
Pitcher Perfect

There are few things in life that are perfect: The feelings of seeing your wife walk down the aisle, your first experience holding your new born, and sitting on a hammock in Hawaii with Kenny Chesney on acoustic lightly in the Background. Mark Buerhle achieved the baseball version of perfection and I have to say it couldn't have been any more exciting. Not to mention how hard it is to sit down 27 in a row, his heart-stopping moment in the ninth was something they write movies about.

Going into the top of the ninth Ozzie Guillen puts in a defensive replacement named DeWayne Wise *SQUIGGLY LINES DREAM-INDUCING*. Buerhle gives up a piss-missile off the bat of Gabe Kapler and Wise takes off at a Cheetah like pace determined to go through the wall to keep the PG intact. He leaps up and propels himself off of the wall and brings the ball back in but then bobbles the ball only to bare hand it and preserve the perfect game. You can't make this stuff up!

I can't explain it. The guy is hard-pressed to hit 90 on the radar gun. Works at a coke addicts pace. He is going to finesse you and rhythm you to death and you have to hand it to him the guy can flat out pitch. He is the consummate professional. The first thing he did when he got out of the pile on the mound was kiss his wife and newborn daughter. God, this guy is one of a kind. No, he's a baseball player. This is the kind of player that I want my children to look up to.

He has now thrown a no-no and a perfect game. To put this into perspective, Steve Carlton, Nolan Ryan, Greg Maddux, Tom Glavine and Pedro Martinez have never thrown a perfect game. These guys when they were in their hay day all threw in the Mid 90's and couldn't put the Perfect game under their belt. 18 players in baseball history have been able to achieve this feat and Buehrle is now among the likes of Cy Young, David Cone, Randy Johnson, and Don Larsen.

Congratulations Mark, you deserve it!

Stay Tuned


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