
Attention V-Mart Shoppers

If I could load audio files onto this friggin thing there would be a quick snip-it from Staind's "Been a While" at the inception of this post but a simple, "What's cookin' probably never gonna be good lookin?" is going to have to do.

So I hear a certain big-name, switch hitting, middle of the order, catcher just left Beantown for Motown and everyone just as soon jump off the Tobin instead of thinking this through and look at what has already been put before us. Before I get into the provisions that make this non-move by the Sox acceptable let's look at the reports on what happened with negotiations.

First off, let me say, THE SOX DIDN'T WANT HIM, IF THEY WANTED HIM THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN AGGRESSIVE (see Matsuzaka Daisuke, Drew JD, and Lackey John). This is not only evidenced by their pedestrian attempt in re-signing him but the paltry offer of 2 years 22 million they offered him in season. It should be noted that if I were Martinez I would be offended by this offer and the corresponding 3 year 36 mil and 4 year 42 million dollar deals from a big market club.

Despite the progress(and it was noticeable) that he made throughout the season on his pop-times to second base or any base for that matter, it was like watching Johnny Damon behind the dish and although they won't admit it, it put undue stress on the pitchers especially Buchholz. When your pitchers have ABSOLUTELY no faith in the arm behind the plate subconsciously they are going to think about trying to make a more perfect pitch, they are going to throw more fastballs in order to get the ball to the plate quicker for the catcher and in turn become much easier to hit because of the overabundance of fastballs.

Detroit has lots of money right now and was very aggressive, as they were with signing Joaquin Benoit last week. The owner wants to win now, and since he is majority owner of all 4 of the major sports in Detroit and the other three leagues have pretty stringent salary caps all of his surplus of funds can go into the Tigers. According to sources from a Venezuelan outlet:

"Serrano reported that Martinez was offered four years and $48 million from the Orioles and three years and $48 million from the White Sox. Why he would take $12.5 million a year from Detroit and pass up $16 million a year from Chicago isn't clear."

If you'll notice that he passed up almost 4 million dollars it's clear that it's contingent on him catching for the duration or for most of the length of his contract, which is clearly not what the Red Sox had in mind…And if you can honestly say you want to see how slow he is to second base 3 to 4 years from now, then you clearly don't deserve to be reading this blog.

So Now what? I'll also say that if they go into the season and don't make a splash in some way in the free agent market, my stance on Martinez leaving changes considerably. I am also resigned to the fact that Beltre is gone as well…So now you need to replace 45-50 HRs and 150-175 RBI. That's not going to be easily done, but there are a couple things you could do:

I personally, am satisfied with Saltalamacchia behind the plate, but if you're not and you think he should be the backup there are options and I think they go in this order.

  1. You could talk Bengie Molina out of retirement (he loves 1-year deals so that shouldn't be an issue if he wants to still play). Historically he has hit well at Fenway Park.


    BOS- 33 32 128 118 5 17 .288 .323 .492 .814 58.276 125

  2. They've had interest in Miguel Olivo, and he could be another mentor type until "Salty" is ready to take the reigns
  3. Mike Napoli, he's expendable out in Anaheim but if you are going to trade for him you're going to sign him to a multi-year deal as to protect the investment you've spent with minor leaguers.

You need to remember this with Saltalamacchia though, they have coveted him (Theo specifically) so much so they almost traded him for Buchholz straight up. He is most likely going to be the backstop of the future for the Sox, the only question is whether the future is now, or next year? I believe it's this year. And for those who think that Atlanta doesn't get rid of many can't miss prospects (that is a pretty fair point) but at the time he was one of the centerpieces of a MARK TEIXEIRA trade! The Braves had Brian McCann in their pipeline and therefore deemed Jarrod an unproven commodity.

Now that the catching situation is resolved let's look at the middle of the lineup. Well, right now I'd rather not look at it. That being said it's my job to fix it and if you are to take the Ownership by their word, ("We will make a big free agent signing, an impact trade, and improve the bullpen") and I will for one more offseason until I start pointing fingers I think it could go something like this:

I would classify Adam Dunn as a big name free agent. I could see a deal where you pay him more than he may be worth to play 1B for only 2011 and then you make him the DH after 2011 when Ortiz has moved on. You pay him like a first basemen even though he's playing DH, that's what he's been worried about with regards to his upcoming deal. I say Adam Dunn because you need to keep the balance in your lineup so I your losing a lefty (Martinez) you need to replace him. I also could see them doing the exact same thing they did with Adrian Beltre, with Carlos Pena. Let him re-establish his value on a one year deal in a hitter's park (who consequently is moving the right field fence in) and play spectacular defense and then make a big splash after 2011 on Adrian Gonzalez, Albert Pujols, or Prince Fielder.

This isn't the only thing that needs to be done. You've still got a hole to fill and that's in left field. The answer isn't Carl Crawford, it has to be a righty to keep with the balance theme. I UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WOULD EVER SIGN JAYSON WERTH. He is a late bloomer and has an injury history, NO THANKS!. You need to make a trade. This is where it's time to cash in all those prospects. The only prospect that I do NOT trade is Jose Iglesias, everyone else is available for the right deal. You need to look at a righty with power that can hit 6 in your lineup. I WISH it would be Ryan Braun, more so because the nickname The Hammerin Hebrew sounds like a porn stars nickname, but I just don't see him being available even if we gave him every prospect in our system, but if a deal is to be had than it needs to get done.. But another couple names that could be interesting would be:

  • Andrew McCutcheon- I could be completely be completely off base but if you wanted him you could have him by giving Pittsburgh pitching prospects (Doubront and another) and an OFer that projects well in the big leagues. Ryan Kalish, Jacoby Ellsbury or someone like that in the Sox System.
  • Justin Upton- You'd have to blow the Diamondbacks away, but when you have a player who's career OPS at his age is in line with players like Albert Pujols, Mickey Mantle and Miguel Cabrera you get that deal done if possible.
  • Michael Cuddyer- He's older than the other guys, but I'm wondering if you could maybe do a Beckett or Lackey Swap for him? The Twins are desperately in need of pitching if they ever want to get out of the first round. And the players are both of comparable age and salary. Possible, maybe?
  • Carlos Quentin- The White Sox are always wheeling and dealing I'm not sure what they would need/want but I wonder I he could be had?

I'm not saying that any of these things WILL happen, but if they did, then it would make the loss of Martinez a little more palatable. They have another 4.5 months until the start of the 2011 season and 40 million to spend and many potentially moveable pieces. Anyone that thinks that this team won't be improved somehow is mistaken, but let it be known if they go into the season with Mike Cameron as a starter and don't make a splash in free agency, this will go down as one of the biggest shams, and Shit Shows in Boston history. Rest assured there will be a blog about that too, fact not opinion.

Stay Tuned
