
Tainted Love

Red Sox and BOTN fans alike, I write this blog with a heavy heart. Our beloved slugger, David Ortiz, has tested positive for Performance enhancing drugs. Can we say this is a surprise? No. Can anyone say that you were completely unsuspicious? If you do you're lying. But can anyone honestly say you don't feel for him.

If I have ever said anything bad about Alex Rodriguez with regards to him taking PED's than I not only apologize but I now understand what it feels like as a fan to have an enamored slugger/role model thrust into the pit of despair. That being said I still am not a fan of A-Rod, or the way he goes about playing baseball, but I feel for the guy.

David Ortiz was not only the best clutch hitter in Red Sox history but was the cornerstone of this franchise for a solid 4 year span. He led baseball in Runs batted in and was 3rd or higher in every other major offensive category. His smile brought hope to Red Sox Nation. And his presence in the lineup gave you a sense of: "Wow, we're probably going to win tonight."

But the "rags-to-riches" story that we all came to know and love is in fact a mistruth. He didn't become a superstar on his own accord. The reason that everyone loved "Big Papi" wasn't just because he put us on his back en-route to 2 Championships; the reason is he was the guy that everyone rooted for. In Minnesota, he rarely got playing time and was a mediocre player, AT BEST. When Boston gave him a chance he didn't waste it. In a way it makes sense; which is why I no longer have a distaste for A-Rod in this regard.

He is in a big market and needed to make his presence known, hitting behind Jeremy Giambi wasn't going to help him or his family. So he decided to build success artificially. The rest, as they say, is history.

So what does this change? Well for starters (Sox Fans in particular) you almost have to lay off the Yankee players that were caught doping. They were not the only ones. And I'm not sure if "taint" is the right word for describing our championships, but rather enhanced. The numbers, to me, would seem that there would be at least 1 player per team if there are 104 names and 30 or so teams. Maybe the Pirates and Rays were so bad because they didn't have any dopers? Any takers?

I still love David Ortiz. But the mystique surrounding his alter ego Big Papi, is in a word "tainted."

Stay Tuned



A Fresh Look

Alright, so things have settled and the cream has risen to the top of the bottle. And by that I mean, after thinking it through this Smoltz situation is about one thing: Mind over Matter. We're going to let Sandy Koufax do a lot of talking in this article. Let's have a look at a few things, shall we?

Smoltzy's first start with as much hype surrounding it as there was that no matter what the outcome was he was getting a "freebie" on that game. But during the game he was throwing breaking ball after breaking ball. If he was trying to finesse a free swinging group of players that would be one thing, but he's toeing the rubber against the nationals without Adam Dunn in the lineup. Go after them and just own them, PLEASE. The first of many Koufax quotes in this piece is: "I became a good pitcher when I stopped trying to make them miss the ball and started to make them hit it." Moral of this quote: You're already a hall of fame pitcher. You have nothing else to prove but get back that fire and determination and go out there and throw the shit out of the ball!

On to the dreaded Baltimore debacle. Smoltz went the first 4 before the heavens opened up and they didn't want to risk ramping him back up after being down for so long. Understandable, but would have been nice to have another W under his belt. But he commanded the strike zone not just with his Slider and Splitty, but was dotting the corner with fastball as well. His fastball although 3-4 mph slower than what it used to be is still an effective weapon. Koufax's thoughts: "A guy that throws what he intended to throw, that's the definition of a good pitcher." Moral of this quote: You ARE still an effective major league pitcher and a good one to boot, execution is the name of the game and if you can do that you'll not only have the rest of your teammates confidence in you but all of Red Sox Nation.

What needs to happen moving forward. You've got to get this hitters guessing again. Not just guessing but fearing you. I realize he isn't a HOFer, yet, but when Josh Beckett is on the mound the opposition is NEVER comfortable in the batters box. Now that may be that he eats fetuses for breakfast but it's also because he comes inside and doesn't give a damn what or who's on that corner of the plate. Coming from an experienced catcher who believes in hardnosed baseball I say this, sit someone on their ass. This team has your back if anything ensues. You need to become a bulldog again. Sandy, your thoughts? "Show me a guy who can't pitch inside, and I'll show you a loser."

I was listening to Lou Merloni via podcast on WEEI the other day and while I do frown upon most of the things he says and everything that everyone else says on that Romper Room-esque show, he hit the nail on the head with regards to what has to happen with Smoltz. During every interview Smoltz has had he keep saying things like, "They tell me my fastball is good enough" or "I guess I'll have to locate the fastball better." To me and to Lou coincidentally, these are the feelings of a pitcher with no confidence. He shouldn't be wondering if his fastball is good enough to get hitters out. He has to go out there with what he has and say, " HIT ME" (ala Heath Ledger as the Joker). We don't need another Rolando Arrojo or Jon Burkett out there. Your John F-ing Smoltz. Be a winner because that's what you do!

One more Sandy quote to end this one with and just know that I still got your back John, even if you frustrate the SHIT out of me.

"The game has a cleanness. If you do a good job, the numbers say so. You don't have to ask anyone, or play politics. You don't have to wait for reviews."

Moral of this one: Pitch better.

Stay Tuned



A Tale of Two or Three Cities

While "The Commander" had another dominating outing the more important piece of the game was that the offense is back. Yes I am proclaiming that game as the catalyst that will bring back this giant that has been slumbering for far too long. With the deadline looming there is all sorts of Water Cooler talk but there has been some intriguing Sox talk. Sports Illustrated's Jon Heyman went as far as to say via Twitter, "The Red Sox have shifted their focus to Adrian Gonzalez." Then another report from MLBtraderumors.com came out later that not only the Rays, but the Sox as well are inquiring on landing BOTH Cliff Lee AND Victor Martinez. And to cap off the big name banter, a late night report from a source close to the Sox said "Theo is working on something HUGE." I'm not even sure what that means but it would seem to me that he's looking for a way to finagle a pitcher AND a big bat. That would be huge to me. But I'm not sure. The only thing is, who then becomes the odd man out? Lowell couldn't have much trade value being that he's moving around like Archer (Emissary of the Gorgonites), Adam Laroche would have to be the one to get re-traded even though I LOVE his bat in the lineup. Unless something huge means they find some way to get rid of JD Drew. Another rumor was that they were in the market for a Right Handed OF bat, Halladay AND Rios, anyone?

What is this garbage with He Who Shall Not Be Named? He's now going to run his mouth to a Japanese paper saying that our training staff, widely regarded as the best in baseball, is not catering to his Japanese needs? Get the hell back on the boat and go back to where you come from then. Don't give me this "I'm from Japan so my arm can do different things than anyone else's" bullshit. There is absolutely NO NEED to throw a 500 pitch side session in between starts, it doesn't make sense, I don't care which side of Okinawa you come from. Your contract is immovable, you're not going to see the mound for the remainder of the year in Boston and now you're going to bring your ethnicity into it. Holy Rodney King, please do something about this guy.

Now one of the more strange issues in the baseball world is the conundrum within the New York Mets management. First their VP of Player Development goes all Christian Bale on some minor leaguers and K-Rod, now the GM is trying to twist it to make it sound like the "leaker" of the story is the one to blame, ONLY to have it blow up in his face. He out and out accused the Mets beat reporter of wanting Bernazard's (VPoPD) job, and then when the reporter, whom was at the press conference, called him out on it he started backtracking like a Bill Clinton Sex Scandal. Omar Minaya is wretched, there is no other way of saying it. Yes his team is good, although it has had a rough year because of injuries, but he has absolutely no backbone. If you're going to say something as pointed as that remark was than stand by it! Don't try to evade the question. Afterwards, he tried the damage control route by saying that it was the wrong forum for him to have said those remarks. Then asked if he would apologize, just a maybe. What a Joke. This guy doesn't deserve to run a baseball team, and for all intents and purposes I bet Adam Rubin (Mets Beat Reporter) could probably do a better job than Bernazard. Give him a shot. You'll spend money on Oliver Perez and Livan Hernandez why not give a local boy a go?

Stay Tuned



Home Almost Sweet Home.

This Just in, Brad Penny threw more than 5 innings and the Red Sox Win. He was absolutely 'pumping ched' in the strike zone that night. Routinely hitting 97 on the gun with every fastball was just what the doctor ordered in our return back to the Fens. Jon Lester continued his dominance of the Baltimore Orioles, he still has an unblemished record against those Orange Birds. Our offense started to wake up and then in walks John Smoltz…

Now I was all for this signing at the beginning of the season, but my patience is starting to run thin. Smoltz has not only been ineffective, but he has looked old. And if I have to hear, " I made one bad pitch but I'm a bulldog and it will happen," again I'm going to punch a dog. Although any fastball over 90 mph is a good fastball, his has had no extra "life" that a future Hall of Famer has. He's looked like exactly what Greg Maddux looked like with the Padres. Although, there were brief flashes of brilliance he's going to be nothing more than a fringe starter and won't be a winner at his age.

The weekend debut of Adam Laroche was nothing short of brilliant. In his first game he cracks a home run. He collected two more hits on Sunday. And although it seems like he is not just "moving in slow motion," as Jason Bay said, but actually moving backwards, he is a solid player and after seeing first hand he actually does have the PERFECT swing for Fenway Park.

Although I'm an avid Republican and HATE FLIP-FLOPPERS I am changing my stance on what's going to happen at the deadline. I would love to see Halladay in a Boston Uni, but I'm hopeful that they are going to run after Adrian Gonzalez. Reports were that they inquired on him and I feel if they are going to overpay for ANYONE they should overpay for him. He's only 26 and only makes 4.25 mil next year! GET ON THAT TRAIN IMMEDIATELY.

The real thing that's irking me today is Clay Buchholz. He IS NOT THAT GOOD (as far as major leaguers are concerned). What most people forget is that Clay is just 6 months younger than Jon Lester the best and most talented Lefty in the AL. He is a prospect and you NEED to sell on him while his value is highest. Adrian Gonzalez is the player you need to go after, NOT VICTOR MARTINEZ. Although the Indians centerpiece is a very good hitter, he's in his 30's, and as a former/current catcher that's the tail end of your supremacy reign. Moral of the Story: Clay Buchholz is NOT the second coming of Bob Gibson and even if he does win 12 games a year with someone else next year Wake will do that for you and then some every year until he's collecting Social Security.

Stay Tuned



Pitcher Perfect

There are few things in life that are perfect: The feelings of seeing your wife walk down the aisle, your first experience holding your new born, and sitting on a hammock in Hawaii with Kenny Chesney on acoustic lightly in the Background. Mark Buerhle achieved the baseball version of perfection and I have to say it couldn't have been any more exciting. Not to mention how hard it is to sit down 27 in a row, his heart-stopping moment in the ninth was something they write movies about.

Going into the top of the ninth Ozzie Guillen puts in a defensive replacement named DeWayne Wise *SQUIGGLY LINES DREAM-INDUCING*. Buerhle gives up a piss-missile off the bat of Gabe Kapler and Wise takes off at a Cheetah like pace determined to go through the wall to keep the PG intact. He leaps up and propels himself off of the wall and brings the ball back in but then bobbles the ball only to bare hand it and preserve the perfect game. You can't make this stuff up!

I can't explain it. The guy is hard-pressed to hit 90 on the radar gun. Works at a coke addicts pace. He is going to finesse you and rhythm you to death and you have to hand it to him the guy can flat out pitch. He is the consummate professional. The first thing he did when he got out of the pile on the mound was kiss his wife and newborn daughter. God, this guy is one of a kind. No, he's a baseball player. This is the kind of player that I want my children to look up to.

He has now thrown a no-no and a perfect game. To put this into perspective, Steve Carlton, Nolan Ryan, Greg Maddux, Tom Glavine and Pedro Martinez have never thrown a perfect game. These guys when they were in their hay day all threw in the Mid 90's and couldn't put the Perfect game under their belt. 18 players in baseball history have been able to achieve this feat and Buehrle is now among the likes of Cy Young, David Cone, Randy Johnson, and Don Larsen.

Congratulations Mark, you deserve it!

Stay Tuned



The Pieces to the Puzzle

Now batting for the Red Sox, Adrian Gonz…Oh shit, I mean Adam Laroche. Ya know, I think I'm in love with this move. Adam Laroche, not a big name guy but someone who can get the job done. He is a notorious second half hitter, his lifetime BA is around .270 (respectable) hits 25 HRs/yr (delightful), and drives in about 80-85/yr(downright reasonable). What's not to like about a lefty who can provide some thump in the Six hole? JD Drew sure as hell isn't cutting it. How does this affect the lineup you ask? Well I would love to tell you! What this means is that Lowell will essentially platoon with Laroche both of them playing 3-4 games per week. When Laroche plays, obviously, Youkilis will slide over to third and Laroche will play first against right handers ONLY. Lowell will handle the left handers. What this also means is that if Papi scuffles, and let's face it he's still batting in the .220's, Laroche can also provide some pop and slide into the DH role to give the Big Father some rest. I'm going to rate this move a solid 8 out of 10, the reason being we gave up no one. Hunter Strickland was NEVER going to play for the Red Sox (Sorry Hunter). And Argenis Diaz although a great glove had a BELOW average bat. So we gave up nothing for a 25 HR 85 RBI, slick fielding 1B. I LIKE IT!

The 2nd and most exciting move of the day for me was getting rid of Julio "I wish people would cheer for me once in a while" Lugo. Now on the open market I would have thought he would have commanded maybe a bag of balls and a fungo but I guess the Cardinals really want this guy (why I don't know) and were willing to give up Chris Duncan AND a player to be named later. Julio I think I just became your biggest fan because this is the biggest contribution you've had to the team since you got here with your disgusting contract. So thank you for being a team player! Chris Duncan is going to be to the Red Sox what Mark Kotsay is/was at the end of the 2008 season. That First Base/Outfield utility man to spell drew and Rocco because they are about as fragile as the Venus de Milo. I'm going to give this trade a 9 out of 10 just for the sheer sake in getting SOMETHING for Loogey.

Here's where the fun/sneaky part comes in. I think that Theo has an ulterior motive. These furtive moves still leave him the proper pieces to land a big trade closer to the deadline. I HAVE to believe Theo has been reading BOTN and is going to adhere to my pining for Roy Halladay. He still has Buchholz, DelCarmen, Bowden, Masterson, Anderson, Kelly, Reddick, all the while bolstering the teams defense (Laroche) and offense (Laroche and Duncan). It only makes sense now with 3/5 of the rotation throwing like Chet "the Rocket" Steadman and the other 2 throwing like Steve Nebraska from "The Scout". Get Ready Sox fans, Pitching wins championships and we're about to own the best pitching tripod since Maddux, Glavine and yes our John Smoltz.

I'm not going to even touch on our 5 game losing streak and our offense similar to a 8 yr old softball team. We need to play better, get more hits and I guess we have to throw a shutout every time for our offense to have scored enough runs. Props once again to Julio Lugo for finally contributing positively to Red Sox Nation

Stay Tuned


Running Late

The blog will be up soon everyone don't fret. Be prepared to read about the sox trades, especially the dumping of Julio Lugo, and if they are done on the trade front.

Stay Tuned



The Sox, an Email, and Voyeurism.

Well, another Rookie pitcher, another Sox loss. They don't fare well against the youth movement sweeping through the league and now they have fallen out of first place. I'm not panicking yet, being that it's not even August. But one thing is certain: THIS TEAM NEEDS A BAT! Right now, and it pains me to say this, but Mike Lowell is going to have to take a back seat and we need a bopper, a slugger, a grip-it-and-rip-it kind of guy that is going to give this team another weapon because right now we are getting Roy Halladay'd by Tommy Hunter. And the answer to your question is: Yes I just used a proper Noun (Roy Halladay) as a Verb. I'll tell you thought then when our diminutive leader had that grinding 10-pitch at bat I thought it was over for Texas even though we were still losing. That'll teach me to think.

Knowing that the Red Sox needed a bat I did what any self respecting fan would do: Become the GM and toss around names to trade. Then I had some crazy idea. I figured that I would email one of the inspirations of the blog, Chad Finn. Now, I realize that most reporters are very busy and if they get to a "mailbag" they may respond to one of your questions within 3-4 weeks if you're lucky. Here's what I wrote:

Quick question,               

I was thinking about something and in order to get someone of the caliber of Adrian Gonzalez or Victor Martinez. Do you think there's a way to get them WITHOUT giving up Buchholz?  What about something like Masterson, Bowden and L. Anderson? Is there any way one of the teams would give up one of these premier sluggers without Buchholz being the Centerpiece? What is Masterson's value? I realize he hasn't had as lights-out a season as projected but he is a LEGITIMATE major league arm right?

Now maybe I was feeling lucky, maybe I felt as if the juggernaut that is Bottom of the Ninth is growing so large that he would have no choice but to respond to me, or maybe I was just so infuriated with the Julio Lugo's I mean Boston Red Sox that I needed to get something down in writing. To my surprise within 3 minutes of sending the email here is the illustrious one's response:

Gotta give up Buchholz, son. Cleveland wants him for V-Mart, and Gonzalez isn't getting traded unless the package is overwhelming.


As much as I think that I am a commodity much like the way Eminem used to be, I'm going to chalk this one up to superb timing by moiré. Although I should and would not DARE to go against the word of the TATB Savant, Mark Shapiro has went on record saying he wants someone to slide into the 2-3 spot in his rotation. Now let's assume that Cliff Lee doesn't get moved, I'll give Fausto Carmona the benefit of the doubt as the number 2 starter but if Justin Masterson was inserted into their rotation he would most likely be their number 3 starter. Pavano will be gone probably raking in some huge paycheck only to have a hangnail and be put on the 60 day DL the second game of the 2010 season. Cleveland doesn't have anyone ready to step up in the minors as a starter for that role so I feel like Masterson could be someone that might be interesting to send out feelers on. I would also argue that he would slide into the third slot in the Padres rotation as well.


Now to switch gears just a bit I wanted to offer a sincere apology from the entire gender to Erin Andrews. If you don't know who Erin Andrews is, check
out. She is ESPN's sideline reporter and resident princess in her field. She doesn't have time to promote herself with photo shoots, or parade around in skimpy clothes for paparazzi. She is a professional woman whose love of sports has led her to her current position with ESPN. During what is most likely the College World Series she was the victim of voyeurism in her Hotel Room. After the videotape was filmed he then uploaded it to the internet which was taken down immediately upon uncovering. The scum bag will be found and he will be prosecuted. I realize every man/boy has boyish fantasies about attractive women and don't get me wrong Erin Andrews is a beautiful woman but the line was crossed and I wouldn't wish this upon anyone. This could have been your mother, sister, girlfriend, wife, niece, you name it and it could have been her. Now I ask you this men, how would you have felt if it were one of them?


Stay Tuned




We May Have to Hit the Red Button

After watching what was a great-looking start; I'm now officially worried about the Red Sox. Yes there were a couple timely hits, but Milwood shut us down. I personally, along with everyone's favorite snarky Red Sox Blog, are going to finally say that the John Smoltz experience needs to come to an end. Say Hey needs the call up NOW! I'm normally not one to panic but we need to get a bat in our lineup as well. Let's get to it.

Our offense is nothing short of the Pittsburgh Pirates right now and as a big market team that isn't going to cut it. Nancy (Drew) is hitting .190 in the leadoff spot, J Bay is hovering around the Mendoza line for the last 3 weeks, and Youkilis is striking out so much that Adam Dunn is saying, "who does this guy think he is?" So what does Francona do? He tries a little change by putting the streaking (although just recovering from a stomach flu) Ellsbury back at the top of the lineup and moves Drew back down into the 6-hole. Although I'm willing to give Ells a pass because he's been sick, JD needs to start earning his paycheck if he ever did. I'm done with people saying he doesn't need to do anything because he can play in October. We need to get there first and if our offense performs like we are now we'll be on the outside looking in. This offense needs a jolt, it needs a power bat (Gonzalez, Martinez, Berkman (if Houston flounders)) but what is the cost going to be? Please Garrett Atkins, Nick Johnson, Hank Blalock you still need not apply.

John Smoltz in one word: GET THE FUCK OFF THE MOUND. I love what you did with Atlanta. But can you please do me a favor and fake an injury and tell them to call up Buchholz. Yes, you looked good through 5 but you HAVE to be able to make pitches, especially when you don't have 96 mph in your arsenal anymore. EXECUTE should be a word Etched in every locker that you stay in. But don't just carve it in there, read the goddamn word and then go out and do it! You say you get pissed when you give up 2 out runs well I'm getting pissed when you're giving up two strike hits. If you're up in the count, bury them! Sounds simple, I realize its not. But for a sure fire Hall of Famer it should be second nature. I want to applaud Theo for attempting this, but I'm now chalking this one up as a Lugo, I mean an error in judgment, and we need to give one of our young guys a chance.

Everyone is saying that we don't have any holes in our lineup, but I'm going to argue that we have more than 1 hole in our lineup. Our RF this year is hitting .250ish (below league average), SS is obviously a revolving door, and our 4-5 starters are struggling to get through 5 innings which is putting a burden on our bullpen. Speaking of our bullpen, why is Saito pitching in the major leagues? Because he can throw 94? His fastball is straighter than an arrow, he hit Verducci's 3-year wall, there is also no mystery about him anymore. STOP putting him in the game. I'd rather gauge my eyes out with a rusty spoon than watch him attempt to pitch. I would also rather see Origami (Manny DelCarmen: Folds under pressure) pitch.

I'm begging you baseball gods, please don't start the Curse of Julio Lugo disrupt this season. Send us some help and let us get back to playing baseball the right way.

Stay Tuned



Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish

First off, sorry for the non-post on Friday, there wasn't a lot of baseball action on Thursday and there was a friend of mine (Vodka) who needed attending to. So if you guys are angry about me trying to be a good friend (drinking aimlessly) than make like a tree, and leave. Now I also need to say that for some reason I feel rejuvenated in life and it may have to be with the fact that I saw my future father in law go Goldberg on some drunk guy and then I stood around like the bouncer on Coyote Ugly before eventually driving this "clown" home. (The only reason clown was in quotes there is because during his haggard afternoon he thought he would pick fights with people which turns out wasn't the best idea, clearly, and kept saying, "don't fuck with the clown.") For anyone that doesn't know though the man doing the "spearing" is about 5'2 and weighs 155 (on a good day) and the spearee as we'll call it is about 5'10, 350lbs. Needless to say he got housed. But now down to the important stuff.

I loathe you Julio Lugo. You continuously showed us how heinous you were on defense. You were the probably the best clubhouse personality since a bad case of Athlete's Foot. Your amazing inability to get a bunt down at any point in your Red Sox tenure is cause for vomiting blood. And you were most likely the highest paid bench ornament in baseball. I'm going to chalk this up to a big L in the loss column for Theo and Co. but since the only other blemish was Edgar Renteria *shudders* So I'll say that in the last 5 years the management has the winningest record in baseball so no more judging but just to be clear; I hope you suffer an unfortunate industrial accident Julio or sign with the Yankees and then all is forgiven.

Say Hey Clay threw on Friday and even though I didn't expect him to get the W, he came up and kept the Toronto lineup at bay. Not only at bay but seemed like he pretty much had his way with them. Did anyone else think after the 1-2-3 first inning that he was going to throw ANOTHER "no-no" just to slow his progression to the majors down more, and maybe command a straight up trade for Cliff Lee And Grady Sizemore? No, alright maybe that was a little too extreme. Granted a semi-high pitch count didn't let him get too deep into the game, but a win is a win is a win. I'm not sure why people have to add that extra 'is a win' but I guess it makes for longer paragraphs so I guess that's ok.

I'm pretty sure that the Sox are going to play the Blue Jays AT LEAST 3 more times without looking at the schedule. And I can almost assure the Roy Halladay is probably going to throw in every one of those series. Not even our heavily touted Jon Lester could derail Doc. I also find it funny that everyone (including myself) calls Halladay a 'horse'. Although he probably could throw 150 pitches every 5th day he's SO economical it seems like he's in the 9th with under 100 pitches every time out against the Sox. Even though it will take a boatload of prospects I still feel that this pitcher is worth it ONLY if you can lock him up for a few years AFTER his contract runs out. But does anyone else feel like the Yankees are lurking, yes lurking, much like the Teixeira signing?

If I were Jason Bay's agent I feel like a deal should have happened over the ASB because if his impression of Big Papi (circa April and May) continues his price is going to go WAY down. I still think that he'll be with the Sox for the next 3-4 years but if this slump continues he's going to be looking more at Adam Dunn's contract (10 mil/yr) than JD Drew's (14 mil/yr).

I think that's about it for now

Stay Tuned



What Happens if Bay Doesn’t Sign?

It has been made public that the Red Sox are going to reach out to Jason Bay's agent over the next couple days to try and work out a contract for the slugging left fielder. Lucky for us he hasn't kept that blistering pace he started at the beginning of the season. But, leading the league in RBI's at the break and having 20+ HR's will all but guarantee more than 30 HRs and 110 RBIs. We couldn't have dreamed up a better person to fill the void left by one, Emmanuel Ramirez.

So let's play devil's advocate and say that he doesn't sign with Boston and maybe goes to the Yankees, maybe he doesn't that's not the point of this post. The point is to see what else could happen if we need a NEW left fielder next year with no one ready to move up to the "bigs" in our system.

Despite his struggles this year Matt Holliday is and WILL BE an option if Bay doesn't re-sign with the Red Sox. Look, this season is an aberration (much like Daisuke Matsuzaka winning 18 years) you don't have a .315 career Average by accident. Yes he played in Denver, CO which inflated his power numbers maybe turned a few doubles into HR's but he had to still hit the ball. He's a GOOD HITTER. Right now he is statistically playing in one of the worst hitters ballparks in the Mausoleum in Oakland and I for one think if he's playing in front of that large green wall for 81 games a year that it can only help him. Let's not forget he is playing on one of the worst teams in the majors and not to say it's ok but you may want to forgive him for having cruddy numbers with nobody and no one hitting behind him.

Other than Holliday I don't know anyone person they could go after, but something they could do is get a VERY good defensive player (Juan Pierre?) and try to get a "bopper" in one of the corner IF positions (see: any other trade talk blog I've written) to fill the large hole that Jason Bay WILL leave in our lineup. What I do know is that if we can't get Bay signed to a multi-year contract Theo and the Red Sox staff is going to get creative in how to make the lineup potent and still be able to produce lots of runs.

That being said, I'm fairly positive that they can get a deal worked out with J-Bay but if not they have one glaring option, and if they can't do that they are going to have to really earn their paycheck by being innovative with how they are going to create a new offense.

Stay Tuned



Joe Maddon more like Joe Maddening

Here's a question to Joe Maddon: Why the hell do the two AL Wins leaders at the ASB not get into the game? I realize that Beckett just tossed a complete game against that Double-A team (Royals) the other day but he was good for an inning, especially since 2 days after he pitches he throws almost a 100 pitch side session with regularity. And here I was, thinking you were a class act by putting Wake on the team and then you go and plop his ass beside Mariano Rivera who is undoubtedly going to pitch EVERY game. You're a joke and you can take those 175 dollar Coke bottle glasses you're sporting and go back down to third place, SHMUCK!

Barrack Obama, I think that's Hawaiian/Towel head for I CAN'T THROW THE BALL OVER THE PLATE SO WE SHOULD NOT SHOW IT ON TV. This was a classless move by Fox and an even more pedestrian move by Mr. President himself. I don't care how bad you are you're the president and I want to see what you got. This is America's Pastime and you're arguably the most influential/important man in America so next time (if there is one) do the Chi Sox proud and film the plate not your pitching motion. Your front shoulder was opened by the way. And another thing, not only do we have to listen to Tim McCarver say things like, "It's great to be on third with one out because there's less than two outs," (yes he said that last night when Granderson hit the triple) but now we have to listen to the President pay homage to his Kuai Constituent Shane "the Flyin Hawaain" Victorino. Ugh (that about sums it up.)

So the recent debate on ESPN was who wins in the Halladay vs. Pujols matchup. And the winner is Michael Young. Halladay tried to throw a two-seamer, inside, and he just about got his tits lit. Pujols scalded a ball down the third base line only to have a "look what I found" snag and a nice easy throw to first. On the whole I feel as if Pujols put WAY too much pressure on himself to Win the Derby and single handedly take home the ASG. Message to Pujols: Settle down Big Man. You actually have people that can hit behind you.

This game was essentially finished after the 8th, for two reasons. One: Mariano Rivera is coming in for the 9th. When he is facing anyone but the Red Sox I have every confidence in the world that he is going to get the job done. Two: Ryan Howard couldn't come through. Although the NL had a Star studded, power packed lineup, Joe Nathan is probably the least scary as far as demeanor on the mound of the 3 closers (Fuentes doesn't count, he is a lefty specialist) and they couldn't get the job done with Ryan Howard who has a career Pinch Hitting Average of over .300. Two fastballs were straight from Louisiana, (BY YOU) and then put him away with a curveball that he couldn't hold up on.

Lastly, something nice to say, the homage paid to the great, Stan "The Man" Musial was magnificent. I also gained even more respect for Albert when he said he HATES being called El Hombre because there is only one, THE MAN.

Stay Tuned



The Derby

I said it before the contest started that the slugger currently known as Prince was going to take the title, and boy did he! After blasting the longest shot of the night of 503 feet, that's 1 and 2/3 football fields' folks, he didn't disappoint in the final. Beating the underdog, Nelson Cruz 6-5. The only reason I didn't choose my cherry, Albert "The Machine" Pujols, was because of the hometown advantage.

I knew he wasn't going to lose that "blast-off" in the first round with a whole city on his back, but he's a "line drive hitter, with power", as he likes to say and that isn't always the best Modus Operandi for this game. It also seemed that he was pressing some, with trying to live up to the hype around playing in his home ballpark to showcase the amazingness that consumes him.

Here's the real question of the night. What the hell is Brandon Inge doing at a Home Run Derby. That's about as awkward as telling someone, "we're going on the Steve Wilkos' show." I still think this guy is an anomaly. How can he hit homeruns? His swing isn't anything special. I feel like even if the spotlight wasn't on him he couldn't put anything out in Batting Practice and we think that he's going to perform well on the big stage because he's run into a few dingers during live games? That worked out well.

I would like to congratulate Nelson Cruz however on quite the display of power. For someone that has bounced around much of his career it looks like he's going to settle in nicely in the oft-slugging Ranger lineup, following J-Ham's in the order. The guy can rake and I now know why he bats cleanup for such a hard-hitting bunch.

Anyone remember those old HR Derbys on at like 5 o'clock in the friggin morning but had the star studded lineups (ie. Henry Aaron, Duke Snyder, Harmon Killebrew, Say Hey Willy etc)? Anyone still think this could be a HUGE gameshow? This could make a killing, find a remote location that no one knows about it and use the exact same rules…I would however LOVE to be THAT umpire that screams, "1-out, 2 AWAY, 3 Outs."

Stay Tuned



Livestrong, Kicking Ass, and the Dirty Sanchez

Sorry for the lack of posts lately I was busy mixing Gin and Tonic's in my mouth for a weekend. And for those of you wondering that is not a good way to NOT get inebriated. Once I finally started putting something other than Tangueray in my system I'm finally able to blog again...let's see what I got for you'z guys!

Not only does Jon Lester decimate the Royals (see: Definition of Owning)but he is now taking life by the horns and taking a phrase from Patches O'Houlihan, "humping it into submission." If you don't know what I'm talking about check out the Livestrong commercial. Lester throws 8 strong against the Royals firmly re-establishing of the pocket Ace's we have on this team.

Speaking of kicking ass is there a more dominant pitcher in baseball than Josh Beckett over the last 2 months? Well I guess I'll give you Tim Lincecum, but how about anyone that doesn't have the word Freak in their nickname? Answer: NO. Commander Kick Ass needed only 94 pitches to rid KC of a series split on Sunday. Although Halladay is probably going to get the nod for the AL against the aformentioned Freak, Beckett is also VERY deserving of that honor. Tying his fellow Red Sox with 11 victories and being the only two 11-game winners in the AL speaks volumes of how awe-striking the Boston pitching staff has been. Good luck Timmah and CKA (commander kick ass for those not so quick on the uptake.)

When baseball history is made, Boston player or not, you're getting traffic here on BOTN. Jonathan Sanchez of the San Francisco Giants took the hill and did something even the illustrious Tim Lincecum hasn't done yet. Stand on the hill and not give up a hit for nine innings. He also came one error away from throwing a perfect game. To put into perspective the accomplishment that took place this weekend he joins the likes of Nolan Ryan, Randy Johnson, Sandy Koufax of Hall of Fame (calibur) players that have thrown "no-no's". In the same token Ramon Martinez (remember that bad idea?), Kevin (roid-rage) Brown, and some guy named Pud Galvin (had to look that one up) have also thrown No-No's. So where's this budding rookie's career going to take him? Time will tell.

Just as a side note although I have an admitted man crush on Albert Pujols I've got Prince Fielder in the HR Derby tonight...anyone placing bets on Brandon Inge?

Stay Tuned



Don’t Look Now

Don't look now but Dustin Pedroia is heating up.

Don't look now but Wakefield is tied for the Major League Lead in W's

Don't look now but Beckett and Watney Don't Get Along.

Don't look now but David Ortiz is semi quietly returning to form.

Don't look now but Jason Bay's contract price is continuing to go down every at bat during this slump.

Don't look now but Brad Penny could demolish Kimbo Slice in about 2.5 seconds.

Don't look now but Jacoby Ellsbury is leading the Red Sox in batting average.

Don't look now but the play that Daniel Murphy made for the Mets last night was Magic Johnson esque.

Don't look now but Matt Holliday is nothing more than a Right Handed Troy O'Leary outside of Coors Field.

Don't look now but if Roy Halladay goes to the Yankees, it's NOT the end of the world (see: Alex Rodriguez)

Don't look now but if Alex Rios leaves the Jays at the deadline someone is getting one hell of a player.

Don't look now but Kevin Youkilis is striking out at an Adam Dunn like rate recently.

Don't look now but Manny Ramirez is a shell of his former self.

Don't look now but Tim Lincecum owns life.

Don't look now but Mark Kotsay's wife is SMOKIN' HOT!

Stay Tuned



Water Cooler Banter

A co-worker just asked me whom I thought would be more likely to win 20 games this year: Wakefield or Beckett. To me this is a no brainer but to a lesser fan is a legitimate question given the phenomenal start that the two of them have had.

While Wakefield is having a good year (not great, great would be his 1995 start when he opened the year 14-1), history would say he's going to fizzle. The knuckleball has a history of dazzling for 4-5 game stings and then tumbling (not good for a knuckleball) for 4-5 game stints. Also, this would be the first year in 3 years that he has made it through an entire season if he makes it through without injury.

My prediction for Wakefield is that he will top out at around 16-17 wins. Let me be clear that is a FINE season. That being said he could completely defy all odds and win 20 games. At 42, and still effective, he's defying odds every time he toes the rubber. If Wakefield does win 20 games, AND lowers his ERA into the 3's he could also be looking at some hardware (Cy Young Award) come seasons end.

Josh Beckett or "Commander Kick Ass" as my friends over at Surviving Grady call him. Has he ever lived up to that name this season or what? Josh is flat out DOMINATING teams right now. Despite the hiccup in Philly a while back and that one bad inning in Baltimore you don't get much more "Ace-like" than what this Texan is doing right now. He earned his 10th win last night, and I don't see any problem here on out with him making a run for 20.

The reason Beckett gets the nod is that he is younger, healthier, and has better stuff. Not to take anything away from what Wake is doing but Beckett is unconscious right now when he steps out on the mound. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that barring an injury (oblique, I swear to god if you come back…) he's going to win 21 games this year. Hoping that Greinke gives up more than 1 run in his next 15 stars (might be a tall task) he could be en route to his first Cy Young award as well.


Now, how imposing would this be in a 5 or hell a 7 game series in October. Roy Halladay, Josh Beckett, Jon Lester. *nervous giggle* That is almost a guaranteed World Series right there. So what's the holdup? Theo Epstein has a history of holding onto his young talent especially when it comes down to trading for a big name (see: Johan Santana).

What would it take to get Halladay? Well, you can start with Buchholz AND Bowden. That's essentially two high draft picks. Then you're going to need upside players which the Red Sox have. Someone like Nick Hagadone could be thrown in. Prior to his Tommy John surgery he was throwing 97 from the left side and mowing down the opposition. Another player may be a Lars Anderson. He is ranked in the top 5 prospects in the Sox organization that would give them 4 prospects 3 in the top 5 in the organization and the other is in the top 10 (Hagadone). That is some idea of where you could start with him. Now the real question: is it a good idea to "mortgage the farm?"

In most cases it's never good, but the funny thing is IF this trade were to happen another trade would almost be a CERTAINTY. The player involved would HAVE TO be Brad Penny. Although that gargantuan man has been throwing the hell out of the ball lately, Roy Halladay he is not. You need to move Penny to make room for 'Doc' in the rotation. With value never being higher than right now you could be looking at 2 B+ level prospects or an A level prospect in return. People may think I'm crazy for thinking an A Prospect in return but if you're in the thick of a pennant race you could be in Dire Straits, the Brewers and Rangers come to mind. Both teams have solid players in their farm systems and could be likely places for one, Brad Penny. I would even look at the Angels as a sleeper for him.

Do I want Halladay here? Yes. Is it worth the prospects? Yes. He's the best pitcher in baseball and you are guaranteed 7+ innings every time. You don't pencil him in for 7 you write it in with Sharpie and plan your bullpen accordingly.

Stay Tuned



The Legend and The Rook

For years, Nomar Garciaparra was not only a staple in the lineup but the cornerstone of the Red Sox Franchise. When the Sox were bad he was good. When the Sox were good He was great. His name was synonymous with what Red Sox Nation is and always will be. Although he and the media didn't always see eye to eye, (the Nomar Red Line comes to mind), He was a demi-god to the Red Sox and Baseball community and to put it in even more perspective; He is who Tom Brady strives to be.

He lead off an inning (pretty sure the baseball gods helped out on that one), and got a 1-minute 10-second long Standing ovation. In a "For Love of The Game" like moment he acknowledged his fans with multiple tips of the cap and after about 45 seconds even applauded them for their love, loyalty, and faith. It was quite a sight to behold considering I was at the game when Trot Nixon came back to his standing-O and it was only half as long as this uber-All-Star.

Only fitting that he aided in his team's victory going 2-4 with a Ribby. Also he said, "I had this dream that I started and finished my career in a Red Sox uniform, actually I still have that dream." Very strange we may be looking for replacement 3-bagger with 1B versatility. That could be a VERY interesting scenario.

Now, the story that SOMEHOW overshadowed the return of the Legend to Yawkey Way. Brett Anderson. Yes those two words, that name, was the story. That South Paw flat out abused, pillaged, and dominated the Red Sox on a night where they could only muster 2 hits. 2 hits? There are 6 goddamn All-Stars on this team and we get two hits against the Oakland A's? Yes because this kid is the real deal.

Like some sort of space vortex that continues to churn out pitching prospect after pitching prospect, the Athletics have struck gold AGAIN with their youthful rotation this year, and have set themselves up for years to come. Anderson, on Monday, was dotting the corners with his 96 mph fastball, buckling knees with his TWO breaking balls (slide-piece and yakker) and then laughing at Red Sox hitters when he threw his almost unhittable change up. This kid is GOOD.

When looking at this 10 game homestand that goes up to the ASB you would think a minimum of 7 wins would be acceptable now we're gonna need to bust our ass to try to get to .500. And for a team that's playing .700 ball at home, that's not going to get the job done.

Stay Tuned



Disecting Raffy

Rafael Palmeiro came out the day before our Independence Day and still vehemently denied knowingly taking steroids. Maybe it's the optimist in me, but I want to believe this guy. He said he received a "b-12 from a teammate." I'm going to go out on a limb and blatantly point a finger at Miguel Tejada, but, To each his own.

Everyone remembers the testimony of that day and he seemed almost agitated that anyone would even assume that he even knew what steroids were let alone infect his body with something that will hinder his health if he stops using them.

He also went as far as to say that he wishes that the list from '03 would be released because "HE WASN'T ON IT." Wow! If he is that positive (no pun intended) that he isn't on that Scarlet Letter-like list I feel as if the MLBPA owes it to someone who COULD be a HOFer to peruse the options of clearing his 'good name.' Maybe you don't make the list public but how about bringing the Hall of Fame committee list of voters and tell them who was on the list so that this doesn't affect the legacy of certain players.

No one is going to know who was taking what before that but at least you'll have the reassurance that some players, iconic players, are still around and play this game clean.

The other point that I would like to touch on is that I am PETRIFIED of the Tampa Bay Rays. They are coming back with a Herculean like win streak and are the only team in the American League that scares me. Yes, Yankee fans your team is FAR inferior to not just my hometown nine but that expansion team that licked our boots for YEARS. If you can get a bullpen we'll talk but until then you're not slugging your way out of this division.

Stay Tuned



Something In The Water

With two of the more improbable back-to-back comebacks Red Sox Nation is left with a sense of pride and a happy end to a LOOOONG Road trip. I guess I should probably touch on the genocide that the O's put on our bullpen the other night. Only to have Karma come right back and bite them in the ass! Of course I still think we may be winning with the Mother's Day Miracle being replayed every last Sunday in May.

First off, Smoltz, (not that I needed any) But I am completely reassured that he will not only help but be a FORCE to be reckoned with come September and October. This also enables us to not have to use "He Who Shall Not Be Named", and anytime this happens it's a good day/season. I was pretty pissed when the rains came through not just because Smoltz didn't get his win but because after playing baseball for 15+ years in that kind of weather it gives the team who's throat you have a stranglehold on, room to breath. The much needed respite was precisely what those Orange Birds needed.

It was going smoothly but when the diminutive leader Dustin Pedroia took off for the dugout after only two outs (Yes Dustin we play three in this league) the wind was taken right from their sails. I said it aloud in my house when Masterson came back out for the 7th that there is something strange about to happen. And I would say blowing a 9 run lead with 9 outs left to play qualifies as strange.

We threw everyone but the kitchen sink (and by Kitchen Sink I mean Daniel Bard) at them and it was to no avail. That third inning for Masterson was nothing short of Bad News Bearish. Okajima was more like Nagasaki, Saito was Hiroshima, and Papelbon albeit with inherited runners was less than sharp. Tough loss, but have to say we were probably due for a stinker being that no one scores on our bullpen for weeks at a time it seems.

All was atoned for though on Wednesday afternoon, Getaway Day. The O's Rookie Bergeson, well on his way to Rookie of the Month, was not overpowering but the Red Sox (like they always do) made the rookie look like Roy Halladay, who consequently makes everyone look like rookies, but that's neither here nor there. For Eight baffling innings we did almost nothing. Dustin snuck in an RBI in the early going and after that we were praying for his exit from the game.

I'll tell you one thing as a manager if it ain't broke don't fix the damn thing. Bergeson had just eclipsed the century mark in pitches and could have gone one more and EASILY handled getting the win for them. But No, everyone has to get a save. I don't care that he's a rookie. He's a pitcher, let him pitch. He has been stifling the opposition for 8 STRONG innings and you're going to take him out to put in, *ahem* Jim Johnson? WHO THE HELL IS JIM JOHNSON.

Once this happened I knew the Sox were going to win the game. I didn't know how but I knew that this game was going to be going in the W column for the hometown 9. So it was no surprise when they brought in their closer and he had a fit of wildness reminiscent of Greg Vaughn in Major League and then a questionable check swing went their way, all to be topped off by the Woonsocket Rocket fisting a ball just out of the reach of Robert Andino (another WHO THE HELL ARE YOU is warranted here.)

Maybe it's luck. Maybe it's Karma, hell maybe it's just baseball. But something's in the water when these two teams play each other.

Stay Tuned
