
The Underrateds

In the game of baseball you get the superstars (Pujols, Santana, Rodriguez) of the generation and you also get the players that get too much hype (Holliday, Beckett, Beltre). Well this is me "giving props" as they say on the street to the Underrated Players of the league.

My most underrated catcher has got to be Mike Napoli. He has a HOSE behind the plate and with Mike Scoscia as your skipper you better be ready to work. As a dead red fastball hitter I've only seen one person be able to sack up and put one by him. *tips cap* good work Daniel Bard.

The Pitcher that makes this list is an obvious one for me. Derek Lowe. He has never been on the Disabled List, has a history of being a winner/big game pitcher, and also has pitched at least 185 innings with 12 wins a year since 2002. He is also the only person in history to Win all the clinching games of the MLB Playoffs.

My First Base vote goes for the slugger out in California, Adrian Gonzalez. He is fast becoming one of the most revered sluggers in the game. His HR total has inclined gradually in each of the last 5 years. The only reason he isn't a household name right now is because of the market he plays in. Expect 40+ and 120+ at the end of this season.

Getting the nod at second base is the Toronto Blue Jay pride and joy, Aaron Hill. Being a first round pick in 2003, he had a semblance of a breakout season in 2007 but is quickly rising the ranks in the AL and could make his first All Star appearance this year. His defense is also underrated but that's for another blog.

Manning the Hot Corner on this list is Mike Lowell. The consummate professional plays Gold Glove caliber defense night in and night out and is just 2 years removed from driving in 120 runs. With a lackluster '08 and losing a step or four due to offseason hip surgery. He is back on pace to hit 20 HR's and drive 100+RBI's.

The Shortstop that takes the cake is Jason Bartlett. Coming over in a trade from the Minnesota Twins he has played the most solid defense of any SS in the league and started out like a house on fire this year. He had 1 HR in all of last season, he is now hitting .379 with 5 HR's and the leader in the clubhouse.

Left field goes to the Red HOT Jason Bay. Being with the Red Sox he is starting to get his due, also having to replace a first ballot hall of famer couldn't be easy but Bay's gaudy numbers, if kept up could have him being a front runner for this years MVP race. Not to mention his flair for dramatics reminiscent of Papi in '04 has his asking price driving up in this his contract year.

Centerfield easily goes to Shane "The Flyin Hawaiian" Victorino. Day in and day out he plays superb defense, bats .300 and swipes bags like they are going out of style. On a team like the Philadelphia Phillies this guy is going to be a table setter for years to come in front of Utley and Howard.

Last, but certainly not least goes to the Right Fielder of the Toronto Blue Jays, Alex Rios. This 5-Tool Player does it all. He's the prototypical number 3 hitter in a newly potent Toronto Lineup. Defensively is always near the top of the league in assists and can run down just about any ball this side of Nova Scotia.

The big wigs of this game get their praise every day...Sometimes you gotta give credit where credits due.

Stay Tuned


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