
Disecting Raffy

Rafael Palmeiro came out the day before our Independence Day and still vehemently denied knowingly taking steroids. Maybe it's the optimist in me, but I want to believe this guy. He said he received a "b-12 from a teammate." I'm going to go out on a limb and blatantly point a finger at Miguel Tejada, but, To each his own.

Everyone remembers the testimony of that day and he seemed almost agitated that anyone would even assume that he even knew what steroids were let alone infect his body with something that will hinder his health if he stops using them.

He also went as far as to say that he wishes that the list from '03 would be released because "HE WASN'T ON IT." Wow! If he is that positive (no pun intended) that he isn't on that Scarlet Letter-like list I feel as if the MLBPA owes it to someone who COULD be a HOFer to peruse the options of clearing his 'good name.' Maybe you don't make the list public but how about bringing the Hall of Fame committee list of voters and tell them who was on the list so that this doesn't affect the legacy of certain players.

No one is going to know who was taking what before that but at least you'll have the reassurance that some players, iconic players, are still around and play this game clean.

The other point that I would like to touch on is that I am PETRIFIED of the Tampa Bay Rays. They are coming back with a Herculean like win streak and are the only team in the American League that scares me. Yes, Yankee fans your team is FAR inferior to not just my hometown nine but that expansion team that licked our boots for YEARS. If you can get a bullpen we'll talk but until then you're not slugging your way out of this division.

Stay Tuned


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