
Charlie Hustle

While sitting in my cubicle, hanging my head in shame for allowing my computer to essentially contract AIDS (thank you Facebook and Myspace), I got to thinking. Why the hell is the all-time hit leader not in the Hall of Fame?

The last time I checked he didn't put a performance enhancing substance in his body in order to boost his level of play. He didn't purge himself in front of the Supreme Court. I still don't see how my tax dollars need to be spent to figure out who's sticking who in the butt. But I guess that's not my decision is it, George Mitchell?

Pete Rose simply put, had the utmost confidence in his team, that he thought putting a wager on them was a no-brainer and showed true faith in their ability. Did he compromise the integrity of the game? No. Was he in the wrong? Technically, but I'd take what he did over Black Sox (sans Shoeless Joe) scandal any day.

To me there's a big difference between betting on baseball and fixing a game. Eddie Cicotte, Lefty Williams, Happy Felsch, and Swede Risberg deserved to get banned from baseball regardless of their just cause in trying to stick it to Old Man Comiskey. What Mr. Rose did was certainly not the most exemplary thing to do. Although if we're going to let A-Rod back in the game after admitting to tainting himself, the game and any subsequent records that follow; we aren't going to banish one of the BEST hitters of all time to exile and not give him the satisfaction of knowing his hard work paid off with a Cooperstown induction.

Some food for thought: Does Mark McGwire, whom never failed a drug test, belong in the Hall? What about the godson of Willie Mays? The Rocket? Allegedly these three men poisoned this game and our forefathers' records by synthetically altering their bodies. Show me proof!

You show me evidence aside from the 'look at the size of his neck' or 'these numbers aren't humanly possible.' Spare me. As of right now those numbers ARE humanly possible. Maybe these individuals are the next Babe Ruth, Hank Aaron, and Cy Young. All I know is that they may look the part, but in this country it's 'innocent until proven guilty.' Right now, however, it seems more like guilty until proven innocent.

I'll leave you with this today. What would the Rat Pack be without Sinatra? Or, what would a trip to Paris be without seeing the Eiffel Tower? It's exactly what the Hall of Fame is without "Charlie Hustle." Incomplete.

Stay Tuned


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