
Get the Chopping Block

No coach/manager/GM likes to make cuts but when players are forcing their employer's hands the Boston Red Sox were made to cut a 15 year player in the league. Mike Cameron was designated for assignment and he will not be back with the Boston, yet the Sox are still paying out 3+ million throughout the rest of the year. This signing could go down as the all-around worst signing of the Theo regime. I would put this above Lackey and JD Drew, and right on par with Julio Lugo and Edgar Renteria.

Let's think about everything that went into this signing. A bunch of stat head's told Theo that Cameron's UZR was better than Jacoby Ellsbury's so they tried to justify shifting 'Ells' to left field, and essentially nullifying the one true talent he was blessed with, speed. So you have a 37-year-old (at the time of signing) that just got let go by the Brewers, patrolling one of the largest outfields in baseball, and you've moved the younger 26-year old player to left. Because of this move Jacoby Ellsbury met Adrian Beltre and you lost your leadoff hitter for the entire year. Cameron got injured because, here's a shocker, he's 37 friggin years old, so we lost 2/3 of the starting outfield and were scrambling to play catch up before the beginning of May. I'm all for occasionally throwing shit up against the wall hoping it sticks, but you signed a 37 year old that hadn't produced like he used to in 4 years, for not one but 2 years. Oh, not only 2 years but at 7 million per year. Let's put that into perspective, that's more than Adrian Gonzalez, Dustin Pedroia, Jacoby Ellsbury and Jon Lester have made in each of the last 2 years. Alas, I firmly believe you are worth what someone is willing to pay you.

Coming into this year, Mike Cameron's job was to be a platoon player in right and just rake on lefties this year but he's hitting well below (.143) the Mendoza Line against southpaws and his defense this year hasn't been anything like he's used to. Because of his albatross of a salary, lack of production at the plate, and clearly declining range in the outfield he is the quintessential meaning of "no trade value".

Some people have asked me why you DFA Cameron instead of a lower salaried, non-established player. My answer is that I don't think their done extracting from their roster. I think once Crawford comes back, the corresponding move will be to DFA McDonald as well. Their skill-set was too redundant and neither of them have any value but I would say that the reason you keep Darnell now is that McDonald's defense has been better this year than the Gold Glover's, McDonald has a better track record of producing with limited playing time, and McDonald has a step on the old man if it came down to stealing a base. It basically came down to who has sucked more. After realizing that no one AT ALL would take on any part of a dead 3+ million dollars it made sense to cut ties. For some reason his pride says that he can/should still be a starter in this league (his bat speed disagrees, ZING!) and on this team he is not going to get his desired playing time.

Going forward the Red Sox still have needs and issues in Right Field, potentially Shortstop, the starting rotation, and a late inning power reliever.

  • Looks can be deceiving but from 2007-2010 Drew has actually been one of the most productive Right fielders in the game. But in 2011 he has been one of the worst. To the point, where the Red Sox production in right field between Drew, Cameron and McDonald is last in Major League Baseball. However, conflicting reports about the Red Sox ability to add payroll if needed at the deadline. And for the first time I can't say that I blame them with regards to right field. Ownership just this year had 21 million dollars invested in right field between Drew and Cameron and I doubt they feel comfortable allocating any more funds to that black hole. This player will probably be right handed. The names that are surfacing are Michael Cuddyer (his versatility makes this a great move if they could), Josh Willingham ( This would cost more in prospects than Cuddyer because of the lower salary, but he can hit), and Ryan Spillborghs (I'd rather catch AIDS).

  • Jed Lowrie's shoulder appears to be worse than expected and his annual inability to not keep himself on the field really is starting to become a burden for his career and this team. I don't think Marco Scutaro can be the SS for a World Series winning team. I think you may see a move here whether it's calling up 'The Kid' or making a move for a SS not named Jose Reyes.

  • Bobby Jenks' health and ineffectiveness must be weighing on Theo's mind. So much so that he needs another reliever and I think this solution comes internally. When Buchholz comes back presumably after the All-Star Break you have a logjam in the rotation with Beckett, Buchholz, Lester, Lackey, Wakefield, Miller. I think Miller moves into the pen and spot starts occasionally if someone needs rest or gets injured and then you have two power lefties with Morales and Miller. Wakefield's value is not out of the 'pen it is eating innings as a starter. Lackey is a mental midget and if you put him in the bullpen you will lose him for the rest of the year, and probably for the duration of his contract.

One of the final things that has been stuck in my craw lately is the constant bitching, woe is me garbage they are doling out in their interviews with regards to interleague play. Kevin Youkilis saying, "It's not fair that we have to play without our DH". When Papi isn't hitting, this isn't a big deal, but all of a sudden he starts hitting again, and we need to "pump his tires" like he's Ted goddamn Williams. Please. The Boston Red Sox are not at a disadvantage against ANY TEAM. It is the rules. For 9 games in a row the DH can't play, its part of your schedule, it has been for 14 years, deal with it. The constant whining is not becoming as a player and I don't like it as a fan. The whole Gonzalez to right field debate (if we had a workable right fielder) shouldn't have been up for discussion. You keep the AL MVP at first base, and you tell David to sit on the bench till the 7th, 8th or 9th when you will pinch hit every game. That's what should have happens. The constant Ortiz fellatiating is really getting tiresome. Thanks for '04 and you're still an important member of the team, but when the rules say that you're "position" isn't allowed to play that day, then shut your jib, and ride the pine until the manager says to swing a stick. Rant done.

Stay Tuned



  1. Enjoyed this post. Agree with pretty much everything you have said here. I would Like to add another reason that could put the Mike Cameron signing at the top of the Theo crap heap of FA signing, kind of a ball rolling down hill effect....cause we all know, theo sucks during free agency, but is a magician when it comes to wheeling and dealing on the trade wire. In the offseason that Cameron was signed, there was another, i'll be it only slightly more talented....wink wink....Right Handed OF bat available.....heard of this guy Matt Holliday? Think he wouldnt have like putting dents into the monster? Or flicking 311' HR over it? But no, theo's reluctance to go above 5 yrs on a contract left Holliday on the back burner...so instead, he thinks "I'll go low yrs, more value there...something will come up later".....Hence the Mike Cameron Signing. AND, being that he is in a huge market with millions of eyes looking over his shoulder, he NEEDS to get a big signing done that offseason....eh hem, John "Mouth Breather" Lackey, center stage please....They put the numbers / yrs out there to Lackey and he ripped it out of their hands before they even had a chance to feel the paper between their fingers...he wasnt stupid, even though the evidence weighs against him, he knew NO one else was going offer that kind of contract for a middle of the rotation SP. The ball keeps rolling....Holliday would have signed for about 15 million a season (a deal compared to Crawford).....then you have a legit Right Handed power bat in LF, know any teams that need a RH bat in their lineup right now? BUT since they spend a BILLION dollars on Lackey to be part of their rotation, now a slightly less dominant SP, Cliff Lee, comes on the FA wire... He chose Philly over the Yanks because he wanted to win....think he would have thought he could win in Boston? Now the sox cant get into the mix because their rotation is locked up 1-4 with big money players, and the sox NEED a bat.....Over pay for Crawford......Does the ball ever stop rolling?

    So, if Theo had been willing to go 8 yrs on a young right handed power hitting OF 2 years ago, still making the A-Gon Trade, which had nothing to do with any FA signing...here is a look at what the sox lineup could have been...

    1. Ells
    2. Laser Show
    3. A-Gon
    4. Holliday
    5. Ortiz
    6. Youk
    7. Salti
    8. Scutaro/Whoever at SS
    9. Drew/Reddick

    1. Lester
    2. Beckett
    3. Lee
    4. Bucholtz
    5. Insert a SP

    I dont know what you think, but both the lineup and rotation look a lot better with Holliday / Lee respectively.....I mean come on theo, the waiting game only ends up in bad signing....let this 2 year snowball effect be the evidence.

    Casey O

  2. It actually is striking how poor his FA signing track record has become other than lightning in a bottle (see what I did there with the steroid entendre) with Ortiz his track record has been a little less than stellar.

    I made it quite clear that Matt Holliday would have been a beast in Fenway, but I'm not sure if the Gonzalez deal gets done if you have Matt Holliday unless you give up Kalish. The Sox first round draft pick that next year was Reymond Fuentes and we would have had to give that pick up for compensation for signing Holliday. Not saying that Holliday wouldn't be worth it, but then you have a "RF of the future" issue.

    The thing with The Mouth Breather is that those flashes of brilliance (see Philly the other night) is why they signed him, he has the capability to be a big game pitcher. Which leads me to his mental capacity to not be able to handle his off field issues. And while I wouldn't want to have to deal with my wife getting cancer or anything when you're a professional athlete the field is your sanctuary and you can get away from your problems for a while you have to use that vehicle and put everything else on the backburner. He's merging the two and I'm not sure that's Boston is a suitable environment for him to be successful.

    Going forward SS and RF are probably going to be positions that end up being home grown because you can't have that many 15+ million dollar players on the same team. Especially if they are low risk high reward types. Although I think Andre Ethier would be an Adrian Gonzalez type BEAST in RF his potential salary will prohibit that.

    PS Love that you penciled in Laser Show into your lineup.
