
How do you know when you’ve had a bad day?

So here on the Seacoast in the big town of New Hampshire it is a windy day. I will even go out on a limb and call it downright blustery. I'm not sure the exact criteria to qualify for gale force winds but let's just say, Shit was turbulent.

Have you ever just watched and marveled at the stupidity of people. It's one of my favorite pastimes. Some people collect bottle caps, Tiger Woods pounds vag, I watch and make fun of stupid people. Well when I decided to leave a local eatery (he says wiping the Baconator off his mouth) I noticed a man probably mid 20's with a painting ensemble on. And being a former painter I did NOT envy him on these days where the wind is legitimately blowing harder than any Helen Hunt movie. But he's out there watching papers blow by at a pretty disgusting clip, and you can tell he's thinking, "Goddamn this shit is moving pretty fast."

So naturally what do you think this bonehead did next? He spits this Ace Ventura like load straight into the wind and we all know what happens. That shit hit him STRAIGHT IN THE FACE. I'm talking some like Family Double Dare, Pie in the Face, D in the A embarrassment and you're probably thinking, "I hope you offered him a hanky." Nope I pointed, laughed and nearly fell off the curb doubled over in laughter. It was the ultimate face scrape of shame while he was trying to squeegee the saliva and mucus off of his face. Classic.

On a baseball note, Jon Lester, HEEEEEEEEEEE'S BAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKK. He clearly already turned his calendar to May when he railed Toronto with a donkey punch yesterday to the tune of 1 hit through 7 innings. He is locked in now. I'm proclaiming it. He found his sea legs and now will be going on one of those runs that separates the men from the boys, as he carves up opposing lineups. Look out world Lester is back with his fucking stick, or arm.

So I've been thinking and I may have to eat some words. No not the public disfiguring of Manny DelCarmen that still stands true. But the whole not being on Clay Buchholz bandwagon brigade has set sail. I did agree that it was his spot not Wakefield's when they moved the knuckler to the 'pen, but Clay Buchholz is coming into his own. I think he has figured it out. For the first time EVER in any of his starts that I've seen him without that 'deer in the headlights' look and had a 'watch me fuck you with this baseball' look and I've never been so horny just thinking about it. This was never more evident than when Adrian "huge swing tiny testes" Beltre had a bootsie and Buchholz picked him up to get through the 8th inning. If this is what the Sox were so patiently waiting for I think they have finally hit pay dirt. I stand corrected if he is going to throw like he has his last two starts out for the rest of the season and I could honestly seeing him be a 15 game winner this year!

Stay Tuned


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