a minute, Steve Phillips? He looks like a cross between the dad from 'Step By Step' and the main character from Pappy Drewitt. And by the way you know it's a good day when you can fit Pappy Drewitt into your schedule.

COMPLETELY OFF-TOPIC but I know you guys and especially gals relish the absolutely retarded goings-on of my life. We've talked about it before but bathroom etiquette really needs to be addressed. I'm not sure if it's just my place of employment (sure as hell seems like it) or not but seriously, this is getting ridiculous. First, when standing at a urinal it should be customary to have eyes either fixated on the wall or at the target, NO OTHER PLACE. Second, your stance is very important. (Take note Larry Craig) Earlier today I walked into the bathroom where there are two urinals (I ended up using a stall but that's neither here nor there) there was one fellow who was standing about 4 feet in front of the urinal pretty much flashing the entire world (bathroom: me) his genetalia. Not only was he flaunting "himself" but he clearly didn't need to steer the ship, as his hands were firmly entrenched on his side like a pouting 4 year old. The other urinal had a man seemingly practicing the Praying Mantis (ala Daniel-san). I guess on the bright side none of them put their hand on my shoulder and talked to me, mid-stream. But, I really wonder why these things have to happen to me.

Stay Tuned



Punching their Ticket

Well one prophecy is one step closer to being fulfilled. The Phillies didn't just beat them, they clearly were the stronger team and deserved to win that series. When Vicente Padilla is your only hope Kumbaya is probably the song that will be played in the club house more often than not. I don't care what the record was in the regular season, the Phillies, again, were the best team in the NL and their offense is the only one that could have competed with the Yankees. I'm pretty sure that John Lackey is nothing more than a glorified batting practice whipping post, and the Yankees are going to win this game in a blow out. Now, as I've said there are plenty of questions that have been asked and it would be irresponsible of me to ignore them any further. Looks like Mike has plenty to say…

Michael wrote:

  1. Why on Earth are people calling A-Rod the new Mr. October after all the years he's blown up in the postseason?
  2. Rumors about SS: Miguel Tejada? Yes he'd be a bat, but his Defense is down quite a bit. Thoughts?
  3. Even if we do keep Pap as a closer, Could they go after Mike Gonzalez from the Braves anyway, like another Billy Wagner solution?
  4. I also want to comment on Nomar. I know he couldn't play 100 games a year at short but he could play both corners and DH once in a while. Why not bring nostalgia back and have him end his career in Beantown?

Well Michael I think I'll field your questions in the order they came in. I say that as if there would be any logical reason for me to go in any other order.

  1. As far as A-Rod's nickname goes, I think Mr. October probably sounds better on television than the nickname he had earlier in the year. (Bitch Tits anyone?) All kidding aside, he's finally coming through when it matters most. Wouldn't you be excited if the most widely scrutinized player on our team (Dice or Drew) started absolutely blowing shit up? It's just a confidence builder. If you haven't read the book "A-Rod" by Selena Roberts you should, not because she's an impressive writer but it gives you some sense of what he's like. The guy is a head case, obviously, and any sort of hype for him in the positive is just what he needs. That being said, He's going 0-4 against Cliff Lee in Game 1 guaranteed, then we'll see who Mr. October is.
  2. Well, I heard rumblings but do we really want ANOTHER stopgap at Short? His offense would obviously be an upgrade over everyone that we are looking at that isn't named Hanley, but Mike Lowell range looks at Tejada's and says, "Bitch Please."
  3. While I personally think that going after a power Lefty would be a BRILLIANT move I don't know if Gonzalez is the way to go with Papelbon still on the team. Gonzalez could go somewhere else and given the chance unless he TRULY wants to win, he would want to Close. I don't have any prospects or Major League players in mind that they could go after, but having two lefties in the bullpen can ONLY help you unless Manny DelCarmen's brother happens to be a SouthPaw.
  4. While I would LOVE to see Nomar back in a Sox uni for the remainder of his career, there could be some obstacles in the way right now. If he's going to be a "super-sub" , what happens to Jed Lowrie, because seemingly that position is his right now playing SS, 2B and 3B very well defensively. Nomar was a phenomenal player, and still has his moments but if the stats that I'm seeing are correct, he played in 22 games this year. We all know his injury history but to me if Rocco Baldelli is going to be perennially healthier than you, I'm not sure if that's the person you want on your bench. If we make a splash and get a corner IF this offseason, there is no way he EVER plays at the corners with Youkilis and whichever Bopper we insert into our lineup, with a seemingly healthier Jed Lowrie to fill in at any of the aforementioned positions, Nomar would be relegated to DH most likely. And while Ortiz has definitely lost some, I'm not sure I want Nomar DH-ing on the Sox. As Theo said, " we want our DH to be a force." I know your love for Nomar is sort of Romeo/Juliet deep but I don't see it happening this year.

As always I love answering the baseball/roster/anything sort of questions. I might even field what I wear to bed (puts finger to mouth) *thinks about silk boxers* What? Don't act like you would think anything else would suffice.

Stay Tuned



Might As Well Be Down to Two

Who thinks the Yankees and Phillies are going to the World Series? (Stands up and flails arms around uncontrollably) I DO! I DO! This script is being written almost perfectly. You have the team standing firm in its Title Defense. And you have THE top team in Baseball, the team with the highest payroll, and one that seemingly is an unstoppable force that can't be beat. It's like Mickey Mantle vs. Willy Mays. There's almost no difference. Once the Series participants are finalized I'll break it down, thoroughly.

CC was nothing short of marvelous on 3 days rest. He had been given small respites throughout the regular season in order to be ready to shoulder the load in the playoffs and in the first sample it worked out VERY well. With him throwing yesterday and the Yankees PROBABLY wrapping the series up in 5 games, 6 at the most, He'll be on the mound for Game 1 in Yankee Stadium of the World Series.

Everyone can calm down about Manny not being in the dugout also for the end of their Game 4, was anyone surprised? Has his character not already been sullied enough that you really think of him as a "model" baseball citizen? Please. He was already taken from the game. Major League rules clearly aren't going to magically let him back in the game, so what good is going to come of him in the dugout anyway. He's already a cancer, who now, really isn't performing up to his contract. So where else would you want him?

Is anyone else feeling that little nugget of excitement in their Dungarees, with the thought of Pedro pitching Game 2 at Yankee Stadium. We all know that he's not the DOMINANT Ace of the Staff Pedro, but does anyone even want to doubt this guy? No one thought he would go 4 innings against the Dodger's and he goes out there and puts a man-sized Zapata up Man-Ram's ass all for naught with the collapse of the 'pen in that game. Pedro versus the Yankees is just one more novella that is unfolding in this saga.

I'd like to see both of these series wrap up in the next 2 days and let's have a Monday night Boogie Down, In the Boogie Down. CC versus Cliff Lee…Wow, you want to see a pitchers' duel than that's you're game. I don't know about you guys but I'm VERY excited to see that series.

Stay Tuned



…And Off With His Head.

If I'm Billy Martin I'm rolling over in my grave right now with the SPOT ON imitation of Grady Little as performed by Joe Girardi. His ineptitude at the helm of one of the most storied franchises in sports (although I'm splitting my ass with laughter) is so damning that it makes me want to puke as a baseball savant. The over-managing in yesterday's game could cost them (although I don't think so) and if it does, this series lies SOLELY on his shoulders.

The first thing that he is a jackass for is because he always looks like Brad Sullivan from the 1995 Daniel Stern Classic "Bushwhacked." The second thing is his awkward abuse/underuse of his bullpen. This is evidenced by his pitching change to bring in Alfredo Aceves when the relief pitcher (Robertson) with the highest K/BB ratio in the American League has only thrown 11 pitches and has set down the Angels with relative ease through his first two batters. This man is not qualified to run a Zamboni and you're going to let him take hold of the most expensive team in professional sports? Be it a lack of good candidates, or just horrible planning by the Cashman/Steinbrenner regime this man is single-handedly going to run your team's "dick in the dirt," as my illiterate father would say.

If Johnny Damon's arm is so bad that you have to take him out in the middle of an inning, then he shouldn't be out there to start that inning, or that game for that matter. But the fact of the matter is that at this stage in his career, he is out there because of his offense. He then ends up losing his DH, and ended up with their 3rd string catcher in Left Field. His over/mismanagement could very well be the demise of the 2009 Yankees and I'm laughing hysterically, because this team should win Championship after Championship. Don't give me the Money doesn't buy Titles. The F*ck it doesn't! When you have Alex Rodriguez, Mark Teixeira and Derek Jeter on the same team complimented with Robinson Cano, Jorge Posada and Johnny Damon, if you don't win it's on the manager.

Now onto one of the more suspect things I've seen out of the Yankees in a while. This video shows the Great Mariano Rivera not just spitting on the baseball but full blown dowsing it with saliva. Yes, it's illegal but to me this isn't something to freak out about, even as a Red Sox fan this doesn't change anything that Rivera has done. If he did this all the time, with the camera angles and technology today we would have seen it by now so calm down Red Sox "Fanboys" he's still the best closer in the history of Major League Baseball. I once played with a kid that would sharpen the prong of his belt so that it came to a point reminiscent of this slasher, and everytime we would throw the ball around the horn, he would slide the ball out of his glove near his waist, in one fluid motion, and gauge the ball for our cutter-wielding pitchers.

As far as the NLCS goes, Cliff Lee is throwing out of his mind right now and I don't care who he faces in the World Series (because Yes, they are winning the NLCS probably in 5 games) he is going to shut them down and enter into the winter looking for an ass load of money. For me, he's throwing better and more economically than Josh Beckett did in the 2007 playoff run by the Sox. Ryan Howard is in another dimension with how locked in he is, even going as far as to tie Gherig's record of consecutive games with an RBI in the post season. I'm going with a Phillies vs. Yankees Series, with the advantage Phillies solely because Joe Girardi isn't their manager.

Stay Tuned



Need Fast Actin’ Relief?

First off, for all of you thinking that without Billy Wagner we should absolutely NOT trade Papelbon, his ERA is over 10 in the playoffs. Now I love what he brought to the team for a power lefty out of the bullpen, but if you want someone who historically has not performed well in the playoffs, than there you go. I STILL BELIEVE they should and will trade Papelbon. He would be a VERY valued commodity for many teams in baseball and could bring us or be a vital piece in our plans to acquire a slugger.

To all of you that don't think Bard is ready to be a full-time closer for the Red Sox. Papelbon had less Major League experience at the time he took over the role from Keith Foulke than Daniel Bard does right now, and in case you can't remember Bard didn't do too poorly in this year's Postseason. If you need a closer, Mike Gonzalez from ATL and Fernando Rodney from DET could come relatively cheap. Personally with Daniel Bard's stuff and confidence in his secondary pitches I see no need whatsoever to shelter him from the limelight of closing, but those are two players who you could use to take some pressure off and ease him into the role.

As difficult as it may be for all you "Old Guard Supporters" within the next 2 years, those players should/will be gone. You're resident heart throb and third baseman will be on another team hopefully still raking and playing Gold Glove caliber defense but his range is declining (and be declining I mean nonexistent) and watching him run is almost as painful as watching Varitek attempt to throw runners out. This brings me to my next point. Varitek SHOULD be back this year and that's it. But I am not opposed to letting him go. We AREN'T going to carry 3 catchers on the team at any point until September so long as Victor is catching almost every day. Even the strongest of Varitek Army Advocates know that the right move is to buy him out and get a strong armed backstop, but I guess "pitch selection" is worth 3 mil a year. *snickers*

David Ortiz to me is an enigma. The guy pours in just about 30 bombs and 100 Ribs, and we want to run him out of town. You're right in saying that he is in the decline stage as well. Noticeable bat speed has clearly been lost from his swing, but the guy still has value for OUR team. The has made it abundantly clear that if he doesn't produce he won't be part of the team. Since he can't contribute on defense what good is a guy clogging up a spot in the order with an OBP barely over .300? Short Answer: Not much. But for a 3 month stretch he was in the top 3 offensive performers in baseball. So he obviously can make adjustments even with a diminished skill-set, but which David Ortiz will be more prominent next season the first half of the season, or the second? I think it will honestly be somewhere in the middle, and if that's what Theo wants out of his DH then he's back if he doesn't think that he will even get that, then he's gone.

Most of these moves WILL require to eat some serious crow, and cash. But in order to put out a perennial contender, sacrifices are going to have to be made. If you don't think I LOVED David Ortiz, and his late inning heroics while I was in High School, you have me all wrong. If you don't think I was in AWE with the glove work of Mike Lowell at 3rd and the clutch wood work he did at the plate then you are sadly mistaken. And if you don't think that I was enamored at the leadership, gamesmanship, and stoicism that Varitek brought to the 2 position than you clearly DON'T know me and you should probably get to know me better. But baseball is a business, and in business, those who are reactive don't win. This sellout streak started when this team didn't just get come under new management, but won meaningful games instead of crumbling to the pressure. If we don't make significant splashes in the aforementioned areas, do you want to go see a rebuilding team? That's what I thought.

As far as Manny DelCarmen is concerned, he's and his goatee, are still a joke.

Stay Tuned



And The Hits Just Keep on Comin’

So, was it just me or did Clayton Kershaw realize that he was pitching in the NLCS in the 5th inning. Maybe it was a case of the adrenaline was gone and he lost his stuff but once he let that first run in he was so demoralized and it was pretty obvious that he wasn't going to get out of that inning. As advertised, I got more questions/concerns and I plan on answering them again. And away we go…

Kerri wrote: We need to keep Pap, Bard, and Buch. Leave the pitching alone! We need some Joe Mauer, and what about Carl Crawford if they don't sign Jason Bay. I wouldn't mind having Marco Scutaro as well.

Alright everyone I get it. You guys clearly have hard-on's for Papelbon, Bard, and Buchholz. Rightfully so I may add. But when you can get an impact player such as Adrian Gonzalez or Felix Hernandez who has not yet hit their prime, You do it! It would be irresponsible of Theo NOT to trade Buchholz and specific prospects for these players. Unlike all of you guys I think that Bard IS ready to take over the closer role, and that's based on the fact(s) that: 1) His stuff is lights out and isn't afraid to throw secondary pitches. 2) This is the EXACT situation that happened when Papelbon came in the league behind Foulke, and at the same time I wanted Papelbon over Foulke. Wouldn't it make sense for me to make the same decision? It has obviously worked out the first time I made that decision, and I'm of the persuasion that I will be right again. We can't entirely leave the pitching alone; we will need to grab at least one guy off the bargain rack at Costco (Harden, Webb, Sheets). Although, I've never seen anything for a minimum of 4 million at Costco. I don't think Crawford is the Answer. He is a Terrific talent, and phenomenal base stealer but we are already in need of offense and without 36 HRs from Jason Bay we're replacing them with 60 steals? This may lead to runs, but not a foregone conclusion. We need a power bat at a corner. Scutaro is another player who had a good year, but this is the first year since '04 that he has hit over .270 and I feel as if Gonzalez's glove would be better so it seems to me a push. ENOUGH WITH THE JOE MAUER STUFF. He is a lifer in Minnesota, and if he isn't you can envision an 8 year 350 million dollar contract from the Yankees. What too low? Probably.

Bradrowe29 wrote: Little have I heard on here about a pitcher from the North by the name of Roy, since the trade deadline. What do you think the chances of them making a run at him being that his value has dropped since they will only have him under their control for the 2010 season? If they could who would they deal? Bowden, Buchholz, Westmoreland PTBNL? Think of a rotation including Roy, Lester, Beckett. Wow that would get me excited. Your thoughts?

Bradley, this is the first question yet that I have been forced to ponder for more than about 2 minutes. Historically, Theo hasn't given anything to players of Roy Halladay's age, but this is an exception because Roy Halladay is, well, Roy Halladay. You are 100% correct in that his value has dropped; because instead of having him for the remainder of the 2009 season and then another season you only have one season to determine whether he's due for another big Pay Day. Ultimately I think he is due for a big pay day. The package that you mentioned would be a decent start but if the Sox made Westmoreland off limits to Seattle for Hernandez who is arguably the best pitcher in baseball not named Tim Lincecum or Zack Greinke, I have a hard time believe they would throw him in a deal unless it was only Buchholz and Westmoreland, with no one else involved. If I were to put together a trade it would probably be Buch, Bowden, and 2 B level prospects. Also another thing to consider is the change in GM's North of the Border. He could want the extra cash/players to rebuild everything, but they freed up a LOT of cap space this year getting rid of Rios and Rolen among others, so they could actually make a splash in the Free Agent Market. (If you want to call it that.)

Michael wrote: Lefty Yusei Kikuchi, an 18-year-old from Japan. WTF. Why do we keep wanting to sign these guys?

First off I laughed out loud because I have a tendency to make very un-politically correct jokes and really wanted to say one, but I digress. But this is best answered with another question. All Ethnicities aside. If you are a scout, and you see a lefty throwing 94+ with a ridiculous Bugs Bunny Curve, would you be interested? That's what I thought. He's young and still impressionable. And by this I mean, once Japanese players are integrated into the Nippon League they have their regiments and daily routines that they MUST keep up with once they are in the states (i.e. Daisuke Matsuzaka). The reason why I am so "up" on Junichi Tazawa is because he too didn't play in the Nippon League and wasn't yet stuck in their ways. This is not to say that they aren't affective because they have some very competitive baseball over there. That being said, this is the Major leagues were talking 'bout here, ya know where baseball is for the most part played outside, and you can take a guy out at second without being hated by an entire country. If I'm the Red Sox I want this kid in my farm system, he could be the next closest thing to Nick Hagadone (2nd pitcher in the V-Mart deal) in our farm system. And its always good to have a flame throwing lefty. (Oh, how I love you Jon Lester.)

Michael again wrote: Hey bud, I know you're going to call me crazy, and any other things you can think of, but, What do you think of Pap, Buch, and Youk for Pujols and cash, who is leaning towards not signing an extension with the Cardinals. Bard can replace Pap, and Buch you can replace with Harden, Sheets, or Webb. With Pujols you could sign someone like Joe Crede to give Lowell a blow, what do you think?

Michael you are absolutely right about one thing, "bud". You're bonkers, nope you're worse than bonkers, you're Skip Bayless. This trade for a bat doesn't benefit us that much if we give up one of our more consistent productive hitters. Joe Crede, this year played 90 and hit .225 and had an OBP under .300, to me he doesn't fit the scheme of the Red Sox, of course either does someone that hits .209 and throws out the least amount of runners since Jaws was in the Cinemaplex. Pujols is a once in a generation talent, but he, like Mauer, SHOULD play for one team for the duration of his career. He went to High School in Missouri and if you think back to how popular you're binky Nomar was here, multiply that times JD Drew's paycheck. With the signing of Mark Teixeira, the Yankees have all but eliminated that unless they move Jeter to Left, shift A-rod back to short, and put Pujols at 3B, which hey it could work on MLB the Show why not on Girardi's Playhouse? It is absolutely not going to happen, and Theo wouldn't even want to do that deal, it leaves too many ifs because Webb/Sheets/Harden are reclamation projects. If one of them gets hurt even though they are going to re-up Tim Wakefield again next year, it still depletes your depth without Buchholz.

Wow guys I have to say I'm impressed today more than I have been with the quality of questions and the variety of topics. Keep 'em Coming, and feel free to load 'em up over the weekend and I'll have you're next post on Monday! Well played everyone *nods approvingly*.

Stay Tuned



Michael, You on ‘Da Line

I should have made this clear in The Post Heard Round The World, but these changes are not something that are ALL going to happen this offseason, but they will be addressed in either THIS offseason OR the next. Being that Lowell, Varitek, and Ortiz are all off the books after next year at least one of them will be back, but realistically I think 1 WILL be gone. But that really isn't what this post is about. This post is about me, calling on you guys to pinch hit in the ninth, and unlike Jed Lowrie, You guys come through. Another excellent bunch of observations/questions from one of my, oh so dedicated followers. And it goes a little something like this:

Michael wrote: We need a catcher, and I know the Rangers have a lot to offer in that spot. Why not go after Saltalamacchia. He idolized Tek growing up and could learn a lot from him this season. Plus he has a gun behind the plate. I don't like the thought of losing Buch right now he was a horse in the playoffs (all of the one game he pitched) but he's a future guy for us. I also tend to agree with Julia that trading Ellsbury would be crazy after he just swiped 70 bags for you. What about an SS? We could sign Gonzo as he solidified the spot for us down the stretch but what about bringing back OC from the Twins or Jack Wilson? Some of the Guys we should be looking at are: Dunn, Prince, A-Gonz (from the padres), Harden(Cubs), King Felix, Lee(Philly), Webb, Sheets, Salty(rangers), Yorvit Torrealba(young enough to get the job done from Col). PS. What about NOMAR!


Dear Michael,

You are correct in saying that the Rangers have a lot to offer in that spot. But Saltalamacchia is not the catcher you want out of that group. Saltalamacchia has, and will most likely always be labeled as a offense first catcher. I don't know where you are getting that he has a "gun" behind the dish unless you are comparing it to Varitek's in that case it's an absolute pea shooter. Just to make sure I wasn't mistaken and in no scouting reports have I seen "plus catcher" "plus arm" or anything of the sort. He is also average at best in his accuracy at throwing to bases as well. To put it in perspective, last year Victor Martinez had 4 errors in 85 games behind the plate, and Salty had 7 errors in 83 games. He chose a good role model in Tek, to look up to, but the only thing that he could learn from him is pitch selection. After looking up some facts, not once in Varitek's career was he above the league average in CS%. Here's an interesting link talking about the best defensive catchers that you may find interesting. Taylor Teagarden is the BEST defensive catcher that Texas has to offer, with a PLUS arm and actually has some power when hitting. He has developed into a solid all around player and should be a full-time catcher within 2 years in the majors.

With regards to your comments about Buchholz, I am also not completely in agreeance. While Buchholz was good, he was NOT dominant in that game vs. the Angels. Don't get me wrong he gave us EXACTLY what we needed, a chance to win, but to say that he wouldn't be worth trading to get either a Felix Hernandez or Adrian Gonzalez would be ludicrous. He very well could be a BIG piece in the future of the Red Sox rotation, but he is still an unfinished product and until he's thrown 200 innings in the big leagues or somewhere near that mark, he will be.

Oh, the dreaded Ellsbury comments. I'm starting to think that reading comprehension is lost upon some people. I NEVER said that it was going to happen. I was saying that it made sense, but probably wouldn't happen. You're correct in that he did just swipe 70 bags for us, but if you have a healthy Jose Reyes he would do the same thing at a position that we have been constantly doling out donkeys. That being said, I DON'T THINK ITS GOING TO HAPPEN. I was just bringing to fruition one of the many trade scenarios that enter into my head.

Alex Gonzalez did ONE HELL OF A JOB for us down the stretch, that being said. He's NOT coming back for 6 million per year, when Bobby Abreu only made 5 million this year. NOT GONNA HAPPEN. If he is willing to take a pay cut, he will be back, if not its someone else's position to take. Orlando Cabrera is in the same boat. He will be 35 next year and his range is not what it used to be. I would LOVE for them to kick the tires on Jack Wilson; he is as solid as they come at short. He's not much of an OBP guy but if you're looking for ONLY defense he could be your guy. Another person that I've heard recently that they will look at is JJ Hardy. Hardy is basically getting run out of town because of the emergence of uber-prospect Alcides Escobar taking the reins at short.

After looking over your list of targets for the offseason the ONLY way you sign Adam Dunn is as the DH. His defense is so poor that he makes Julio Lugo look like Ozzie Smith. So if you are ready to write Big Papi off, then he is DEFINITELY your man! Prince Fielder for me is a notch below Gonzalez, and ONLY because his defense is not as good. That being said, his ferocious swing makes babies cry in Indonesia and I would love to have him. But if they are going to spring for Fielder, they might as well spring for Gonzalez because they would be getting Gold Glove Caliber defense from him. But if Fielder comes here I would expect that Hardy comes over in that deal as well. Yorvit Torrealba is NOT a good defensive catcher. This is evidenced in that he has the 2nd worst CS% in the game behind, you guessed it, Jason Varitek. Chris Ianetta who had a down year would make MUCH more sense if they are going to deal with the Rockies because he has a LASER for an arm and is a RI native. Nomar is NOT a SS anymore. He would be a utility player for this team and someone that I would love to see them get for their bench. But to think he could play more than 100 games at Short is unrealistic given his age and injury history.

Onto you're pitching prognostications. Harden is a LEGITIMATE possibility in that the Cubs don't want to exercise his option and he is one of those vaunted reclamation projects that the Red Sox love. Webb and Sheets we've already talked about. Cliff Lee would be a god-send but it looks like he loves the City of Brotherly Love and will exercise his option to stay there next year and that's probably a good move to have that much offense around you. King Felix is a monolith. This kid is Bob Gibson all over again. No one wants to face him. But in order to get him, who is VERY affordable for another year or 2 they are going to have to part with Buchholz and one of Bard or Ellsbury AND 3 Type A prospects from their farm system. That is not my opinion that is actually what Peter Gammons and Ken Rosenthal have said. If you can SOMEHOW keep Bard and Ellsbury out of it and maybe use Papelbon in that move I would do it, other than that I don't know that we have the prospects anymore.

I realize that this was a very long and thoughtful response. And for those of you looking for a quick fix of Bottom of the Ninth, I'm sorry. But I write for you guys and gals, as well as myself and thought it be best that I do my best to explain each situation thoroughly. Please keep the questions coming and you will DEFINITELY see them on here!

Stay Tuned




Wow, my Bottom of the Ninth faithful have really come out in full force (4 comments…). I have decided to make a pseudo-mailbag with all of your comments, criticisms, complaints and cuestions. (I tried to stay with the "c" themed alliteration, how do you feel about that?) Now if I can only think of a name for it…Ball Bag? Too provocative. Touching all the Bases? Nah, Chad Finn has that covered. By the Beard of Zeus, I've got it! Fielding it Cleanly.

Onto the Reader's Digest version of the comments:

BoSoxSnoopy wrote: We need a gun slinger behind the plate, What to do there?

Well Ms. Red Sox Joe Cool, I have to say that I agree and obviously the stalwart Jason Varitek isn't going to cut it this time around. There are some options, both via trade. Obviously Texas has an onslaught of catchers, and the best defensive catcher out of the bunch is Taylor Teagarden. He would add some pop when behind the dish, but his arm strength is nothing short of 'holy shit'. The other player (for me) would be Chris Ianetta. He has a plus arm and is said to work well with pitchers. He is also a RI native to boot and what better team to play for than the hometown Sox!

Bradrowe29 wrote: I think you're mad with some of these predictions. I think they get a Nick Johnson or Hank Blalock and swing Youk to 3rd. For SS I think you're looking at Lowrie, Crosby, or maybe Scutaro.

Bradley, the price of being omnipotent was just one of the perks that come along with making stark-raving assertions like I did in my last post. The Red Sox ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT sign Nick Johnson if not because a stiff Aprill breeze will land him on the 60-Day DL or because he's a shell of the player he was when he was on the Yankees. As for Blalock, I'd say go after him hard…If it were 2003. His batting avg. in 2009 was .234 and OBP an abysmal .277. I'm almost inclined to say Varitek can do that, but we know better. My shortstop scenario was clearly a wet dream put to paper (or keyboard if you will) but to think we would get Bobby Crosby who has only hit above .240 once in his 7 year career would not behoove the Sox. Scutaro had a great year but he's just shy of 34 and last year was most likely his peak year. On a side note, the fact that you would bat Nick Johnson in your lineup that included Matt Holliday, Kevin Youkilis, and Victor Martinez is serious cause for concern and should probably be checked for Swine Flu.

Julia wrote: Ryan-I think trading Buchholz would be a mistake. He proved that he is a quality pitcher. If Wagner wasn't mulling retirement I wouldn't be concerned with trading Paps. Bard is not yet ready to be the regular closer. Trading Ells? You're crazy!

Finally! A baseball mind and questions worthy of debate! While you have a VERY valid point that Buchholz is a quality pitcher, I ask you this, What did this team lack more than anything? A middle of the order bat that other teams feared. Bay, Martinez, and the Youkka are all class hitters but to say pitchers' feared them is a stretch. Unless Theo has some real magic up his sleeve, Buchholz HAS to be part of the deal to obtain said Bopper. The "big-bat" makes the complimentary pieces MUCH better, you know that. Not to mention that the Quality starting pitching in this market is actually pretty plentiful (Webb, Duchscherer, Harden, Lackey). As for Bard, it's a fair assessment, but with Paps going to command more money via arbitration this trade scenario I concocted would be a solid all-around "baseball trade". His BB/9 ratio elevating is very scary for a closer, and personally I'd rather have someone coming in throwing 100mph with movement and the ability to throw his secondary pitches for strikes, than someone throwing 95mph and flat and being unable to hone in his breaking pitches. With regards to Ellsbury, I said I didn't think it would happen but it would free up about 6 million dollars for the "Amazins" and in this economic climate, KG said it best, Anything is possible.

Shelley wrote: This post is 150% crazy talk. Bay will get re-signed unless the money situation gets ugly. Pap will be back. Ells is going nowhere. Buch showed value beyond trade bait. Lowell will also be back since he has a year left on his contract.

Shelley, Shelley, Shelley, where fore art thou Shelley? If we go from June 25th (trade to the Cardinals) forward I will argue that Holliday was unquestionably the better player (.353BA 13HR 55RBI). He is faster than Bay, has a stronger arm, and while Bay may edge him in RBI's wherever he goes, If Holliday gets 81 games at Fenway I'm sure the HR's will be dead even. This is THE perfect time to trade Pap if there was any. And with Bard nipping at his heels and his fastball laughing as it blows by him. Papelbon could be a piece to acquire us the Masher we need anchoring our order for years to come. You've seen what the addition of Mark Teixeira did for the Yankees. Gonzalez would do essentially the same thing only he doesn't hit from both sides of the plate. Buch COULD be back next year, but notice how Theo said "Pencil him in", in his Press Conference. Maybe I'm reading too much into it but that seemed to be a red flag. Let me ask you a question. Do you think the Red Sox need to get younger and more athletic? If yes, what part of that statement does Lowell fit into? If no, change your answer to yes and you should probably change hobbies.

Well then, That was a raging success! Let's do it again sometime shall we? As always feel free to send me comments/questions on Facebook or Twitter, and if you get really excited about something you could even dig up my email and send one there…Keep the feedback coming.

Stay Tuned



What Happens Now?

Every one of the Red Sox weaknesses became exposed in October, and this offseason it is Theo Epstein’s job to rectify this conundrum. There will be two approaches to the offseason, Tweaks or All-out. The Red Sox regime, although a very good group of ballplayers, is getting old. This is something that needs to be addressed. I'm of the feeling that they are going to go with the All-Out approach after the piss poor showing the latter half of the season.

The first pressing topic is Left Field. Jason Bay’s end of the year stats were very good but, to me, misleading. By this I mean that he had more ups and downs than a Jenna Jameson flick. His defense is average and his arm is below that. The best all-around option IS Matt Holliday. Don’t look at that one “glaring” crotch shot error as an end all to free-agent discussions with him. This season was his first year outside of the Mile High Air AND he had to adjust to ALL new pitching in the American League. He is almost 2 years younger than Jason Bay and Fenway Park would pay HUGE dividends to his swing. Bay is going to command too much after just hitting a career number of homers and the Mariners or Yankees can have him. Holliday could come cheaper (albeit not much) because of his drop-off in production. But look for him to have a hefty rebound year next year with whomever he signs with.

Ready for a bold statement? Jonathan Papelbon WILL NOT be a Boston Red Sox in 2010. While some stats this year were better than his previous bests, his BB/9 ratio skyrocketed. His over-reliance on his fastball mixed with more baserunners via the walk spells out more trouble to come for him in the late innings. That is something that we can/could ill afford this past season and will not be able to deal with going forward. I expect some sort of 3-way deal, but more on that in a moment.

With Mike Lowell literally having the range of the 2009 version of Cecil Fielder, he is another person we are going to HAVE to sever ties with for the upcoming season. The Sox should kick the tires on Chone Figgins but I see them wanting power for their corner spots, not speed. That being said, look for the Adrian Gonzalez rumors to be “a-swirlin”. This is where the 3-Team trade comes in. After showcasing that Michael Bowden is best served as a batting practice pitcher, he is no longer a commodity so we’re going to have to go a different route. Here’s my Scenario:

Red Sox Get: Adrian Gonzalez

Rangers Get: Jonathan Papelbon

Padres Get: Mike Lowell, Clay Buchholz, Casey Kelley and Justin Smoak

Smoak has been highly touted as one of the best hitters to most likely enter ‘The Bigs’ in 2010, even drawing comparisons to Mark Teixeira. But did I just say Clay Buchholz? Indeed I did.
I’m going to give Buchholz his due and say he exceeded my expectations in October. With that, he is the piece of the puzzle that will get the deal done. With the Padres trading Jake Peavy to the suddenly deep-pocketed Chicago White Sox, the Padres will need another impact arm for years to come. Insert Clay Buchholz.

But what does that mean for the rotation? GREAT QUESTION! The Red Sox, of late, have been into reclamation projects. I see them doing this all over again. Hang on don’t get your under garments in an uproar, this time they SHOULD go after someone worth the commitment. Rich Harden’s name has already been thrown around, and while I would welcome him to the rotation there are two others that I think the Red Sox should look at. Brandon Webb and Ben Sheets. Brandon Webb is one of the top pitchers’ in Baseball when healthy and with Arizona not able to take on much payroll, his raise may not be coming for him there and he could be the perfect fit for a Boston team already riddled with starting pitching. Ben Sheets hasn’t thrown in what will be a year and a half come spring training But, he is a horse when healthy (threw 237 inn. ’04) and has a career ERA of 3.73. He is basically a more headstrong version of AJ Burnett, with just as filthy stuff to match.

It was a Tale of Two Seasons for David Ortiz this year. Many times when we were about to write him off he’d hit a game-winning, clutch RBI to remind him why he is the GREATEST CLUTCH HITTER of our generation. As Theo said, “When Ortiz is a force, we’re a different team.” The question now is, can he be that force? I’m not sure. There will be oodles of internal talk just as there was when another Boston icon left, to see if our Big Papi can still hack it. If Tito tells our GM that he’s cooked than you can expect Adam Dunn on our team for obvious reasons.

All of those preceding moves, I actually expect to happen. But there is something that I have been concocting in my mind for a while and that is the dilemma with the shortstop position. This one is 100% going to sound far-fetched but its plausible atleast, so I have that going for me. The Mets back in ’06 signed their dynamic SS to a 4-year deal and while he is a very good offensive player his defense is average at best. The Mets (although bitten by the injury bug) were god-awful in the field in 2009. Now would be an ideal time for them to dangle Reyes to sure up the club defensively. This is where the Red Sox could step in and offer an Ellsbury and Alex Gonzalez in return. HE SAID WHAT?!?! This would essentially balance out financially and the Mets would fortify their club defensively in NOT JUST 1 position but 2. Not to mention the Red Sox would replace their stolen base threat with another. But who plays center you ask? The ONLY way you make this deal is if you can definitely sign Carl Crawford.
So here’s my final product:



Are some of my predictions crazy? Abso-fricken-lutely! But in 2004 who here thought we would trade our sure fire Hall of Famer and the face of our franchise? I didn’t and I know damn well you didn’t either. The Shortstop situation IS a bit of a stretch but if anyone can pull it off it’s Theo Epstein and Co.

Stay Tuned



The Aftermath

The 2009 Red Sox teams had their Ups and Downs this year but to think that this team was championship caliber is a bit of a stretch. They got beat by a grittier, mentally tougher, and stronger all around team. This team was not the team that feasted on the corpse of what the Angels used to be. Bobby Abreu single handedly changed the dynamic of that team for the better, and after his comments saying that he wants to stay with the team for the duration of his career, I'm not excited about playing them in 2010.

The inefficiency by Jonathan Papelbon, as evidenced on Sunday, has been a glaring question all year. He also should realize that there is only one Daisuke Matsuzaka, and that no other pitcher in baseball can load the bases every time you pitch and expect to leave the game unscathed. All year long he was battling to keep runners off the bases and failing miserably. Now Theo, You have to ask yourself a question. Is this the time to get rid of Jonathan Papelbon? His stats have declined the last 3 years, and his walks are an incredible cause for concern. He has value on the trade market and could be a vital piece of Theo's puzzle that he obviously needs to put together differently next season.

The revolving door at Shortstop was STILL a cause for concern. Alex Gonzalez, sured up the position (in the field) but do we really want another guy hovering around .230 for a season in our lineup? Theo has said that he wants to be league average or better (all around) at each position. Alex Gonzalez is still a VERY good defensive short stop but his bat overachieved during his second go-round with the Local Nine, but eventually had to be replaced in the pivotal games in October. When the Offense was the biggest concern in the playoffs another piece of deadwood in the lineup is not going to help out next year.

The Red Sox triumvirate of catchers this year of Jason Varitek, Victor Martinez, and to a lesser extent George Kottaras was simply paltry at throwing out baserunners. And with the league evolving into a faster, more athletic League the necessity to have a "heat-seeker" behind the dish is growing exponentially. The Yankees will still have some players that can run, the go-go Rays obviously can haul ass, the and the Angels go like a raped ape. Something needs to be done with it.

Although Jason Bay's numbers were fairly close to his career averages but his hiatus from the team for a solid 3 months in the middle of the season didn't help our bid for the division this year. Granted the Yankees played damn near .700 baseball for the better part of 4 months so it may not have mattered anyway but the fact remains that consistency is the name of the game.

The emergence of Jacoby Ellsbury as a legitimate top of the order bat who gets on base and alters the game with his legs is a very good sign of things to come. Our infield defense although better with Gonzalez at Short is in need of a face lift. I love Mike Lowell but his range is shot, I don't care that the surgery that he got says he will be better in over a year (meaning 2010), we need to infuse the lineup with a youthful power bat at one of the corners. Thank you Youkilis' versatility!

There was a lot of bitter taste in the mouths of Red Sox Fans this year with the Yankees decimating us the final 10 games of the season series, and the barrage of base stealers trampling on our faces, and Papelbon going all Mitch Williams on us yesterday. But there were holes, glaring holes that were insurmountable this year. As they say, better luck Next year.

Stay Tuned



In Clay We (are going to have to) Trust

Not so long ago, but seemingly forever with 2 kids and mounds of bills later, I was told that I was an inspiring presence after winning the State Championship. Now with our backs up against the wall the Red Sox offense and Red Sox Nation needs a pick-me-up, and although I'm more than critical of most of the players now is not the time for any of my normally corny but highly effective puns or impressively slanted insults toward any member of the Red Sox.

There are many causes for concern. First being, NO ONE not even Clay himself knows what he can bring to the table. He could very easily channel his inner Schilling, which is what EVERYONE is hoping for, but he could also throw up numbers reminiscent of John "Way Back" Wasdin. Now's not the time for negativity, it's time to gather every morsel of positive energy and optimism you can find and throw it towards Yawkey Way. This Angels team is determined and is sent on a mission from, I am not going to say God, but there is someone up there that is trying our patience just a bit too much.

Let's put the history of shellacking aside if you are the higher seed in the playoffs you are given home field advantage. You are SUPPOSED to win the games at home. We threw our two headed monster of Lester and Beckett and didn't win. Who gives a shit? We can't dwell. We have to press on like Lewis & Clark. We have the reigning MVP on this team. The player with the 3rd most homers in the AL is on this team. The League Leader in stolen bases resides in center field. The player with the second highest On base % mans first base. And we have the 2nd best hitting catcher in the Bigs. I don't care what kind of offensive performance you have thrust forth thus far in the series put that shit aside and go out there and grind.

Scott Kazmir has (let's face it) stuck it to us at Fenway Park. I still don't see that changing tomorrow. But we need to find a way. We found a way to get one clutch hit against the best closer of All Time in 2004. We beat CC and an overachieving Carmona in 2007 and staved off elimination in 2008 until Game 7 against the upstart Rays. This team can win big ballgames, and I for one don't want this season to end.

I'm at a loss for many inspirational words for anyone right now, but one inning, one out, one pitch at a time is the only way to take the game that could decide your seasons fate. Stick to the game plan that got us 95 wins: get on base, work the count, get into the bullpen. We have not yet seen their Achilles heel and we need to expose that wound and twist the knife, so to speak. Clay Buchholz is on the mound and he earned that number 3 spot this year for us in October, go out there and pitch the game of your life. You're team needs it, your fans yearn for it, and a nation pines incessantly for it. Good Luck and God Speed

Stay Tuned



There’s Only One October

I know MANY baseball analysts were choosing the Rockies to beat the Phils, but whom are you going to listen to? The infinite wisdom of Peter Gammons or moiré? Cliff Lee was absolutely out of his mind yesterday and the only performance I can think of that was any better than that was Josh Beckett in the World Series against the Yankees while on the Marlins. The one surprise for me yesterday was the Dodgers, when Randy Wolf is your Game 1 starter you should be in rough shape but they managed to eke one out. Now they have Kershaw and "public enemy #1" (his curveball) to deal with and that is a tall task for anyone, even the immortal Albert Pujols. If anyone honestly thought that the Twins were going to win that game, let alone be competitive in the series, did the outcome silence those outlandish comments? The only thing that could relate to this game is that little dog in cartoons that keeps coming up to the big dog and asking, "huh, huh, do ya, do ya."

The time has finally come Red Sox fans in T-minus 4 hours it will be the first pitch of the 2nd season, the one this team was built for. The one person that I am looking to for an absolutely gargantuan post season is David Ortiz. This is where/why He makes the big bucks. And I will guarantee that he hits .400 this post season. He is locked in and is an absolute force to be reckoned with. If John Lackey has children, watch out, because Big Papi will be eating them.

As you know when the Lefty is on the mound, Cap'n and Cokes all around. Don't give me this we have to work in the morning bullsh*t. Grab the largest cup that you can find in your house and throw 4 ice cubes in it fill it three-quarters of the way with Captains splash it with your favorite brand of cola, (mine happens to be Market Basket because its 69 cents and aside from the awesome number, I'm dirt poor) and drink up. The best lefty in baseball is on the mound, and the Red sox are going for series lead. There's only one goal now, and there's only one October!

Stay Tuned



The Verdict

So by now I'm sure you are ALL waiting on the edge of your seats to find out my predictions for the Red Sox series. And I've decided that you'll have to wait until the end of the post for that invaluable nugget. And don't be that guy, who scrolls down just so that you can tell all of your friends that I'm a savant. Because first off, I know. And second, Your friends know as well.

So I've been waffling, (and when I say waffling I mean making Brett Favre look like MacGyver kind of waffling) when I was deciding on who was going to win this series. Until I heard this fact on WEEI's Dale & Holley. Everyone is making a HUGE deal out of the baserunning abilities of our opposition. 15 of 17 in nine games this year is downright staggering, eh? Have a listen to these numbers:

6 of the 15 steals were with Wakefield on the mound. Get rid of those ones. So now you're looking at 9 of 11, still notbad. 1 was off Masterson and one off of Del"Longball." Masterson is very slow to the plate with that lanky frame; and the other runner should have gone Yahzee off of Del"gopherball". So give those the heave-ho as well. Now you're at 7 out of 9, not as formidable. Oh did I forget to mention that 3 were off of Papelbon whom is unsure that baserunners exist. The whopping total of 4 SB in 6 attempts is what we are left with and this is far from as big a problem as I once suspected.

This WILL be combated with THE LEFTY in Game 1, Beckett throwing over a few more times in game 2, and Buchholz having a very good move to 1st and being quick to the plate. Crisis Averted.

A brief breakdown of the matchups:

Lester vs Lackey

The Angels have not yet had the delight of watching my favorite pitcher in the game to the slab against them in 2009. They only have the knowledge that he ass raped them in the '08 playoffs. Huge advantage Lester

Lackey has faced Boston once taking the L in 7.2 Innings. But his ability of always letting the Red Sox hit it to the wrong guy will once again be his downfall.

Prediction-Sox Win 4-2

Beckett vs Weaver

Becket is money in the playoffs. And his side session reaffirmed his health (to me) and I am strapped in and ready for the ride.

Weaver has a 0.66 ERA agasnt the Sox this year and he's everything his brother wishes he could be. So that's a bonus.

Prediction- Late inning rally by Boston, 2-1 Win

Buchholz vs Kazmir

He's young, he'll have his moments but I don't think this matchup (even at Fenway) favors the rook.

If Lester weren't in this league the 2007 version of Scott Kazmir would be my favorite pitcher in the league. He owns at Fenway and I don't see that dominance stopping here.

Prediction- Angels Win 5-3

Daisuke vs. Saunders

No need to break down both. SLUGFEST is the only word I can muster and the Sox won't lose a barn burner on Yawkey Way.

Prediction- Boston Wins 11-8

There you have it folks. Hot off the presses. Sox in 4 against the Halos and playing the probably already waiting Yankees in the Championship Series. Bring on 'da Bomba's!

Stay Tuned



Why The Red Sox Could Win

While many of you yesterday thought that the love fest that was Bottom of the Ninth, was my admission that our beloved Red Sox were going to fall to the Anaheim Howie Kendrick's. You'll have to tune in to tomorrows post to get the predictions. But now, it's time to see why the Red Sox are going to win this series.

As good as Jon Lester was throughout the regular season (and let's face it, he was Edward Norton in American History X, good) he goes into a whole other stratosphere when the playoff dinner bell chimes. He has earned his spot as the Game One Starter. And there is no doubt in my mind that he will keep the running game of the Los Angeles Chatty Cathy's in check and will NOT be beaten in however many starts he pitches in.

I'm going to be honest with you; David Ortiz, right now is in one of those zones where Albert Pujols would be a more appetizing option up at the dish. And in my best Vince Vaughn voice, "It feels phenomenal." Looking at the lineup, the only player that hasn't had much playoff success is Alex Gonzalez. That being said, if spots 1-8 perform as they usually do in October not even my Negative Nancy self will doubt their offensive propensity. Let's just say I like my chances with this uber-balanced lineup.

The Boston bullpen was one of the best in baseball, and is leaps and bounds above the stooges coming out of the Anaheim 'pen. I'm knocking on everything wood around me as I say this, but Papelbon has yet to give up an earned run in his career in the post season and with 25+ innings under his belt, I'm not going out on a limb when I say that that makes him one of the best postseason relief pitchers in history.

I may gripe about Terry Francona's lack of "small-ball" but holy happy horseshit can this guy manage in October. He puts everyone's feelings aside and flat out wins. What more could you want than a cut-throat leader at the helm of your ball club when it matters most? How about one more win against your annual Kunta Kinte!

Stay Tuned



Why the Angels could win.

Disclaimer: This is the first of 3 blog entries looking into the upcoming series with the Anaheim Angels. The First will be why the Angels will win. The Second will be why the Red Sox will take down the series. The final installment will be what I think will be my ever so accurate prognostications. Sit Back and Enjoy the Ride.

The Angels are one of 8 teams that have earned a spot in the postseason this year. Realistically they have just as good a shot as anyone else that is going to continue playing in October. So throw all of the '04, '07, and '08 playoffs out the window and get ready for this year.

Let's face it, throwing runners out has clearly been a Varitek allergy, and if Victor Martinez took any longer to get rid of the ball I'd swear he was holding it for safe keeping (maybe that's a good idea since half of his throws end up to Jacoby anyway). But seriously the Angels SHOULD run all over the Red Sox catching tandem of Smalls from the Sandlot and the right handed Johnny Damon.

They have a very underrated lineup and their starting pitching staff could shut down any lineup in baseball. As I have stated before I am not a believer in the offensive juggernaut that is Kendry Morales. But just looking at the numbers this was/could be his career year and he is admirably filling the offensive void left by Mark Teixeira.

Chone Figgins is like that mosquito at a barbecue just pestering the ever-living piss out of you. But he is one of Anaheim's potential free agents that is an all around great ball player and someone that I would like to see the Red Sox make a run at in the offseason. (More on potential free agents after the playoffs.)

Mike Scioscia has went on record saying that despite Morales going from benchwarmer to uber-slugger, Bobby Abreu is the team MVP. Abreu's power numbers were definitely not what they've been in years past but he has made his presence known; on and off the field. Perennially hitting over .300 and having an OBP around .400 will generally get the respect of your manager. So I'd have to agree with you Mr. Scioscia you picked the right player.

A great, versatile lineup in its own right is a luxury few teams have. But there is something far more powerful and important that the Halos have going for them: The spirit of Nick Adenhart.

Now as most of you know just by reading the countless backhanded insults and crass nature of my dialogue, I am not a religious god fearing man. But I know firsthand (Note my quotes in the paper, I'm a bit pissed and crying), that the death of a teammate can propel your team and body to do magnificent things. Now I know a thing or two about baseball's intricacies and one of them is 'God doesn't help you in the game.' That being said, I'm sure his troops (Adenhart) watch every second of these games and nowhere does it say you can't ask an 'Angel' for help.

For that reason, and I'm almost positive the Sox are going all Watergate on us with how healthy Josh Beckett is, watch out for the Los Angeles of Anaheim of California of the United States of North America, these boys are good and are not to be underestimated.

Stay Tuned




Anyone recall that scene from 'Remember The Titans' when a vindicated, yet crippled Gerry Bertier raises his arms in triumph after his team won the state championship against Ole Ed Henry's squad. Yeah, that's how I feel for every pitch of Jon Lester's pitches. Jon Lester last night was a flat out stud. Going 6 1/3 and yielding no runs and nullifying any questions about the knee that anyone had before the start. I'm actually looking at that sweep at the hand of the Yankees last weekend in a sort of symbolic way. Melky Cabrera tried his best to help the team by knocking Jon Lester out of not just the game but the entire 2009 playoffs. When that didn't happen the Yankees playoff chances just decreased 10-fold. Sorry Melky, 'twas a valliant effort and probably going to be the biggest moment you could have had in this the Year of the Ox, but a giant slap to the face for attempting to dismember my man-crush is coming your way.

The one thing that I am worried about most going into these playoffs is: you guessed it, Daniel Bard. Now I'm sure a lot of you probably thought why not Manny DelCarmen? Because he is horrible, was atrocious, and will be preposterous. He need not make the roster so I will not waste energy talking about all the reasons I loathe him. But back to someone pertinent. Daniel Bard of late has hit a spell of wildness lately and by wildness I mean mis-locating rather than walking the ballpark. This has lead to little bleeders off the end of the bat or ducksnorts off the handle and although he isn't getting rocked he needs the few days in between the end of the regular season and to hit the bullpen and get that precision so that he could knock a pea off of a thimble. (If I can do it anyone can do it. Ok that was a lie.)

Take a look at next year's last place team in the AL Central ladies and Gents, because even with Grady Sizemore, that team is going to lie like a dog which will make the "dog-days" of August are going to be like watching paint dry. That Carrasco kid that threw last night had decent stuff, and looked like a good prospect in return for the invincible Cliff Lee. It's too bad he got hit with a potshot off of the bat of Jacobes because I actually liked watching him pitch. Good pickup Cleveland.

With regards to the Angels I'm starting to think that if we had a catcher that could throw out runners this series WOULD NOT be close but since we don't, that will make it VERY interesting. I've decided to dedicate at least one paragraph to the Anaheim Gum Flappers in each entry because like it or not they're relevant now. I realize that Kendry Morales has had a career year this year but is anyone else thinking that this guy like Manny Del "give up a homer every outing" is going to just be a total flop in the playoffs? They are saying he has filled the void of one Mark Teixeira and I'm here to call bullshit (oops I tried to go a whole entry without profanity) on that. His defense isn't what Teixeira's is and although his average is slightly higher, I'm not going to attempt to draft him in next year's Fantasy draft, so take that!

Today I have mixed emotions, because today my oldest child turns two. Now that makes me feel like the oldest 21 year old in the world and I can't believe that my little slugger (because yes, the kid rakes. I'll post a video sometime so y'all can see) is getting so big. On the plus side, as my Facebook status said I met a Dan Akroyd look-alike. Now I'm pretty sure it was unintentional to look like the dad from My Girl, but that didn't stop me from calling him Elwood Blues 4 times in Irving. I was pretty sure he found me annoying (rightfully so) until when he was about to leave he looked at me and put his hand in his pocket and very Rico Suave-like pulled out a pair of shades (BIG 1980's style hater blockers) and gave me a nod. My life was complete.

Stay Tuned



Halladay = Stones

For all of you Red Sox fans screaming at the television that Roy Halladay drilled David Ortiz on purpose. You're right! He did! But I have never been so unemotional about someone drilling our guy on purpose. Be it because it was done with class; Below the numbers, one pitch and done, and the best player in the opposing lineup. What a lot of you didn't see was on the almost double play after Ortiz's at bat was him running hard and had a NASTY takeout slide at second base to get his aggravation out. As a batter, you're going to be ripshit if you're the one on the other team that gets drilled (ala featherweight Champ Kevin Youkilis). I'm still convinced that it wasn't intentional by Papelbon the day before, being that he went up to him afterwards and gestured and YOU DON'T PUT A RUNNER ON IN THE MIDDLE OF A RALLY. Just doesn't happen, but regardless, Papi was dotted and that was it. But Halladay not only has 4 plus pitches and a plus attitude he's got plus kahones as well. I'd want him on my team..*hint hint Theo.*

I don't think I've ever been so we'll call it even keel after a sweep and not just a sweep but a sweep at The Confines. But when you throw out Rob Schneider, Napoleon Dynamite and David Spade in your 1-2-3 slots on your lineup you're probably destined for a loss. I'm not sure however that Halladay's stuff was the best I've seen it or if it was the Gulf Coast League lineup that made him look like the second coming of, well , Roy Halladay, he is about as good a pitcher as I'm going to compare him to so I'll just rename him himself.

Timmah. It was the worst of times it was the even worser of times at the ballpark. Just watching his warm-up throws in between innings he looked like Dr. Frankenstein's assistant Igor dragging his leg with his follow through. To add insult to injury (pun absolutely intended) he labored on the mound and it was a sad sendoff for the elder statesman of the ballclub. This was DEFINITELY the last game we'll see him in for the Red Sox this year; which is sad because of the way the season started out for him. I would have loved to have seen what a healthy Wake could have done this year with the way he was throwing the ball. The real question is: Is that the last time we'll see Tim Wakefield toe the slab for the Boston Red Sox? Could be folks.

Now we are in the last series in the Regular Season. If it wasn't clear before it was CERTAINLY cleared up by the way that Terry Francona has set up his pitching rotation here winding down the season that with Lester going tonight he is going to start Game 1 of the 2009 Divisional series against the Anaheim JibYappers. If I could start Lester 162 games a year I would because the man crush thing (I'm seeking therapy) won't go away and I swear that when he is on the mound my life is better. That being said, I would have started Josh Beckett in Game 1.First off, EVERYTIME Josh Beckett has been fortunate enough to make it into October; he has been the Game 1 starter. I'm all for "sacking up" as they say and not worrying about someone's psyche, but for crying out loud, you saw what happened that first game with Victor behind the dish. Kid looked like a 3-year-old that just lost his mom in K-Mart. Second, the injury aside, he is friggin money in the playoffs and to me, it makes sense to have Lester go 2nd to either be the stopper or the throttle. If by chance they do sneak out the first game there isn't a snowballs chance in hell that they are beating Jon Lester in this series, just the facts of life Howie Kendrick, get used to it.

A reunion of sorts this weekend in Beantown. Justin Masterson is probably going to hurl 7 shutout innings just to punch Theo square in the testes and Victor gets to reacquaint with his old club for the first time. Hopefully we can muster a win or two in this series, but the key is getting healthy EVEN IF we lose all 4 games I LOVE our chances against Mike "Al Bundy" Scioscia.

Stay Tuned
